
Monday, June 1, 2009

Learning Garden Blooms May 2009

The York County Learning Garden May blooms

Smaller collages to follow...grouped by garden section.


  1. Very beautiful -- love the Crocs! :)

  2. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see smaller vignettes;-) Love the croc's!!!

  3. Now that's a the May bloom footwear.

  4. Nice collage and beautiful blooms!

  5. Jan, Darla, Dirt Princess-- thanks for coming by. Glad you all enjoyed the fancy footwear! :-D More blooms to come.

  6. Hi Janet! I like collages! This one shows lovely blooms and foliage, too. The crocs bring a smile!

  7. Beautiful & colorful blooms in the Learning Garden this past month Janet. Your bright orange & yellow crocs were cute too. ;)

  8. That's a beautiful collage Janet. Like everyone else, I'm drawn to the footwear! I wear Crocs around the garden too (red ones) ~ they are so comfortable and easy to clean. Love the yellow & orange colors.

  9. Thanks Kathleen, I have to admit I wasn't going to include the croc pictures, forgot they were in the shuffle until the collage was set! oops! Seems like they are well liked all over.


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