
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do You See What I See?

Do you see what I see? Look closely. I saw one this morning. He was pretty busy diving in and out and around the marsh grasses. Now that I have you looking closely…how many do you see? (four)

We have river otters that swim in our creek. I think we had lived here for more than ten years before we saw one. It was pretty spectacular with the first sighting as there were four of them. First we heard some chirping…loud chirps. It certainly didn’t sound like any birds that we have had out here. There was a lot of commotion in the water. Something was churning it up and moving quite quickly. It turned out to be three pups, swimming around and crying for their mother. She finally swam up to them and the four swam around for a long time.

We see the otters very occasionally and the alert goes through the neighbors…Otter alert!! As I said at the start, I saw one this morning. He was in the branch of the creek that runs by my bird feeders and bulkhead. As he was swimming close to the bulkhead I wasn’t sure if it was an otter or a cormorant. Finally he surfaced. I was hoping for more than one, but this guy was out solo today. I called my neighbor Kim, the one with the great camera, so see if she could get a shot. Unfortunately he was quick to retreat …so these great shots are from other times that Kim was able to catch one or more of them.


  1. Great shots! How fun it must be to watch them splash about in the creek.

  2. It is fun Racquel. After I posted this I had to take the dogs outside. I had no idea there was an osprey fighting over a fish with a bald eagle!! I called Kim really fast. In the blink of an eye the fish was dropped and both birds took off. They were about 20 feet above the creek. Rainy days must be good fishing.

  3. As I was reading, I was thinking how cool that second photo is. It would probably win a contest~~ the horizontal water waves contrasting this little living, breathing lump defying the water's surface. I love the "Otter alert." :)

  4. I love all the little snooters sticking up in the first picture!!! What fun!

  5. How thrilling it must be to observe the otters! They are such lively fun looking creatures with such a playful looking attitude. I could spend hours upon hours watching them in their daily activities. They are so neat to watch eat while floating on their backs. How lucky you are to have otters around you…

  6. It would be fun to be able to watch the otters frolic around in the water. How wonderful!

  7. I see hours of entertainment there for you.

  8. Grace- I will share your comment with Kim. She really does a great job with the photos.
    KZK- Little snooters indeed! they are so cute.
    Skeeter- They are lots of fun to watch. They are a bit skittish so if we go outside they are likely to swim off.
    Tina-It is fun, they are interesting creatures.
    Keewee- It is a good thing they are here for short bits of time before they swim off to another area, I wouldn't get much done.

  9. What a great blessing to be able to see these creatures. Several years ago I found myself working after hours alone in twilight. I heard this strange flapping sound and was quite startled to see an otter exiting company property. A couple of days later I found a good number of our koi dead with one or to bites taken out of their belly. It was OK, koi are expendable.

  10. How incredible! And how beautiful is that second picture; I'd like to paint it :)

  11. Les, there was a person further into Seaford that lost a few Koi to the otters. He was none too pleased. I enjoy the otters. Funny we never saw them the first ten years or so.
    TatteredSpinner, go ahead and paint! If you do, take a picture and let me see when you are done.

  12. I'm commenting 'backwards' in more critter excitement! What a cool thing to see. They're so cute;-)

  13. Your weather map just does cut me off---move it down would ya? ;) We are having loads of rain right now---oh that glorious rain.

    The river otters are interesting and entertaining. I couldn't decide if I saw 4 or 3 and one hippo. Oh what I wouldn't give to live by a river. Lucky you.

  14. Jan- the otters are cool. It is fun to see them.
    Anna- If I could figure out half this stuff on the side bar I would be changing lots...I would include all my fellow bloggers...wait that would be the world!
    The otters are very entertaining. My husband was impressed that you did in fact see a rare Virginia river hippo! hahaaha

  15. River otters, osprey, and bald eagles -- how wonderful to have such good habitat for them nearby!

  16. Lisa, yes I am happy to have such a variety of wildlife in the backyard.

  17. They are so cute. Interesting to hear about the babies' cries!

    I'm jealous of the amazing wildlife you have right outside your door!

  18. Ginger- It is pretty amazing to see the variety of 'critters' we have in our backyard.

  19. The Virginia River Hippo was on the endangered list. Will you be counting them to see if they are making a come-back?


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