
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Lovely Olivia

Olivia Rose

I wanted to share some photos of one of my recent additions to the garden. You may remember the rose give-away  I hosted this winter. I won five roses from one of our sponsors for the Garden Blogger Fling, David Austin Roses. I chose two roses for myself and offered up three to my readers. I had a wonderful liaison to work with from David Austin, Sally Ferguson. Thanks Sally!

Since I live in South Carolina, my bare-rooted roses arrived March 10th, earlier than those who live further north. I had a nice new container for 'Olivia' Rose and a spot chosen for 'Lady of the Lake'. Both are doing well. 'Olivia' is a little bit ahead of 'Lady of the Lake' and I needed to share some photos.  Both are new David Austin introductions this year. 'Olivia' is perfect for a container, disease resistant, repeat bloomer and wonderfully fragrant.

Isn't she the most delicate shade of pink? Such a pale pink. 

This rose will grow to approximately 3 1/2  feet by 3 feet. (as long as the deer leave it alone) 

Slowly, these pretty petals unfurl, opening a little more every hour, revealing more and more petals. Its fragrance is lovely, to me it is an old fashioned rose fragrance...but I am not a rose official. I just know this sweet rose's fragrance is just what a rose should be. 

I can't wait for more blooms to open, its fragrance drifts on the breeze as you walk up the driveway.

As for 'Lady of the Lake', she is full of buds. a rambler, poised to grow over an old iron railing. I can't wait to see her blooms as well.

Thinking about roses for your garden? I have to say that I am enjoying my 'Janet' rose and now 'Olivia' and looking forward to 'Lady of the Lake'. David Austin roses are lushish. 

©Copyright 2016 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I have a few roses and they are beauties, I think all roses are beauties. Fragrance is a big plus. I like your two new treasures.

    1. Thanks Terra, I have enjoyed the two new roses, though briefly as the deer have enjoyed them as well.

  2. Beautiful! If she remains disease-free, let me know. I take out more roses every year because of blackspot.

    1. I will let you know Tammy, right now it is the deer I am fighting.

  3. I love it when you can smell a rose without having to bury your nose in it and imagine that it smells like a rose.

    1. I love the fragrance of old roses Kylee. These are nicely fragrant.

  4. Now that's a gorgeous rose. So romantic!

  5. Oh what a beautiful pale pink and flower.....I would love to smell them too. On a side note, with the warm weather, the rose I won came in April....I had intended to get it out in April but the weather kept me from the garden so I just got it out last week. It was growing already, and I hope it stays happy and blooms for me. I will share it once it grows more! Thanks again Janet!

    1. Donna, these are so wonderful. Definitely think about adding these two!

  6. Olivia is a beauty. So very classic-looking and I can imagine her scent from your description. I love the sequence of photos allowing us to see her unfurl all those layers of delicate petals.

  7. Love all your wonderful roses! Gardening is a delight!

    1. Bernideen, thanks for stopping by! These roses are wonderfully fragrant and full of petals.

  8. Olivia is a real beauty! Such a delicate pale pink. I don't grow any roses other than Knockouts and one climbing rose because I'm afraid I'll kill them, but photos like these make me want to re-think that.

    1. I would rethink it Rose, as long as you can keep the deer away...I am having a terrible time with them eating the buds!

  9. I love your photos. I'm in a new garden, and planted new roses, but no David Austin. I've avoided them because they didn't last long in my old, colder, garden, but I think DAs might be possible in my new garden. Thanks for the reminder. Also, looking forward to meeting you in Minneapolis.

    1. Pat, it was great to meet you in Minneapolis! I can heartily recommend Olivia, though winter temps here are quite mild. She is a beauty!

  10. That is a lovely rose! Pink is one of my favorite colors, and I love the old fashioned rose aroma too.


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