
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Guard Duty- Wordless Wednesday


  1. Oh, how funny! Made me smile. You have a great day Janet!

  2. Now that's a different picture. LOL
    Trying to get around and read posts again - get back in the swing of things!

  3. It took me a minute to figure this one out but I finally got it. Doggie sitting on steps sideways. My one cat always turns before the last step and goes through the spindles... Newton, looks mighty comfy!

  4. He works on shift?... haha ... nice shot!

    ~ bangchik

  5. Thanks Tatyana! It makes me smile whenever I see a nose and a leg or two through the rails.
    RainGardener, Glad to see you back again....stay well!
    Skeeter, You are something!! Either you checked back to see Newton's name or you remembered from a previous post!! you rock :-)
    Bangchik- He is always on alert. This afternoon he was out front with me (and the dogs) and he found something under the gardenia bush...I thought it was a bunny or something. Turned out to be a snake!! I think it was a Kingsnake. They eat voles and moles so I am happy, just don't like being surprised by one.

  6. Great picture! Brought a smile and he looks so comfy.

  7. Glad you enjoyed it Beckie, when he was little he fit on the step, now he hangs over the edge!

  8. These are truly some beautiful blooms. My hydrangeas are not yet in bloom as it has been cold here in SW Ohio where we live.

    I did begin a blog, the other day, about the flowers that bloom here and opened it to the public. If you are interested.

    Our Flower Pot

  9. You are a bloggin' guy Abe. I will check it out.

  10. Hey, cousin Newton! Great pose!
    Play bows,

  11. AoF- He loves to lay like that!
    Racquel--He's a sweetie.


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