
Monday, July 6, 2015

My, How You've Changed- Annual Review 2015

Five years ago this week we moved from Seaford to our present location in South Carolina. For those who are new here, we built our home on a lake in Upstate SC. We started from a blank slate, each year offered its own challenges--deer, voles, rabbits, dry conditions, wet conditions and my own fickleness, changing things up just because. Some of the changes will be addressed in later posts. Each year I take photos of the various parts of the gardens. You can see previous years' posts here- 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and when we were building in 2010.
So from the very beginning we looked like this--

We had some big changes this winter with the ice storm and an early snowfall-- November 1st! The ice storm will be talked about in my next post.  Last year's photos are posted to compare with this year. Follow the links above to see yearly progress. 

View from the front door...notice the size of the Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' in the middle of the yard.


 And the Magnolia storm damage.

The driveway garden has had more added to it. I do like having a container near the Crape Myrtle to add some color.

 The front gardens are filling in, in most spots. 


 The winter was hard on the Gardenia 'Frostproof'.  I was going to cut it back, but never got around to it. Now that it has bloomed, perhaps I will get out there and cut it back a good bit.  The Japanese Maple is certainly happy. Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'
The backyard is ever evolving.  Left side as you look from the deck.


Right side as you look from the deck.

 The Japanese Maple near the white container in the photo above had severe damage from snowfall, a third of its crown broke off.
The backyard, looking back to the house from the lower right corner. 

 Same shot, this year. Included the patio on the right and the slope to the lake. 
 Out on the dock, looking back at the house, far enough away to not see all the weeds.

 One of the major changes this year - we bought the lot next door to us on the left. Too many folks were looking at it with plans to build...soon. Since it was a bargain price, we swooped it up. The only plans right now for us it to have it bush-hogged. There are a lot of blackberry brambles, honeysuckle vines, and scrubby trees that need to be thinned. After bush-hogging I am not sure what we will do with this lot, though my husband says he sees a Sourwood, Oxydendrum arboreum, in its future.

We got solar panels this past year and are really loving it! Also planted some Rudbeckia varieties near our well. It adds a nice punch of color.

There is also a new blank spot in the front yard. Grass was thin, so we added some mulch on top of a lot of cardboard. It is now waiting for me to choose some plant material. 


The shed got a new plant-- for Mother's Day I received a Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Rosea', a climbing Japanese hydrangea vine. It will climb on the old iron railing on the right of the door. The blue cypress to the left of the shed along the prior property line really took a hit from the February ice storm. My pruning skills came into practice to keep them shaped nicely. 

More of the Fling posts will be coming. I wanted to get this post done as our anniversary as South Carolinians is this week. If you haven't done this, think about taking a photo each year on a given date. It is amazing to see tree growth and foliage filling in. Some changes are subtle and others are significant.

©Copyright 2015 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Your gardens and lake access are fabulous. It has a pretty woodlands feel and you must not want to leave your haven. Just have groceries delivered, ha ha. I like that there is still wildlife habitat.

    1. Hi Terra, yes, it is hard to leave this lovely spot. Our little slice of heaven.

  2. Such amazing progress in so few years! How wonderful you could buy the lot next door and have your own private woods, I look forward to see what you do there. The garden looks lovely in spite of crazy winter weather.

    1. Thanks Laurin, I am so glad we took pictures over the years to keep track of the changes....and now to add more photos of the new lot. Still hard to believe we own it!

  3. What a great place to enjoy your retirement. You've accomplished a lot in a short time. Smart of you to buy the neighboring lot.

    1. Yes Jason, we have accomplished a good deal in the five years we have been here. Buying the lot next door gives us a nice buffer of quiet.

  4. Janet It was wonderful to see the garden and how it is growing in now....and buying the lot next door....I would love to do that here and get rd of the repossessed house...then I could have a greenhouse and more gardens....perhaps replanting some of the woods cut down.

    1. Donna @GEV- it is a dream to be able to claim a little more space isn't it?

  5. I love seeing before and after photos! I remember when you first moved here and showed the beginnings of your gardens; you've accomplished so much in such a short time, Janet. It's a beautiful place, and I agree you made a wise decision to buy the lot next door--more woods, more privacy!

    1. Rose, one day you will have to come and visit to see it in person.

  6. I've been following you for a while and can really see the progress. Way to go!

    1. ricki, thanks for the continued following, especially when I am so sporadic about writing.

  7. Very neat before and after pictures. I love those kinds of posts. Your house and gardens have come a long way! Looking great!@

    1. Tina, I look forward to more of your before and after pictures as your new gardens grow and mature.

  8. Janet, your home and gardens are just beautiful! Thank you for the lovely tour recently. It's just too bad you have such a terrible view out the back... ; ) ~Julie

    1. Julie @SWD, yeah, tough view. Glad you were able to come down and visit!

  9. That is a lot of space to plant! Very smart to snatch up the lot next door. Now you don't have to worry about having crazy neighbors. Everything looks excellent. :o)

    1. Tammy, it is a ton of space to plant. Much will be open....maybe.

  10. Congratulations on getting the lot next door. Oh what I would do for a little more real estate.

    1. Les, thanks, we are sure glad to have the extra lot. Now no one will build there!

  11. You have done an amazing job! How lucky you are to have been able to purchase the lot next door - seems like many of us would love to be in your shoes on that one. You have inspired me to get out there with my camera. Since I'm trying to set up the veg areas first - and that's still a wip - the ornamental borders are a bit of a jungle. With two small children, time has just never been on my side - some areas are a downright embarrassment. But I know I'll regret it if I don't take any before photos...I always do.

    1. Margaret, thanks so much. I try to carry my camera in my pocket whenever I am outside....never know when you will see something you need to capture! Get those pictures! (and include those two small children, they won't be small for long!!!)

  12. I'm late to the party, but wanted to say the gardens are coming along nicely.


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