
Sunday, January 5, 2025

Photo-A-Day Week 1

Before I get back to the Puget Sound Fling, still have some fantastic gardens to share, I am starting a new series.
My friend David Sullivan, CIOPhoto instagram, has had a series of a photo a day for 365 days for a number of years. After enjoying his series, I thought I would jump in and do the same. Mine are posted daily on my personal Facebook page, but every Sunday I will share what was previously posted here on my blog. This week's photos will include only 5 photos as this is the first week of the year, a short week.

Day 1- A ground level photo of my dog, Liebling. She doesn't seem to be very impressed with this project. Perhaps I will photograph her in the coming year showing more enthusiasm. 

Day 2- A frosty morning with long angles of the winter sun. Below is our septic drain field, cut not too long ago to make way for daffodils to emerge come spring.

Day 3- A waxed Amaryllis bulb in bloom on my dining room table. Christmas tree is still up and all decorations still out for us to enjoy.

Day 4- A side view of one of our Nutcrackers, perhaps looking sad as it is time to begin to put away the decorations. 

Day 5- Outside with the dogs I spied the first open bloom of the Prunus mume 'Hokkia-Bungo' one of the flowering apricot trees. I especially love this one as its fragrance is that of cinnamon and the flowers are dark pink. It is a lovely small tree and on warm winter days our honey bees enjoy the flowers.

This ends our first week of photo-a-day. Please come back weekly to see what has been posted next. 

More of the Fling will come soon as I finish putting all the decorations away! 

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Sweet photo of Leibling, Janet. And your other photos are beautiful!

    1. Thanks Beth, Liebling is getting to be a mature gal. Glad you liked the other pictures.


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