Saturday, August 24, 2024

Puget Sound Fling day #3- First Stop Heckler Garden

On our third day of the Fling we headed to the Kitsap Peninsula. Our first stop was the Heckler's garden. The write up said that there were over 100 hydrangeas in this small garden! We have been seeing so many hydrangeas in these gardens, it is just amazing. Walking up the gravel driveway we were greeted by a long planting along the side of the house. Besides hydrangeas there were palms and Japanese maples and various containers with more plants! 

Love these double blossomed hydrangeas!

This garden also had some 
climbing hydrangeas. 

This garden had a lot of parasols over the hydrangeas, to protect them from the sun. As one who lives in South Carolina and has lots of hydrangeas in my garden, I found this interesting. 

One variety of hydrangea that was new to me was Hydrangea aspera. The leaves are fuzzy and the unopened blooms are so different looking. They are native to China and seem to be happy in the Pacific Northwest. 

Hydrangea aspera

The fuzzy leaves of the H. aspera

Another variety of hydrangea, these double white blooms really pop in the shade.

See the parasols above the plants?

Working our way around the garden we enter a very shaded area, mulched areas with slices of logs as stepping pads lead us through the wooded area.

Edging the beds there are logs, or what remains of the logs. The beds have Epimedium, ferns, and some hellebore; all shade loving plants. Do you like the pop of color of the glass ball in the water?

As you round the back edge of the shaded woody garden you encounter some limbed up fir, this one had some artwork in the form of a salamander or lizard. Do you see it? 

As you emerge from the back area in the woods, there is a lawn area, with large spheres made of formed branches. They were a nice bit of understated artwork on the lawn.

More gorgeous hydrangeas for your enjoyment.

My last photo of this hydrangea laden garden with a is full of foliage color variation. There is a Brunnera with its heart shaped white leaves with green veins and edging, a Fatshedera with spidery white coloring and light green ferns, and more Hellebores. In the foreground there's a concrete pad with green and white glass beads. Color echoes galore!

Next stop is Heronswood! Stay tuned.

©Copyright 2024 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I LOVED Nancy's garden. One of my faves on the tour.

    1. Pam, it was amazing how much was in that garden. Sooooo many hydrangeas and fun artwork.

  2. One of my top favorites of the tour too. Woodland gardens feel so soothing to my soul and it was a perfect PNW overcast morning for photography. What a fantastic place to be.

    1. Jerry, I love woodland gardens too. Those tall fir really made you feel like they were reaching to the heavens.


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