
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nothing Could Be Finer.....

Than to be in Carolina, in the morning. Hi everyone! We are back from our trip to the future homesite. Many plans were made and decisions were finalized. It was a very fruitful trip. One of the things I found in South Carolina growing all over was this crimson clover -Trifolium incarnatum. It was gorgeous.

Another flower that was growing all over was this sweet little blue flower. Anyone know what this is? The wind was blowing so photos were hard.

Our lot was a great deal different than last we saw March! There are more hardwoods than I remembered. We have dogwoods dappled through the lot. Hopefully we will be able to keep many of them. The house will have to be sighted in the right place and then septic dug and of course a driveway. So no telling how many of the trees will be still there. I have told the builder of my tree hugging tendencies.

We have many Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata, which are new to me. Interesting trees. This was taken with the camera phone-- not as clear as other photos. Many Water Oaks, Quercus nigra, various white oaks- not sure of the variety. Trees are not my forte, but I am trying to ID what I can. There are also a lot of Winged Elm,Ulmus alata. These reseed easily so there a lot of little ones.

Through the trees you can see my husband standing about where the house will sit. We have a lot of poison ivy -- oops. There are Virginia Creeper vines, Parthenocissus quinquefolia (in addition to the poison ivy) some honeysuckle..though I didn't see blooms, so not sure what kind.

The last photo...for today, is some lady standing down by the water line. We have about a four foot drop right by the water, then gentle slope up to the street. You can see how much undergrowth there is.


  1. How very very exciting for you!! To be able to see your lot in its native state is a real boon. Can't wait to see how it all plays out. I bet it will be splendid! Love those shagbarks. They grow well here too. Mostly riverbottoms it seems.

  2. Hi Janet! Your lot looks so attractive: lots of trees, water... What could be more exciting than building your own house! When we built our house 5 years ago, I found a big hole in the ground that they were going to fill with dirt. I jumped in front of the earth-mover and saved that hole that now hosts my compost pile! You look around, lady! I don't doubt that a garden is one of your priorities there, isn't it?
    P.S. Janet, sorry, it's me who deleted a previous comment. You can use a Delete feature and remove that sign, please do.Thanks.

  3. What a exciting prospect of building a new home & discovering the vegetation on your lot. Hope you are able to save most of those trees.

  4. Tina, it was really amazing to see all the growth! Forgot to mention the fireants.. :-( ugh! Looking forward to seeing it again in August.
    Tatyana- I talked a long time with my landscaper to let him know my desires. I know a lot will be saved. He is even going out before the clearing and tagging trees for me.
    Racquel- It is my hope as well. Have a couple of tall tulip poplars on the edge of the property that will be really nice. Will be keeping all updated.

  5. Lovely!
    I've got "Crimson and clover, over and over" stuck in my head. :)

  6. I love new beginnings.

  7. You'd better get that lady off your property, or she's going to want to move into your house....

    Your new neighbors are wonderful! And no kudzu--yeah!

  8. KZK- gotta love ear worms! Crimson and clover ......
    mothernature- This is certainly a new land, new house, new location... we don't know anyone there, well, now we have met a couple of folks, but still...truly a new beginning.
    Daffodil- Yeah, that 'some lady' is a lot grayer and a lot heavier in the picture than I thought! ;-0

  9. That is exciting news...Janet...The photo looks like Blue Eyed Mary or Colinsia...check the images in google to see...It is a winter annual and will seed itself about. It's cutie pie...but the winds have made it tough to get a good look! gail

  10. Janet -- it looks very exciting! Woodlands are so beautiful and you've got a water front property!


  11. Glad to see your priorities are straight - planning the garden and ID-ing the existing landscape, before the house is built. I love SC and lived outside of Charleston for about 3 years. It is like another country down there.

  12. Gail, thanks for the info on the little blue flower. I did google it and that isn't it. It is close, but I still can't figure it out. The bloom looks like a Mazus bloom, on a long slender stem. ?!?!
    Cameron, thanks, the woodlands are really pretty. We enjoy being on water (as long as it stays out of the house--high tides are not nice)
    Les, but of course I have my priorities straight!! :-) I do hope the trees can be saved. (though I think all of the sweet gums were very sickly...) South Carolina is very nice. This will be the furthest south I've lived.

  13. You're going to have such a nice place. I love your trees and creek. I hope you'll keep us apprised of your progress. This will be fun.

  14. Thanks Grace, the lake will be a nice place to live. Eventually we will get a boat to explore around the lake. I will keep everyone up to date on all developements.

  15. The setting is so nice... the lake and the woods ... everything is about right. ~ bangchik

  16. Thanks bangchik, I think we will like it there. Being on the water is pleasant.

  17. Janet what a beautiful lot! I would just be beside myself with anxiety during the wait.
    My cursor sliped and I sailed by the title but out of the corner of my eye I thought it said 'Nothing Could Be Better' and in my mind I thought 'Nothing Could Be Finer Than To Be In Carolina' then when I scrolled back up I saw that was what you had written. Of course I had to play your Jolson song. What a neat idea to add that to your post. I've been toying with the idea of putting one on my blog with my oldies.
    Great Post!

  18. thanks Raingardener-- I like the songs being on the blog when it fits with what I am writing about. Music makes me happy. Glad you didn't miss the post and that you listened to the song. :-D

  19. Oh wow, what a beautiful, peaceful place to live! How exciting for you!

  20. I really do love it. The pines look so soft and it is just a truly wonderful location. The river looks clean and inviting.

    I'm glad you had a good time and got a lot done. I was sure hoping you would. We do have to get together on your route back and forth. You just might come in hollering distance of my house.

    So glad you got home safely.

  21. Hi Ginger, thanks, we are looking forward to it.
    Anna, It is a very nice place--lots of activities on the water. We did get a lot done, will be going back in August. Let me know when to holler on the road and we can visit.


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