Sunday, February 9, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 6

Day 34-
This week's photos started with a picture of Fiona with her toy, coming down the driveway. I used the app on my cellphone called Prisma to change it up. 

Prisma Filter

Day 35-
Remember the crystal in the cabinet I shared on Day 23? Well, the setting sun shines through the dining room window and creates rainbows across the room. 


Day 36-
A lone pinecone on the driveway, the sun shining behind it creating a perfect shadow.


Day 37-
On the drive into town, I noticed a group of dead pine trees. I was surprised they were still standing after the hurricane that came through at the end of September. I used a black-and-white filter to enhance the photo. 

Dead Trees

Day 38-
This one was a challenge as I was walking the dog when I saw this snail. If I paid too much attention to the snail a rather nosey puppy would have interrupted the photo. 

On The Move

Day 39-
Every morning I enter our closet off the master bathroom and check the progress of the Camellia blooms. When I planted this Camellia the deer sampled its buds on the front part of the shrub. Over the years the buds have increased front and back. It is a no-name shrub I purchased years ago. I do not like it when plant tags just say "Camellia" no further information. 

View from my Window

Day 40-
The Prunus mume 'Hokkai bungo' is starting to lose its flowers. I was worried the freezing temps we had when the blooms first started opening would kill all the flowers. The tree bloomed in abundance this year to my pleasure. 

Fallen Petals

This wraps up another week. See you next week!

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. Words and photos by Janet, The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Great photos, Janet! Very creative, and I especially loved the pine cone and the snail. <3


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