
Friday, February 20, 2009

Maymont Flower and Home Show 2009

Yesterday a friend and I drove up to Richmond to see the Maymont Flower and Home Show. It had been a couple of years since we last went. One of the draws this year was there were museum quality replicas of items from King Tut's tomb. The word replica was minimized a bit, though the items were interesting to see.

As a gardener, my main desire was to see the plant displays and 'perhaps' buy a new plant or two. The displays were limited as this was also a Home Show. Bummer. The plant that was used in many (if not all) the displays this year was Abelia Kaleidoscope. Certainly one to consider in your landscape.

The plantings that really caught our eye were the color coordinated beds. The yellow one was especially striking.

There was one display that made me think of a few of you fellow bloggers...those of you with those beautiful orchids.....

And yes, I came home with a few items. A new Bay using herbs from the backporch for cooking. Also got a few bulbs that were ready for the ground from Brent and Becky. Put them together in a pot, will share photos once they are more mature. Also bought a few seed packets. An annual savory, thanks to Sue we know what Bohnenkraut is. Also got a couple lettuce seed packets, Red Sails and Red Romaine. Will do a few containers on the deck.


  1. What a nice winter treat to visit a flower show and see some colorful blooms!
    Yes, the yellow display is very springy and cheerful.
    I haven't attempted growing orchids yet but my mother did wonderfully well with them in Australia.
    I like the idea of having a bay tree, as I use bay leaves often in cooking.

  2. It looks like fun. I would love to see the King Tut items, even if only replicas.

  3. Yes, the plant displays would have been my first order of business. I bought 'Kalidiscope' Abelia last summer. I'm very pleased with it. The colors are outstanding and unlike its gigantic cousin, it stays compact. Sounds like you had a great time and I look forward to seeing the photos of your booty.

  4. I've never been to the one in Richmond. I know they had one out in Virginia Beach this past weekend that I wanted to attend. Looks like they had some wonderful plant combinations that should inspire you. Look forward to seeing your new goodies in the garden. :)

  5. I went last year and came away disappointed, remembering how that show used to be when it was run by Maymont and not MacEvents. I glad you were however able to find a few treasures.

  6. Greeting everyone,
    Kerri- having a bay tree is really nice. I don't have any orchids, though I think they are fabulous.
    Tina- It was neat to see, but there was still the knowing (or rather, surmising at that point) that they weren't real.
    Grace- I have a very small Abelia Mardi Gras. The voles ate most of the roots and it is now a small twig, but alive!! Seeing the full bush of the Kaliedoscope was nice. More pictures of my treasures will come as they grow.
    Racquel- The shows around here have been a bit disappointing over the years (as per Les' comment) I didn't make the VA Beach one this year, was going to go but time got away from me. Imagine it was the same as the Maymont Show...more Home than Flower.
    Les- You hit the nail on the head. The treasures I did bring home were from the Maymont foundation (the Bay laurel) or Brent and Becky (the bulbs). Can't go wrong with either of them.

    PS- The Maymont group had some information on the Bay. The Herb Society of America has this as the Herb of the Year.

  7. It's good to have some cheerful events during the last month of winter!

    Is that yellow combo a yucca? I saw a yucca (yellow/green) with daffodils planted at Fearrington yesterday. It was a great combo. The deer have been eating my yucca! Ouch!


  8. Oooh! I like the fabric they used as a table skirt! :)

  9. Wish I had been along. I grew the abelia and it did well where the ground was moist but not wet. It died where the ground was dry. I probably would not try it again.

    Those little mini beds are pretty. I've noticed a trend toward monochromatic. Hope you love all the treasures you brought home.

  10. Alessandra- Thank you very much, please come back and visit often!
    Sue- I understand that, wish ours were back to being all Flower Shows
    Cameron- Yes that was one of those variegated Yuccas. It is really striking. Deer must be really hungry to eat Yucca! wow
    KZK- Only a quilter would look at the fabric! ;-D
    Anna- I am thinking of us Abelias in a new garden, hope they fare better than yours did. :-(. Did you notice the white flower bed has the Diamond Frost Euphorbia? Multiple uses!!

  11. Interesting flower show. We don't have one here and have to go to Vancouver to the big one there. Yellows are definitely a knock-out against a dark background.

  12. Hi Janet,
    What a fun daytrip! You know about a lot of things going on that I probably won't hear about. It sounds like you came away with a few useful goodies. I'll look forward to seeing photos of some of them...I have some dahlia and other bulbs/tubers to put in. I'm new to this though and not sure when I should plant them...I'm not up on these things like you are. I have always enjoyed 'basic' gardening, and love to buy plants in the nurseries already started-- just never did summer bulbs or starting seeds indoors...but I DID try the seed-thing this yr. and it's going pretty well so far. I'm going to post about it --hopefully today.

    I know there are a lot of shows around this area, I just need to look for them. I have other things going on w/Michael in school, etc. but should try to get out more;)

  13. Sounds like quite a mix - Egyptian relics and home stuff and plants - with such a wide range of activities already included, maybe you and your ballerina friends could have put on some entertainment! You could have tied it all together by wearing Egyptian kohl around your eyes, flowers in your hair and curtains as skirts! :-) VW

  14. Hi Janet, that sounds like the perfect way to spend a day. I love the ancient relic replicas but like you would be saying "Where are the plants!". Oh oh oh, that Paphiopedilum was a knockout!

  15. JA- I think they should have flower shows everywhere... I love them. That yellow grouping was really one to pop.
    Jan- I made myself a promise to do more in my area- from going to Monticello to Norfolk Botanical Gardens to Brent and Becky's (today) that includes a few flower shows.
    VW- You are a nut. Wouldn't that be a funny picture.. 50+ year old women dancing around in Egyptian garb! What a hoot!
    Frances- I knew you would like the orchids. Wish they had the lighting a little better... they tried to have it with a lot of spots, to accent the plantings. Almost missed some of the orchids.

  16. I'm looking forward to our patio and garden show that's coming up in a few weeks. I think most shows are being scaled back this year due to the economy. A lot of vendors just cant afford the show rates.

  17. A wonderful outing you had! And home with some pretties as a bonus...

  18. Great pictures, Janet. Is the bay tender here? How big will it get?

  19. Robin, I think the change is from the managers of the show. It is a new company and they are changing the focus. It is disappointing. I am sure the economy is also a factor- though the chagne has been evolving over the past 4 or 5 years.
    Skeeter, I do have some beauties that I brought home! Each day they are getting a little bigger.
    Cosmo- the bay is hardy to our area. In some climates it can become a small tree. I leave mine in a pot on the deck so it is at teh kitchen door for cooking. To repeat info.. here is a link from the American Herb Society

  20. I just love the coordinating plantings. It must have been so much fun to see all of the displays. We are having a Home and Gardens how this weekend in the capitol and I can hardly wait to see some gardens and new ideas.

  21. HHG- It is hard not to go...I love seeing all the new plants, planting ideas, and to smell all the hyacinth they always bring in. Hope you enjoy your show.


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