
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- Whimsy in Bronze


  1. Are you thinking of placing her on by your pond?

  2. She's quite a find. What do your dogs think of her? Ranunculus would probably be hiding behind the couch . . .

  3. Grace- No, :-) she lives in our living room, she is my new coffee table, sans glass top right now. She is a birthday/ Christmas present from a wonderful husband.
    Tina- Isn't she? She is so delicate. Now I need a name for her....more on that later.
    Cosmo- She is a conversation starter that is for sure! Two of the dogs were disinterested, but the Aussie... he is a nut. He gave her a wide berth to start. He then came close, but leaving his hind legs planted firmly at a distance, and smelled her nose! Now they treat her as any other piece of furniture...nothing special.

  4. I thought, like Grace, that she would be beautiful in your garden near a pond:) I noticed your dog, strategically placing himself in a position that indicates he half wants to be associated w/her, and half NO WAY!!
    What a gift from hubby! How does glass fit over her? I didn't see anything that looked as if it could hold it up?
    Was b.d recent? Perhaps closer to Christmas, I suppose. Happy late birthday to you Janet:)

  5. Jan- She has been my 'if I win the lottery' dream for years. After making the last tuition payment my husband treated me to this beauty. Her glass top hooks under the tail with bolts that are pointing to the ground. The glass then sits on her head and cantilevers out into the room. Waiting and waiting for the glass.!!

  6. Jan- birthday was in January...believe yours is the same day as my brother...he is the same age as you...younger than me!

  7. My hubby might want to see this posting. tee hee...

  8. Skeeter- My husband told folks at work he was going to decorate it with different 'seasonal' pasties. NOT!

  9. Love the patina. She goes with the carpet well and she won't require much clean-up. A few windex sessions every now and then. Have you heard sirens yet? That's how they sing. It will make your husband run wild.

  10. Anna, sirens eh? Today is his birthday -- maybe he will run wild! ;-) I can't wait for the glass top to arrive....


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