
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A few garden sections

Groundcover section including Trellis

New Dawn Rose, Red Carpet Rose, Clematis Ruupel, Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon', Pratia pedunculata "County Park", and Mitchella repens (partridgeberry) (blooming under Wild Ginger (Asarum)

Kalmia latifolia, Mountain Laurel, native azaleas, red Rhododendron

Wildlife Garden with the following blooms- verbena bonariensis, Asclepias tuberosa, Penstemon digitalis, Itea virginiana 'Little Henry', Larkspur, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Oenothera fruticosa, common milkweed, Calla lily, Yellow-eyed Grass( Sisyrinchium californicum), oriental lily

One plant I forgot to include in the collage-- Fire Pink (Silene virginica) not sure how I could forget this beauty!


  1. everything is looking so pretty !
    I have never seen Fire Pink it is beautiful.
    hugs, Cherry

  2. Thanks Cherry. The Silene virginica is a native to our area, though not seen often. Love the bright color!

  3. Hi Janet, beautiful collages of the flowers. Is the specked one the Kalmia, Mountain Laurel? It looks wonderful!
    I'm going to try and post today after being sick, then well, then sick again. LOL But trying to get around a little to say hi to a few first after being gone.

  4. Rain Gardener- Yes the speckled one is the Mountain Laurel. Should have been better at IDing each bloom.

  5. Beautiful collages!Our larkspurs are just starting to bloom, can't wait to see the result!

  6. I wish I knew all the names of flowers, especially wild flowers. I do pretty well with the birds and appreciate that you visited My Birds Blog.

    I got a new blog. If you don't get offended by things like a child's fascination with cuss words or with expressions kids make that moms and pops don't know about, you might get a chuckle out of my new blog, "Bing-it."

  7. Dave, I love the Larkspurs -- they are so colorful this time of year. I always forget to seed them in my garden in the fall.
    Abe, thanks for visiting. I am always learning the names of new plants. Life is a learning experience. I will check out your new blog-- I am not easily offended.

  8. Your plants are all beautiful, Janet, but I really love that red rhododendron. The adore that raspberry colour.

  9. The collages are a wonderful way to view the garden! So pretty and colorful!

  10. Nancy, I will try to find out the name of the Rhododendron, I know it was just planted, so should be available.

    Skeeter, thanks. There are so many blooms that I want to show, so the collage makes it easy to do.

  11. Beautiful!
    And those Firepinks...I've been wanting some here for quite some time. I just love them!

  12. Glad you liked the Fire Pinks Kylee. Nice plant to have.

  13. I have never heard of fire pink before, but it sure deserves its own giant picture! Beautiful!


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