
Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Garden Blogger Bloom Day 2009

Part of today’s post is sent to Racquel at Perennial Garden Lover. She recently talked about Wallflowers, Erysimum cheiri or Cheiranthus cheiri. I told Racquel I had some and they were doing well. While the flowers usually are on a tall stock rising from the base, I seem to have a few that are a little confused because of the weather. There is no stem –just buds and a few blooms that have opened very early. My Wallflower reseeded last year and I have lots of new plants that will flower from spring (or now) until late into the fall. Mine are yellow, though researching them today I found there are many colors ranging from orange to pinks to reds to yellow.

For Valentine’s Day my loving husband took me to the garden center to buy me a plant. As we walked in, the first thing I saw was an Edgeworthia chrysantha, Paperbush Plant. Oh, I wanted one of those! After looking them over I chose the best looking one. He thought we were done but I said we should look around a little. One tree caught our eye. It is so stunning this time of year, Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku', Japanese Coral Bark Maple. That will be for another day and another place.

While walking around the garden center we went into the area that usually holds the tender annuals. Imagine my surprise to find Daphne!! They had a huge one on display that was covered with blooms. Oh it was incredible. The plants they had around the large one were also of some size, and cost a bit more than I wanted to spend (I wasn’t going to put back the Edgeworthia). Lo and behold…they had some smaller ones and they were on sale!! So we came home with two small shrubs, both very fragrant and beautiful. For now they are sitting on my front porch where I can smell them as I walk by.

Also on the front porch are my two large pots. I have them filled with pansies, Heuchera “Key Lime” and a couple ivies. One of the ivies is Hedera helix “Pink ‘n’ Very Curly” – a find on the discount shelf of the garden center this fall. I really like the interest of this foliage.

So happy GBBD to everyone and be sure to visit May Dreams Gardens to see what others have shared.


  1. Nothing says love like a new plant for your garden. Our garden centers are still empty, in winter mode selling bird seed for the most part. I can hardly wait until the pansies and violas arrive next month.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

  2. What a nice gift for the garden! Hubby knows you well. ;) Thanks for sharing your Wallflower blooms today so I could see them and thanks for the link love again! Happy Bloom Day Janet. :)

  3. Love the D went home with me when I stopped at the HD! It won't really be happy here in clay conditions, so it's a container for sure! But they do smell delicious! Love your wall delightful that they can't ask for more then good looks, ease in growing and reseeding! happy Bloom Day! gail

  4. How lucky you were. I so hope I find some edgeworthia somewhere for my garden. I had a daphne once, but it slowly died. I would say poor me, but really poor Daphne. Not sure I'll try it again. Your wallflower is really pretty, especially the foliage. Have fun today with your new purchases, it is snowing here but I'm heading to the garden.

  5. I'm with Carol in terms of seasons. I have a couple wallflower plants that are an orangey yellow. They will not bloom until May.

  6. Really interested to see the curly leaf Hedera shown here. I grow an all-green form, but Pink n' Very Curly' is an eye-opener. Alice

  7. Hi,

    Thank you for all the GREAT suggestions for me to research on scented vines. I will let you know which one I choose. Look forward to following and learning from your blog.

  8. You sure have some beauties there!
    The Saint and I went Garden Center hopping also yesterday. It was a drizzle rain day and small selections, sigh a bit depressing so we came home empty handed. We spotted Winter Daphne also and I had thoughts of it but was really looking for something smaller. She smelled so wonderful. I may go back and get Daphne since he still owes me. tee hee. He promises to help me create an herb planter but I am thinking why not both Daphne and an herb planter! lol.

  9. Daphne odora and Edgewothia chrysantha - I would expect such good taste from royalty.

  10. Carol- I will in the land where the DQ is open year round. I can't imagine garden centers without SOME plants!
    Racquel-Yes my hubby is a great guy. Glad you like the Wallflower.
    Gail- Looks like Daphne odora was a popular one today throughout GBBD. I think mine is going in a container- to keep it away from the dogs.
    Tina- Hope you do find an edgeworthia- their fragrance is out of this world!
    Sue- I was surprised to see mine bloom so early.
    Alice- This Hedera is really interesting. Hoping it goes gangbusters this summer.
    Ruth- Come back often and good luck with the vines.
    Skeeter- You NEED that Daphne!! Seriously. Herb and Daphne-- sounds like a new movie. hahaha
    Les- Ah Les, you understand royalty. Excellent! ;-)
    Happy Bloom Day to All!

  11. What a great Valentine's Day present! Today is the first time I am seeing the Edgeworthias, and I think they are so cool looking.

  12. Brookside Garden in Wheaton, MD had a couple of Edgeworthia on display in the conservatory around Christmas. First that I had ever seen and sniffed. Lovely. Thanks for "faving" my blog:
    I'll enjoy following you.


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