
Monday, February 16, 2009


This morning while enjoying my coffee I noticed a Great Blue Heron walking around in the creek. This in itself is not unusual, they fish in the creek. We have a few heron that hang around most of the day...though low tide is an optimum time for feeding. This heron was walking about with his head held high. Then I saw another Great Blue up the creek a little further- also with his head high. Either territory or mating dance, but very interesting.

If you look at the far bank of the creek you can also see the muskrat tunnel to one of their dens. He walked around like this for about 15 minutes. After I went out to take the pictures I didn't see the second one around. Could have gone around the bend.


  1. How beautiful to see such a big bird up close. We occassionally have red tailed hawks and wild turkeys, but no water, so no herons.

  2. It is really big and so regal. I bet that was great fun. Spring is in the air....even for birds-I mean especially for the wildlife.

  3. I have always wanted to live by the ocean. It's magical to see birds like that. We have some kind of rare bird who made a home at the local water treatment plant. People are coming from miles around to see it. I don't know the name..something about Red-headed but not a woodpecker. It's a water bird of some sort. It's just swimming around at the treatment plant happy as can be.

  4. We occasionally see a great blue around Little Kitten Creek - but haven't see him lately. Maybe they winter somewhere else.
    Zim gave you a shout-out on the blog today; you might want to check it out. :)

  5. HG- They are really pretty amazing. When they fly by and squawk it sounds like something prehistoric.
    Tina- Very regal. Hoping to get a picture sometime soon with more than one Great Blue and a Snowy Egret and maybe another one as well.
    Anna-Wonder what the bird at the water treatment plant was...? Interesting.
    KZK- I love the name of that creek. Not sure of the migratory habits as we have them year round. (could be your weather)

  6. What great natural entertainment, Janet! I look out my window and see lots of birds...but don't have part of the chesapeake bay in my back yard! That's interesting--maybe they were doing some kind of mating dance;)

  7. Hi, Janet--I love the shots of the herons--we have lots of birds, but not too many herons yet. I love the Edgeworthia in your Bloomday post, too--I guess you saw that Les posted on that as well--I've never heard of it before. Great to be back online and I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog. Stay warm tonight!

  8. Beautiful BIG birds!

    I haven't seen Harold lately, but I know our heron is around the neighborhood.


  9. Jan- I really love watching the birds, both big and small.
    Alice- It is pretty neat.
    Cosmo-So glad you are back too. Bet you have more herons than you think..I see them flying all over the area.
    Cameron- Harold!?!? What a great name!

  10. Janet, Finally I've found your blog. Whew. I'm not real smart. Love the photos. Herons are always so regal and statuesque. Let's hope that it was a mating ritual so you'll have baby herons.

  11. How lucky you are to have so many visitors to your yard! A handsome fellow indeed!

  12. Great Blue Herons are always a treat to see -- they drop by our ponds at the Garden periodically. And they're beautiful flying overhead.

  13. Grace- glad you found your way here. Would be nice to have babies- they are pretty big.
    Willow- He is all attitude!
    Racquel- We do have a large variety of Mother Nature's friends.
    Lisa- They are graceful when they fly, but boy when they squawk! wow!

  14. Well, those are much more interesting birds than I get in my backyard!
    And on another note, I notice that you're a snapdragon. I came up as one, too, but didn't put the picture on my sidebar. I would rather be an english rose or an iris or a ruffled pink daylily! VW

  15. Hi Janet~

    The Heron has such a statuesque presence. Sounds like you get to watch the 'animal planet' show in your own backyard. What a delight! I wonder if they were doing a mating dance? Wouldn't it be interesting to see their babies grow up?

    Enjoy today~

  16. The heron is a favorite for us to spot when we are boating at the lake. They are such large birds.

  17. VW- Think we should all share what our 'flower' means. Lends itself to know a little more about each other. I am sure your birds are interesting...sometimes I feel like I live with Big Bird.
    Karrita- We have seen babies over the years... took a while to identify them the first time we saw them.
    Skeeter- The big birds are amazing to watch, we had a few Snowy Egrets today. Lots to look at!


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