
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday We-visited

Or--- Having trouble bending and stretching to get those weeds? Come join us------

The small group of us have been going to the ballet studio every Wednesday morning for more than the past ten years, donning our tights and leotards and taking an hour of a pretty active ballet lesson. Our teacher is constantly challenging us. The heart rate is up and the breathing is increasing as the class progresses. Our instructor does most of the barre work with us and demonstrates the floor exercises before we are asked to do likewise. She is a great inspiration to us all. She is well over 80 and teaches every day. A couple of years ago, she fell and broke a hip in January. By March she was teaching class again. So on those wintery mornings when I don't feel like going to ballet.....I know she is going to be there, looking for me and the handful of other ladies and I don't want to disappoint her.

We don't do recitals, but we have a great time.

And we can bend and reach those weeds with the best of them....and might do a tour jete' or Pas de Chat to boot!


  1. What fun! And here I thought the ballet slippers were of kids feet:)

  2. Hi! I checked my limited French dictionary but no sign of either phrase. But it sounds like you're a tour de force with both your ballet and weed pulling! Way to go. You inspire me.

  3. She is not kidding!! That class is a workout!

    <3 you

  4. That would definitely get you in shape for all that bending and lifing that goes with gardening. :)

  5. Thanks to all who visited. We do have a great time in ballet and we do share gardening tips and plants.
    As I reread what I wrote I realized some of my text got edited out as I was playing with photos .... and the title was to have a subtitle of alliteration being fun. Oh well, every error is a learning experience.

  6. Hi Janet, oh this is wonderful. What an amazing woman to be up and bending again after that and at her age. A testament to the shape she is in and a lifetime of stretching! When my kids were small the ballet teacher had an adult class for the moms too. I did love going, for the friendships and the exercise. I still have my pink slippers. We moved several times and never had the opportunity again, but I know exactly how you feel about it. Lucky you. :-)

  7. Ooh, I loved reading about your class. I would enjoy taking a ballet class again, but my knees would NOT handle grande plies (um, spelling??) anymore. And I'm prone to back spasms when I twist the wrong way. Do I sound like and old woman? I'm only 30. Just move me into the nursing home where I can grouse about my health with the other residents! I regularly hurt myself in the garden but it's worth it. Enjoy your ballet, I'll stick to the elliptical machine at the Y. VW

  8. That sounds so great! I took ballet when I was really young but haven't thought about it in ages. Seems like so much fun to give it another try though :) Maybe if the little one takes lessons I will get another chance...

  9. VW and Tiffany- I recommend anyone who is interested to take ballet. I never had ballet as a child. Took it for about a year right before I got married. Fast forward about 20 years, started taking classes again (from the same wonderful woman..we moved all over the world and ended up back here). I do not look like a ballerina by any means, but I can turn and jump with the best of them... and am well into my 50's.

  10. Well I'm a bit jealous of your bodies ability to be flexible. I've always been so, and athletic as well. It's been just the past several years where my body has rebelled and no amount of physical therapy or anything-pills, pain management, etc-can change the discs that are screwed up and the pain I experience. I'm pissed over it, believe me. All winter I've been trying to make myself attempt something, fearing the outcome. I joined a fitness center last year and after using the treadmill and bike, couldn't move for 3 days. Do I sound pathetic? I'm not. I'm still in pretty good shape, but it hurts...and I crack and pop...and things slip, etc. Can we switch, please???? I'm gonna be 52 in March. I've never heard that things get 'better' over time in these areas--which doesn't help.

    NOW...I'll give ThanksFor2Day, and stop whining:) Take care!

  11. Jan, sorry to hear about the pain and frustration you are feeling. There are some mornings that I can barely bend over and get the dog food bowls off the floor...then I go to ballet. :-D
    Hopefully you will find something to ease some of the discomfort. Did you try swimming? Low impact type of thing.


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