
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Hi Again, It's Me

As the temperatures get closer to overnight frosts in the Upstate of South Carolina, I thought I would share some of my fall blooms. Many are volunteers in the woods along the driveway. Others, as this Cyclamen are planted little jewels that pop up at a time where your eye looks for some color in the garden.

Cyclamen hederifolium

I let this little cutie reseed in various parts of the garden. If it isn't in a good spot, I have no qualms about 'weeding' it out. Who doesn't like a nice little yellow bloom?

Hypericum hypericoides

Another fall color in my garden is a bit of a mystery. I bought a flowering crab-apple a number of years ago, variety 'Golden Hornet'. Spring blooms- white with pink sepals- check. Green leaves- check. Yellow fruit- um, no. As this season has progressed the fruit is turning deeper and deeper red. I guess in the big scheme of life it doesn't really matter, I am glad it is producing fruit, just a little confusing.

Malus 'Golden Hornet'

Another volunteer in the woods is a tiny purple/lavender bloom. I have a thick stand of it near my well 'rock'. It is known as panicled-leaf tick-trefoil, its seeds stick to animals and people, they are the little triangular seeds- you've seen them. You probably had to pick them off your socks and pant legs.

Desmodium paniculatum var. paniculatum

Another planted beauty comes from my friend Julie Adolf, of Garden Delights. A white toad lily with a kiss of lavender on the tips of its petals and a yellow spot in the throat. Fall bloomers are so nice to have in the garden, sadly the bunnies also love them.

Tricyrtis latifolia

Putting on a good show this year is my black leafed Crape Myrtle. It took a few years for it to really shine. The beautiful dark leaves and this pure red bloom are a nice combination.

Black Diamond Crimson Red

A few fun native blooms popping up in the fall include this Sida, said to be edible (though I would not recommend anyone eating anything unless you know for sure what it is and it is safe). Some of my reading says this is a shrub, though in my yard it is a small woody forb.  A common name is Wire-weed. Doesn't sound appetizing does it?

More yellows in the fall include various Goldenrods and Goldenasters. The pollinators love these!

And finally, a repeat bloomer from early spring, the lovely "Lemon Pledge" fragranced bloom of the Magnolia. I love every stage of this bloom, from tight bud, ready to pop- to the seed pod of a spent bloom with its bright red seeds emerging from the pod. If you are in a zone that can handle Magnolias- plant one- you won't be sorry.

Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'

©Copyright 2017 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Yay, for blogging! Enjoy the fall weather to come.

    1. Thanks Lisa, I do enjoy fall weather...better time to be in the garden.

  2. Look at the color of that Crepe Myrtle! Wow! You have a lot of sweet woodland blooms still going strong. That is curious about the crabapple.

    1. Yes Beth, the Black Diamond series Crape Myrtles are stunning. I love seeing all the woodland blooms that appear.

  3. Nice collection of fall blooms!

    How long are your Hypericum hypericoides living? I love mine for the first year or two, but then they brown out badly and after a year or two, they die. Is that a species trait? I'd love to have these sweet little shrubs last longer.

    As far as southern magnolia goes - I almost think the seed pods are more spectacular than the blooms!

    1. Thanks Cynthia! I will have to watch the Hypericum more closely. Not sure how long lasting they are.

  4. I love the blooms of autumn! Your magnolia flower is stunning!

    1. Thanks Laurin, I love this magnolia. She is a reliable bloomer.

  5. Gorgeous blooms! I wish I had more fall blooms in my garden - that's something I have to work on.

    1. Margaret, we have such a long growing season, it is necessary to see that I have early, mid and late blooming plants.

  6. I like that Goldenrod. 'Golden Raindrops' is a crabapple with nice yellow fruit, though it's very tiny.

    1. Thanks Jason. I am not unhappy with the red fruit, just curious.

  7. Welcome back! You've got a lot of fun fall blooms in your garden. That hypericum reseeds all over my garden too. Some got nice size this year. I love that solidago!

    1. Thanks Karin, yes, I do have some great fall native blooms...thank you Mother Nature.


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