
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Observations at the End of the Year

The weather has been so unusual for much of the country, ours being warmer and drier than the norms. I record and report the rainfall to CoCoRaHS, a citizen community, reporting of precipitation across the country and Canada. If you are interested is participating, please go to for all the info. Since I have been recording the rainfall for a number of years, I can gather that data and chart it. You know, if you have had rain for a week you might think it has been a wet fall (or spring or winter or summer) but if you record those rainfall amounts over time you will see highs and lows. Below is my chart for the years 2016- 2021

Our November was especially dry, so when the December rains came, some of my winter blooming plants perked up. 
Join me as I walked through my yard on December 31, 2021. It was a warm afternoon and a joy to be outside. The following plants are in the front yard- 

Unknown beautiful Camellia

Prunus mume 'Hokkai bungo' 

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide'

Perhaps Zinnia seedlings- awakened early 

Salvia elegans- Pineapple sage, still blooming!

Earliest blooming daffodil in my garden
Narcissus 'Grand Soleil d'Or'

I walked up to the street to my wildflower garden, many of the Gaillardia are in various stages of bloom to seedhead.
Gaillardia sp. bud and seedhead

Encore Azalea 'Autumn Twist' still putting out a few blooms

Back to the front yard- my largest Tea Olive, seen below next to the shed.

Osmanthus fragrans

close up of the tiny blooms that are quite fragrant

In the backyard there are more blooms to behold

Camellia sasanqua 'Ashley Eden'

Not quite in flower yet, but so close
Helleborus x ballardiae 'HGC Pink Frost'

Edgeworthia chrysantha has started to open

Venturing into the woods in the backyard brings planned and unplanned bits of beauty.

Lichen on wood along the dry creek bed

More fungi growth on logs that line the path

Cyclamen hederifolium

Thanks for joining me on a quick walk around the yard. Besides seeing the beautiful blooms, the fragrances of three of these plants are filling the air with their delightful aromas. 1. Prunus mume 'Hokkai bungo' 2. Osmanthus fragrans 3. Edgeworthia chrysantha
Truly an enjoyment for many of the senses. 
Happy New Year, one and all!

©Copyright 2022
  Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I definitely want to participate in the rainfall collection data when we get to SC. It definitely can be misleading when we have a week of rainfall and think that we are good for season. :) You have lots going on in your garden for this time of year. It is exciting to see all the flowers and enjoy the fragrance. Happy New Year Janet!

  2. Interesting data! I'll have to think about participating. You have so many wonderful things going on in your garden. I do, too, but it's too cold right now to appreciate them. LOL. We're having a mildish winter so far (knock on wood). Thanks for sharing your bounty through your beautiful photos. :)

  3. Janet what a beautiful bunch of winter garden blooms and growth. Nice to see given our cold winter this year.

  4. It’s always a pleasure to see places where things are blooming in January, when we are still covered in snow!


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