
Friday, August 19, 2016

Dry Creek Bed Follow-Up (with rain!)

Many of you saw the dry creek bed that we added to our backyard garden area. The link to the previous post is here. Since then we have had little rain to speak of while I was home.  However, when I was in Minneapolis for the Garden Bloggers Fling a good amount of rain fell but I wasn't there to see how the garden fared.

When we had a small amount of rain I was able to make a few adjustments in the grass and pathways. This photo doesn't look like much but it is a slice cut into the low part of the grass area between the patio and the garden. I wanted to channel the run-off from the house to go around the garden. My husband wasn't happy with this, saying weeds will grow in the bare soil. Perhaps, but  I needed to try something.

Here is an overview from the porch to give you some perspective. See the channel in the grass?

Another spot that needed some adjustment was the pathway, the lower (right hand) pathway emptied to the grass on the far side of the creek bed. When there was rainfall the water ran down the path and the excess water pooled in the grassy area. I dug a small ditch and a berm on the far side of the ditch, forcing the water into the creek bed.

Well, yesterday we had enough rain to access my additional measures as well as getting to see, firsthand, how well the dry creek bed worked. I measured 1.58 inches over a 24 hour period. The video below shows it all.  I am narrating so you can listen or just watch. 

We have had some sand washout from the upper part of the creek bed where they put the french drain pipes which will need be removed.  I took the advice of fellow blogger Swimray about keeping the leaves out (and will continue to do so). So very glad we did this addition to the garden. It certainly channeled a lot of water without it creating its own new path.

©Copyright 2016 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Looks great Janet! It is amazing what a difference directing water, the right way through a garden, makes. I hope we get more rain so you can keep testing it out!

    1. Thanks Karin! It is really pretty cool how well it works. Yes, we could use a lot more rain for sure!

  2. I love it! I love its curves and it fits perfectly into your garden design. :o)

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love how it looks and the fact that it works well is great.

  3. Working well and not always a dry creek bed! I love the way it winds down the hill.

  4. Glad all your hard work has paid off! A friend of mine here in town just put one in her much smaller yard and is really pleased with how it has helped with water run-off as well as how it looks.

    1. Yes Rose, it certainly makes a difference, in large or small yards.

  5. Well, that is just awesome! And it looks like your little tweak to get water off the pathway is working out really well too. Doesn't it feel great when do something like this and it works out just as you wanted it to!

  6. Good work! Must be very gratifying to watch the creek bed fill with water.

  7. Interesting, Janet. You can see how it picks up steam (or stream) as it moves along. How did the lawn cut work?

    1. Helen, the lawn cut helped, but think something more needs to be done. It might be moving the downspout splash guard to point another direction.

  8. Looks great and works well Janet - do you have a wet/dry garden where the creek empties?

    1. Thanks Barbara, it ends in a natural dry creek run that goes over a grassy area (long grasses) and then filters through the shoreline grasses and into the lake.

  9. This is awesome! For some reason, I missed this post, but I'm very impressed with your work and the finished product! We need to do something similar on a smaller scale here. Love this!

  10. Creating a new path for the rainwater to flow is tricky business but you succeeded.

    1. Thanks Haddock, I think so. Every rain event shows a need for a little tweaking.

  11. One year later. How is it this year? I can't imagine enough rain to make a stream flow.

    1. Diana, thanks for asking. Our rains have been so sparse it has taken a long time before another strong rainfall to assess the continued success...and it has been a great success! So very glad we put this dry creek bed in our garden.


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