
Friday, April 17, 2009

April Blooms in the Learning Garden

Good afternoon to all-- I went back to the Learning Garden this morning with fresh batteries in my camera to capture some of the wonderful blooms that are opening in the Learning Garden. I took so many photos today that I ended up doing multiple collages. If you want to see the smaller ones I am posting you just need to click on the photo. The top photo is a combo of colors.

The colors range from dark red to light pink to pale yellow to lavender to blue. It is really quite a show.

This coming May 2nd the Learning Garden will be having a plant sale from 9 AM to Noon. I know many of those who read this blog are not from this area, but if you are- please come! I will be there, ask for the Queen of Seaford or the Plant Doctor and you will be directed to my table. Would love to say hi!

We offer tours throughout the summer months. Every month is a new show of blooms. Would love to show off the garden to you!

With all this promotion for the Learning Garden, I will want you all to know this coming week we will be in South Carolina getting some of our plans firmed up. Hope to be able to have access to a computer off and on. Have a great week everyone.


  1. Have a very safe and wonderful trip to SC. Don't forget your shovel to check your soil:)

    The learning garden must be wonderful. Wish I lived close by so I could visit. Maybe Racquel and Les will visit?

  2. Good luck with your upcoming events.

  3. Thanks Tina! You know I will be checking how soil and light and all sorts of garden issues.
    Mothernaturesgarden- thanks so much. Come back and visit.

  4. Bountiful & Beautiful blooms Janet! I've marked my calendar for the Plant Sale on May 2nd, see you there. Can't wait to meet you & maybe add some new things to my own garden. I just can't resist a plant sale, lol. :)

  5. Lovely collages. No wonder you couldn't stop taking pictures. I think the blue was my favorite.

  6. Gosh what awesome collages. You can really blend the colors. Wish I could make it to the plant sale.

    I got to go look at the map again and I wonder if you are passing my way as you go to 'the lake'. Have you started to call it that? Have fun and I hope the trip is productive.

  7. Racquel I am so excited you are going to stop by!!! If you are coming for plants (as well as saying hi) come early! One year we were sold out (almost) by 10 AM.
    K & V- I keep going back and forth as to a favorite-- I am partial to purple/ lavendar colors.
    Anna- thanks, I don't feel as though I blended the colors as much as Mother Nature provided the palette.
    Not sure of the route we are taking to 'the lake'. (Yes we say that). There are a couple of corridors to take- rt. 85 & rt. 95 being the two most direct.

  8. The collages are great! It would be such fun to meet face-to-face, sorry I won't be able to make it all the way from Washington. Good luck.

  9. Sorry I won't be in Virginia! Good luck with your sale.

    Your photos are absolutely beautiful. I was in the country this weekend near Natural Gardener's place. There is a huge pink dogwood in the country yard. Wish I had had time to take photos. We gave it to my mother in law for Mother's day in 1991. Now it is quite tall and full.

  10. I hope you are getting your plans together here in SC. It has been a very beautiful weekend to be here.

    Thanks for putting me on your blog list!

  11. HI VW- I guess from Washington State to here is a 'bit' of a trip. Would be fun to have you here. Hope you are feeling better.
    LHR- Thanks! This is such a pretty time of year. We are heading your way tomorrrow. Couldn't do business on the weekend, so we have a lot of appointments early in the week. Hope the weather continues to be nice.

  12. Beautiful photos! I hope you'll take lots of pictures as the season progresses. And let us know if you find some treasures at the plant sale. :)

  13. Hope you have a safe trip home.


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