
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Don't You Just Love It When.....

You take the camera outside to get a picture of the newly planted currently blooming daylily....and you see--
a pretty green dragonfly,  

who stayed around for a photo shoot.   I don't know the name of this pretty one, hoping Randy sees it and gives me the name.  Randy to the rescue-- This gal is an Eastern Pondhawk.  Apparently the males are blue. 
Thanks Randy!!!

On around to the daylily... this is the first one to open.  It is Hemerocallis 'Stephanie Returns', one of the newly planted daylilies I bought bare-rooted from Park Seed in June.   The other bare-rooted daylilies also have plump buds ready to open...stay tuned for more daylily shots.

Around the corner of the house is my Janet rose, continuing to bloom through most of the summer.  Love how it just glows.   But wait, what is that at the top of the bud??

Let's go around to the other side of the bloom.... a spider.  Must be good eating there as this spider was on this bloom since early morning. Another Randy ID-- Green Lynx spider.  

The Castor Bean plant, Ricinus communis  is blooming.   I love this tropical looking plant, hoping it deters those moles and voles from chomping  the roots of my plants. 

 Note: These plants (all parts) are highly poisonous, keep away from children and pets.  

I do like how the unfurling leaves look, almost like starfish.

And now, a little pet interaction.  Our daughter and son in law are here with their kitty, Kallie.  She stays downstairs and our dogs stay upstairs.  If you remember my house (from previous posts) the whole lake side of the house is big sliding glass doors, both upstairs on the main level as well as the lower level.

Kallie has enjoyed watching the birds and lizards out on the Newton and she were eyeball to eyeball.  

He likes cats, we used to have Miss Jax, a striped tabby.  Miss Jax was the resident cat when Newton came to live with us.  She passed away in '03.  Skyler, the Australian Shepherd WAS supposed to be a replacement kitty.  Skyler has never seen a don't want the dogs and the cat to meet.  No point to scare the kitty.  

In the meanwhile, Newton keeps wanting to go out back and look in the window downstairs.  

He has a possible new friend......and is reluctant to leave and go back in UPSTAIRS.

For those who commented on the Chili Con Carne posting, I have added a link for both the chili and the cornbread.....for anyone who wants to make this yummy dinner.

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet,

    Your dragonfly is a female Eastern Pondhawk. The male is power blue BTW. In the old days people called this female dragonfly a Green Jacket. The spider is a green Linx spider if I spelled it correctly.

    1. Randy, you always come through with the ID!! Thanks so much for both IDs!!

  2. I am so glad that Randy identified this dragonfly. I saw one at the farm this summer for the first time. They are such a brilliant green...really cool! Your dog and daughter's cat are priceless. It is so adorable how they meet and visit between the glass door!

    1. karin, Me too! Love the bright colors of the dragonflies. The dog and cat were funny to watch!

  3. I find it funny that our dogs act as if our cats are invisible, but take the dogs outside on a walk and they are far too interested in other cats.

    1. Les, yes, when we had our cat, they thought nothing of her. A cat outside? A different story!

  4. So much blooming jealous. Love the pet staring contest

    1. Donna@GEV, We will have blooms for a long time into the fall. I love it!

  5. Cute on the dog watching the kitty. I think though the dogs might be more scared by the time the kitty slaps them around a few times. I see that here all the time then I need not wonder why dogs and cats fight-it's all the cats fault. The dragonfly is gorgeous!

    1. Tina, thanks! The dogs haven't been swiped by any cats, so they have no fear.

  6. The cat looks less thrilled about the dog than the dog does about the cat. :o) Amazing dragonfly picture!! I'm rotten at taking pix of anything that moves. Those castor bean leaves do look like starfish! How cool is that!! :o)

    1. Tammy, the cat kept coming up to the window when the dog was outside. Funny interaction. I had luck with that dragonfly, doesn't always happen.

  7. How lucky you are to have a namesake rose...and a Rhody, come to think of it...and a few others, no doubt. No Ricki roses, I fear. Oh, well anonymity has its compensations.
    Our pets do keep us entertained, don't they?

    1. Ricki, I have a family garden with plants with our names.....still need to get a new plant for new son in law.
      yes, pets fill our lives for sure!

  8. Beautiful dragonfly! Your dog and visiting kitty photos are so cute. Of course, your rose is stunning.

    1. Freda, thanks! Newton and Kallie were very interested in each other for days!! I love my rose.

  9. Beautiful capture of the spider and dragonfly. Both are green! That seems unusual. Funny the pets are so easily entertained.

    1. Donna@GWGT, thanks! Yes, both green, funny. I have been trying my hand at different exposures and settings. Little by little I will improve.

  10. Hi Janet, Our yard is dog turf and the neighbour's yard is cat territory. The cats next door know never to cross the border. My dogs think cats are made for chasing. I don't think they would ever hurt a cat, but they sure love to run after them.
    I love the tropical look of your Castor Bean plant. Your daylily puts me in mind of my own. I am so dissatisfied with the color of the daylilies at the side of the house. Maybe some new varieties are in order for next summer.
    P.S Very cool dragonfly and spider!

    1. Jennifer, I bet you have lots of dog/cat interaction!!
      I am enjoying my Castor bean plant. Most unusual. As for the daylilies, I am in awe of all the different colors and shapes that are out there. Surely you can find something.

  11. That is a gorgeous dragonfly! I've noticed quite a few dragonflies around here lately; I always thought they were attracted to water, but there certainly isn't much to found here these days. Castor bean plants are such dramatic plants; I had a chance to get a few free ones last year, but decided not to because of their toxicity. Your dogs must leave it alone, right?

    Love the photos of Newton and the cat. Our Sophie has grown up around cats and they're best friends, but a running cat always means a game of chase to her. You were probably wise to keep them separated:)

    1. Rose, it is a pretty one isn't it? The dogs leave the plants alone (except for peeing on them!?!!) Unless your dogs pull up your plants or chew on them I wouldn't worry.
      Love watching dogs and cats.

  12. Hi Janet, I'm jealous of the dragonfly shots! :) I can't seem to find one that's not it flight around my house. Enjoyed the tour of your garden! Have a great day! (I live in the Upstate too.)

    1. Mary, thanks for coming by my blog!! Getting a picture of a dragonfly isn't always easy....could show you many blurry misses.

  13. What a glorious dragonfly Janet, and the flowers aren't bad either!

  14. How cute your dog is so interested in your daughters cat ~ maybe you need to get him a kitty Janet?!!!!
    The dragonfly is gorgeous ~ I haven't seen many here this year.

  15. Kathleen, he is still looking for the kitty and the kids have been gone for more than a week. We used to have a kitty. Not having to mess with litter boxes and cat hair on the furniture has been nice. The dogs don't get on the their fur is floor and our clothes. I did like having Kallie here for the summer...I miss having a kitty around.


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