
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gone and Back from Music City

Some of you know I spent last week involved with 'Mom & Pop Moving Co. Inc'.  Our youngest just moved to Nashville and we brought a truck full of her stuff from here to her new place.  Her sister and new husband helped by driving the rental truck from NC to Nashville.
After a long day on Monday, off loading the truck and putting beds together, Tuesday we had some shopping to do.   Driving into downtown we see the city skyline.  Doesn't the AT&T building look like Batman?

We headed into downtown to see the capitol, the Bicentennial Park and ......the Farmer's Market.  

The wall that runs along the street the length of the market has the history of Tennessee.  It is a wonderful historical display that has great quotes from all sorts of folks that impacted the growth of Tennessee.

The state capitol building is at the end (or beginning) of the block.  You see the the columns on the right have  dates of the timeline.  The black granite wall tells the story of Tennessee.   I will go back again and again, kind of hot this time of year to read ALL of it.

The area of the wall that tells of the Civil War is just across the street from the Food Court at the Farmer's Market.  

Time for lunch!!  Love the sculpture of the tomato and corn...the corn is a little harder to see, it is a bike rack.

The sculpture is titled "Corn and Tomato" by Dan Goostree and Paige Easter  
The Food Court isn't a fast food court like we see in the shopping malls.  It is wonderful small independent venues.  Here is a great write up on the different foods available.  We had BBQ, quite good.  Someone in the group had a patriotic cupcake.  Blueberry filled.

On the Fourth we opted not to go to the fireworks display, still really warm.   We did do a quick run downtown to go by the Ryman, Tootsies, and other great iconic music destinations.
Next visit we will walk around and spend more time taking it all in.

It was time to head home and let her settle into her new place.  The drive home we went through the mountains, past Asheville.  Saw something kind of scary----fire on the mountain side.  Hope the rain that came through took care of it.
Yes, it is blurry, we were on the highway.

Not good....

When we got into our neighborhood we saw something we don't usually see... a gray fox trying to get to the lake through someone's driveway.   Hope this little guy found his drink of water and disappeared back into the woods.
Really good to be home, nothing feels so good as your own bed.  Time to get out into the garden and do some major weeding!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Looks like you managed to combine work and fun! The first thing I like to check out in a new place is always the farmer's market, looks like you found a really great one. BBQ? Yum! And that tomato and corn sculpture is pretty cool.

    1. Alison, yes, it is always good to check out farmer's markets and plants!!!

  2. Adorable picture of the gray fox! We have those here and we see them from time to time. The cupcake looks yummy and I love those tomato sculptures!

    1. Sweetbay, it was a great photo op!! With this heat I am sure he was on his way to the lake for a drink.
      Yup, tomato sculpture was great!!

  3. It looks to me like you have found our hotspots! I love the Farmer's Market! The artist who made the corn and tomato sculptures also made our fireplace doors. Hope to see you all next time you're in town. The AT and T building is called the Batman Building and on foggy days it's marvelous peaking out of the mist. gail

    1. Gail, I look forward to checking out more of your great city! I want to see your fireplace doors. :-)
      Imagine Batman in the fog is really a great sight!

  4. I went to a conference once in Nashville and sadly did not get a chance to see too much. I have always wanted to go back...Now I know some great spots to your homecoming and welcome by that cute little fox!

    1. Donna GEV, You should really go back and see lots more of Nashville. So much to explore!

  5. That fox is adorable and so tiny. I wonder if he's just a baby from this spring. thanks for the tour of Nashville.

    1. Marguerite, he was really tiny. Think the gray fox is actually that small, not a juvenile.

  6. I did the exact same thing with my daughter recently-I'm posting her move Wednesday. Too funny. Nashville is such a cool city. I love Nashville-just not all the crossing interestates. Cool tomatoes! The fox is too cute!

    1. Tina, Another Mom and Pop moving experience!! Nashville is pretty close to you too, so one of these trips I will get up to see you.

  7. Great post with wonderful photographs. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  8. I have never been to Nashville so I appreciate the tour. The historical wall is a very interesting concept.

    1. Carolyn (Shade Garden) Nashville is a very interesting city to explore. I like the historical wall.

  9. What a beautiful city. I've never been to Nashville but you entice me. I like unique pieces like the corn & tomato bike racks. All those things add character to a city. If I had a daughter living there, I'd be back a LOT too (probably get kicked out!) I hope that fire is under control too ~ there have been way too many of those already this summer.

    1. Kathleen, I am glad I have enticed you!! We are planning on going back there a lot--- great music opportunities.

  10. The only time I have ever been to Nashville was for a national meeting of executive housekeepers (still in the hotel business at the time). Contact with bodily fluids was the hot topic that week as the AIDS epidemic was peaking. I played hookey one day and took the city bus to Cheekwood, which you should put on your to-do list on the next mom and pop trip.

    I love the tomato and corn bick racks.

    1. Les, Will have to check out Cheekwood, thanks for the mention of it. Yes, mom and pop will be going there a good bit!!

  11. I've never been to Nashville. LOVE the veggie sculptures. :o) The kelp I buy is Alaska brand and it's usually right by the fish fertilizer. There are other brands available. I've never found it at Lowe's so I buy it at our garden center. has it, too. I started using it about 16 years ago when I lived in South Dakota to help my plants with stress caused by too much cold. Don't have that problem in VA!

    1. Tammy, I loved the veggie sculptures too, very clever. A friend just ordered some kelp liquid...and is sharing. thanks for the info!!

  12. The bike racks are awesome! Oh yes, the Batman Building. When I see that, I know I am only 40 minutes drive from what I call home....

    On hot days or cold days, a trip to the Opryland Hotel is worth the parking fee! You will be most impressed with the indoor gardens...

    Looks like I need to spend more time in Nashville with my trips to TN. I am usually so anxious to get to my parents home that I pass right through Nashville. I must stop and smell the rose's more often... The Saint likes to stop at the Bass Pro Shops. LOL...

    1. Skeeter, The bike racks are really fun! We will see all the Opryland stuff, the Country Music Hall of Fame and everything in between!!
      Bass Pro Shop.. ;-)

  13. Happy to hear you enjoyed your trip to Music City. :)

    If you or your daughter ever would like any advice or suggestions, feel free to email me directly.

    Meanwhile, here's another of our fanciful bike racks!

  14. I recognized the 'Batman' building right away! Love the 'Corn and Tomatoes' sculpture--very creative. I've driven through Nashville several times, including the trip to Asheville, but have never gotten to visit downtown. I'd love to visit some of the music venues there. However, I have stopped to visit a certain garden blogger's garden there; you'll have to make plans to see her amazing natives the next time you're in town.

    Our local "Mom and Pop Moving Co." is currently on hiatus--for quite awhile, I hope. I hear they have very reasonable rates:)

    1. Rose, Yes, Batman is pretty recognizable! We are planning on checking out a lot of Nashville's music scenes.
      Think this Mom & Pop Moving Co is on hiatus here as well!!

  15. Hi Janet. Next time we move, I'll call the Mom and Pop Moving Company! Hope your daughter enjoys Nashville. My husband's family farm is about thirty minutes away from there. I rarely get to see the sights of Nashville, so enjoyed seeing them through your photos.

    1. DJ, hahahaha We have moved these kids a time or two (or three!) I know she will enjoy Nashville, she has done a lot already.

  16. Are you interested in a medium sized pipe vine? I have one that needs a shadier home. If you're up my way visiting your daughter this fall, let me know and I'll dig it up for you. :o) It's frying in its current location and I don't have anywhere to move it. It needs room to run and will provide shade. It's the only food source for the pipevine swallowtail butterfly.

    1. Tammy, thanks for the offer, hope we can work something out!!

  17. Traveling to new places is always fun. Nashville sounds like a fantastic city.

    1. Mary, it is a lot of fun seeing new places and Nashville has a lot to offer.

  18. Nice you had a fun trip, your photos reflect it. I love those bike racks, so creative and fun. The photo of the cupcake was so good, I could almost taste it.

    1. Donna GWGT, thanks.. we did have a good time! As for the setting on the camera (lazy photographer!) ;-)

  19. Ahhh, I remember Nashville from a few trips for work years ago. I enjoyed my time there, as you apparently did too. Loved the west(?) side near Vanderbilt, and (of course) swam in the big pool near the 'Parthenon.'

    1. Swimray, We did enjoy it a lot! She is in East Nashville...and lovin' it!! We found the Parthenon on another trip through Nashville.

  20. Sounds like you had a great trip, Janet. I love the corn bike racks and that building did look like Batman! We took a few days off as well and went camping. It was pretty hot, but we had a nice time. Is it as dry there as it is here? We are desperate for some rain!! Have a great weekend!

    1. Jennifer, It was very hot there (and here as well) The drought conditions have been really bad. I heard that Nashville has had some rain recently...which is good!

  21. That looks like a fun trip. And you're right -- that building really does look like Batman! And what a cute gray fox -- good capture with the camera.


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