
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

Every spring I try to remember to deviate from my usual path when I am out and about so I can see the cherry blossoms along Canon Boulevard. Canon, Inc., a Japanese based company landscaped the grounds of their Hampton plant with numerous cherry trees. If you time it correctly, the site is beautiful.

I tried to make it there two weeks ago but forgot my camera. This past Wednesday on my way home from ballet I went by way of Canon Blvd. The trees were just past their peak and if I were to choose a day to drive down that street, it wouldn't have been a workday. The traffic made it difficult to stop and take some photos.

In addition to the cherry blossoms I also went by a friend's house who has very mature Saucer Magnolias flanking his driveway. Again, I should have gone earlier in the month, but I am glad I went. He has three or four trees on either side of his driveway and the sight is beautiful in the spring. Along one side of the property is a hedge of Camellias that are also in bloom at this time. His whole garden is really a sight to behold. I may be able to see more of his garden this coming week, so look for more photos later in the week.


  1. I'm sure that is a gorgeous drive when the trees are at peak!

  2. Robin- It is beautiful when the timing is good.

  3. Those cherry trees really are quite spectacular! I have been totally enjoying them this year-almost like they are clouds of love made up of small white petals. Looking forward to your pics of your friend's garden too.

  4. Would love to see a sight like this here. But soon we will have lots of trees in blooms. Thanks for the gorgeous spring pictures.

  5. Janet~~ The trees look like giant baby's breath bouquets. Gorgeous.

  6. I really think you should have driven by the bank too. Seems like your day to hit it big. That magnolia is spectacular and the cherry trees are bigger than life. Just wonderful. I love it.

  7. I am glad I am not the only one who appreciates when corporations get landscaping right. Hope you did not risk a traffic incident to bring us this shots, like I nearly did in my recent pear post.

  8. Tina- Thanks, it is just so dream-like. Clouds of pale pink. I will get some photos of my friend's garden on Wednesday, stay tuned.
    Beckie- You know it was someone else's blog that spurred me to go and check out the cherry trees! I think it is great to have folks from all over sharing what is in bloom.
    Grace- Baby's breath is a great way to describe it. thanks
    Anna- The bank? Think they would be giving out extra cash? haha I keep looking at the MegaMillions lottery billboard on my way to ballet every week...if only I had a bazillion dollars.

  9. Les- Hi, they really did a nice job with the landscaping at Canon. I did have a few horns blowing at me! oops. I found your pear posting very interesting, did a little extra research on the cross pollinating. Good for you.

  10. Janet the trees are so beautiful. That magnolia looks like one big tree instead of four. Gorgeous

  11. I'll be off to Washington in a couple weeks and can't wait to see the cherry blossoms there too. Your shots are great.

  12. Kim and Victoria- thanks, they are pretty- just wish I had gone the week before. Now that we have had a few days of rain I am sure the delicate petals are gone.
    Lona- The first time I saw them I didn't realize there were multiple trees on either side of the driveway. It makes a grand statement.
    JCharlier- I am sure you will enjoy the Cherry Blossoms in DC, make sure to visit the garden outside the National Botanic Garden--the National Garden.

  13. I have not been there yet, even though I've been to Washington a couple times. I was just looking at that on the map of the Mall area last night. It's on my list!

  14. If you are walking along the Mall-- check in between the buildings of the Smithsonian and Hirshorn Museum and National Air and Space Museum between Jefferson Dr. and Independence Ave. there are some really nice small gardens.

  15. Hi Janet, thanks for risking life, limb and traffic citation to show us those trees! Mature specimens are always beautiful, even past their prime, like humans. :-)

  16. Oh my goodness! The magnolia is to die for!

  17. Morning Frances, I wouldn't say I risked life and limb..but I did get a horn or two tooted at me. Past our prime eh? I think we are just becoming grand!
    Dawn, It is a glorious magnolia.

  18. Janet, you got some wonderful shots! That road is truly lined with cherry blossoms...gorgeous;-) Ours are coming out and will be for the next month or so...the Festival is coming up in DC...but we don't go because it is just too chaotic. Sometimes I get to see them if I happen to be driving up that way but I don't make a special effort. We've done sightseeing up there many times before...Of course it's lovely but I'd rather see them around my neighborhood. Many people do have them in their yards. They are just starting to come into their own...the Pear trees have been showing off and the magnolias are coming out too. I love spring and am so glad it's here! All it needs to do is warm up and stay that way and I'll be as happy as a clam;-) Have a wonderful day!

  19. Jan ,
    I think in the six years we lived in the DC area we went to see the cherry blossoms once. Hard to do stuff in your hometown when there are so many tourists. At least the sun is out now. We needed the rain, but, I could do without the mud.

  20. I always make a point of driving by there every spring, they are so spectacular when they are in full bloom. Great shots Janet!

  21. Thanks Racquel. I am glad I went by when I did.

  22. Miss Janet these are so beautiful !
    hugs, Cherry


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