
Friday, January 31, 2020

Follow-Up on Mistakes- Corrections Made

A quick follow-up to show off the work done to make the front garden look a little better. I have most, though I know not all the Creeping Jenny out of the bed. We will see how much more work in the growing season it will take to finish the removal.
One quick trick for adding mulch to a bed where there are small or emerging plants- turn an empty flower pot over the plant and add mulch. Once the mulch is added, just remove the pots and smooth out the mulch to tuck in the plant.

While working with my nose almost at ground level while adding mulch, I found a bunch of Columbine seedlings from last year's blooms. Seeds for this Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana were from my friend, fellow blogger Vicki.

Seedlings the size of my thumbnail
Without fanfare- here is the finished garden, just in time before today's inch of rain!

Another view, could get another five or more yards of mulch to top dress the large center garden. Maybe it will happen in the spring!

©Copyright 2020 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


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