
Friday, March 27, 2009

Standoff with a Fish

It is a dreary foggy day, nothing much going on….so I thought. I got the “Osprey alert” phone call from Kim. Up in one of the pine trees in the backyard was an osprey. He had a fish and was settling down to eat it. Kim couldn’t get a good shot of him from her yard, but she wanted us to know it was there. I got out my camera and took some pictures. He was busy eating.

After cropping the photos and emailing them to the kids and Kim, I got out the binoculars. It was interesting to watch him up in the tree as he ate. He started fluffing up his feathers and I wondered why… thinking maybe he was digesting what he had just eaten. I moved the binoculars aside and there was the reason for the defensive position! A Great Blue Heron had landed on the next branch. They were having a standoff. This lasted for a little while…long enough for more photos. Think Kim may have some of this as she was out in her yard at this point.

Finally the Heron flew off and the Osprey got back to his meal. All of a sudden, out of the blue, there was a Bald Eagle. I couldn’t believe it!! He chased off the Osprey and then settled in a pine tree next door!! Again I tried to get a good shot, but to no avail. Here is what I did get. He ended up getting chased off by a Mockingbird. As I turned to come back in the house three Canada Geese flew overhead. (Sorry no pictures of that)

So a busy day in the world of nature in my backyard!!!

UPDATE!! Here are some photos from Kim---


  1. That is really awesome. I don't use that word very much, but it sure fits here.

  2. Thank you so much for this... a truly refreshing vision!

  3. What a day, Janet!! You captured a great shot of the bald eagle! Living at the edge of the water you do get quite an interesting variety of critters! I laughed when I read about the mockingbird!

  4. AoF- Thanks, it was awesome.
    Alice Joyce- It was truly an incredible afternoon.
    Jan- thanks, I wish the light was a bit better on the eagle. I kept walking closer to the tree he was in, realizing just how big a bald eagle really is! That mockingbird was pretty funny.
    Tina- Thanks, it was an interesting day.
    Phillip- I guess this weather we have been having is conducive to good fishing in the creek- from otters to bald eagles!

  5. It appears the fowl in your parts are hungry--all this competing for food. They're probably nesting too aren't they? It's always nice to witness a bit of nature in action.

  6. Kim and Victoria- It is fun. We are sure looking up more often, never know what is in the tree over your head.
    Grace- It is amazing the size of the fish they are getting too! Hard to imagine when the tide sometimes pulls the water out to have zero in here. I know where there are a few osprey nests, but I haven't seen the bald eagles at all.

  7. Your backyard is a regular wildlife habitat on a daily basis Janet. Great pics! :)

  8. Janet, what wonderful pictures! I can't believe the birds you have in your area. I didn't know Osprey were in Va. I have only seen them in Florida-but then I'm not very well traveled. :) I love your river otters too. And your pictures of the learning garden are fabulous. Enjoyed your posts and will be make often to visit.

  9. Racquel- It is like watching a nature show.
    Beckie- Thanks for visiting. We have a wide variety of wildlife in our area.

  10. I love the standoff between two beautiful birds! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  11. Thanks Ginger. It was an interesting exchange.

    Thank you for sharing that. My son is a big fishing fan and he loved this photo.

    Happy Spring from my garden in the Midwest.

  13. Thanks Bren. Given the size of the creek it is amazing to see the size of the fish that we have.

  14. Oh My Goodness! What drama in your trees! The bald eagle is magnificent, but the tenacious mockingbird the winner takes all? I love it! The photos are fabulous, thanks for showing us the wildness in the trees.

  15. Good morning Frances- What drama indeed! I think there was a mockingbird's nest nearby. When the Bald Eagle flew away from where I took the photo, he first looked down at me!! That is one BIG bird! The osprey seemed to have kept the fish as he flew off (although we have on occasion found a dead fish in the front yard).

  16. I want to live where you live!!! Oh what a thrill to see all of that wildlife! Amazing!

  17. Thanks Robin! Some days are pretty quiet and then others are action packed!

  18. I was thinking so many things listening to this story. For goodness sake--are you resting today? I'd have to take a nap after all that.

    Tomorrow you'll be filming bear and a rare white tiger sighting. Right in your backyard otter/hippo playland.

    It is really cool. I love that they can all swim, fly, and play in a natural setting like that. Great photos.

  19. Anna, you crack me up! rare white tiger...doesn't everyone have some in their garden! :-D My dear friend in New York lives near Harriman State Park and she does have bear in her backyard! Yikes!

  20. I just read your update to this post and wanted to say what outstanding photos your friend captured of that Eagle with the fish!! In the tree holding it...and flying with it, that is a difficult shot to capture. I still haven't snapped any good 'fast moving' shots!

  21. Thanks Jan, I am glad you came back to see Kim's photos. She does an amazing job.


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