
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wrap-up and Nightlife

I can't believe  I still have Spring Fling pictures to share with you, my readers.  I will make this a  final post on this wonderful gardening experience.   
After we got back from the mountain gardens Daricia and I decided we wanted to go to the North Carolina Botanical Garden.  It was a beautiful evening and I am so glad we went.  Some told us that many of the spring blooming ephemerals had bloomed early due to the early spring weather.  We found a lot to enjoy nonetheless.  It was super walking through the garden with Daricia, she is very good with her native plant IDs.

Corydalis sempervirens

Ferns and Heuchera in rock crevices

Iris in the pond near entrance

Silene virginica, blooming in many areas

Polygonatum (possibly commutatun)

Goat's Beard, Aruncus dioicus

Perfoilate Bellwort, Uvularia perfoliata
The final day, Monday we walked to Nan Chase's garden, stopping en route at the White Gate Inn.  This garden, on a corner lot, in town, was just incredible.
Lots of mixed foliage with lots of color and texture interest

Loving these giant leaved hostas!

What a colorful birdbath, nestled in the shade with ferns and hostas and other goodies
Imagine my delight when I saw all these beautiful pitcher plants in this amazing pond element.  The sounds of falling water hides the traffic noise, you forget you are right on the street.

Complete with Koi

I think this is the perfect water feature!
Nan's garden was amazing.  Hers was truly an edible yard!  In addition to the gardens, her house was most interesting.  The siding was bark, tree bark.  She and her husband chose poplar bark shingles to finish their house.  Bark shingles last about 80 years and are a 'Green' product, salvaged from timber operations.   They have a high insulation value-- what a choice!!  

Peonies mixed in with lettuces.

Love artichokes 

Full view of the bark shingles. 
Sadly, it was time to walk back to the hotel, the weekend's festivities had come to an end.  On the way back, walking past the White Gate Inn we saw the totem pole we missed earlier.

Did I say the festivities were over?? Well, not completely.  Lisa Wagner opened her home for us to come by and visit.  She has posted pictures of her garden boxes many times, it was fun to see them in person.

A favorite Penstemon, viewed a few places on our tours.
 Penstemon pensham 'Amelia  Jayne'
Our trip wasn't all gardens, we explored Asheville and dined with new friends. 
The Carolinas meet Texas!
from left to right- Julie Growing Delights, me, Daricia A Charlotte Garden, Pam Digging, Diana Sharing Natures Garden and Vicki Playin Outside 

Listened to the Drum Circle
Enjoyed street musicians

Loved all the sculptures throughout the streets.  

And absolutely LOVED the artwork on the side of the building---
Homage to The Bloggess

Thanks for taking this trip with me.  It was such a great time; super gardens, great people, wonderful camaraderie, and photo - ops galore!!  I hope to do another Garden Bloggers Spring Fling... next year is San Francisco.

Many of you know our daughter's big day was this past weekend.  Now that I am home will be getting back to reading and commenting ---
 it was a perfect day!
Time to add 'Alexander the Great' daylily to
the family garden!

Beautiful decorations---

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. What a great group photo, I just wish I knew who was who(m)? What a great time you have at the fling. Congrats to your daughter, after almost two years I still cry when I see my daughter's wedding photos.

    1. Darla, thanks --have added names and their blogs. We really had a great time at the fling. I am looking forward to seeing the photographer's pictures.

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and to you, Janet, on your new son-in-law. Wishing the new couple much happiness!

    I heard you talk about going to the Botanic Gardens; I wish we had made time for that, but we saw so many beautiful gardens, I'm certainly not disappointed. I do wish, though, we had taken in a little night life as you and Daricia did. We walked downtown Sunday evening, but missed a lot of the sculptures and the street musicians--I guess we should have stayed out later than 8PM:) I'm looking forward to being able to visit with you again at a Fling--if not San Francisco, then Charleston, for sure!

    1. Rose, thanks so much!! It was a wonderful day.
      We did see so many gardens....sorry you didn't get to go to the Botanical Garden...though I know you all stopped on your way out to see some gardens!! Looking forward to seeing you again too.

  3. Congrats to your lovely daughter and new son in law! Nightlife in Asheville looks like fun! The iron and other artwork are most neat. I'm sorry I missed Lisa's. She was such a sweet person I would have loved to see her gardens.

    1. Tina, thanks, will pass that on to the kids. The nightlife was a lot of fun. It is really a busy city.
      Lisa is super!!

  4. I so wish I had gone to the Botanical Gardens, especially with you and Daricia! You both are fabulous resources for plant IDs! (Plus, you are both just a lot of fun!) I think I might make a day trip soon to see it--and perhaps stop at The Hop on the way home! ;-) I really enjoyed my time with you at the Fling. I completely missed the totem pole at the White Gate Inn--how is that possible? The garden was just gorgeous--and I adored the pond. Your photo of it is excellent--I think I need to show it to Peter so he can see our next project! HA! Many congratulations to your beautiful daughter and new son-in-law! Definitely time to add an 'Alexander' to the garden!

    1. Julie, We wish you had come too! We will all get together again soon. Glad you like the pond, sorry Peter. ;-)

  5. Your daughter looks stunning and your new SIL is quite debonair. It was a big weekend for your family (and ours as Garrett married on the same day).

    I love the green, lush shade gardens and that shingle bark house is quite interesting. Glad you had such a grand time at the Fling--in the gardens and hanging out with other gardeners in Asheville.

    1. Freda, I know it was your family's big weekend too. Great weather for yours being outside!! (Rachel's was too)
      We did have a grand time at the fling.

  6. You've had an exciting month, with the wedding and all your Asheville experiences. I love the Asheville Botanical Gardens and wish this garden had been on the tour for everyone to see. When I was in college at UNC-A we used to take our books and blankets and spend the afternoon there. Don't know how much "studying" we did..... lots of daydreaming most likely. Enjoy your newly-extended family circle!

    1. DJ, it has been a very exciting month. Hope to go to the Botanical Garden again in the spring. What a great place to hang out as a college student! Studying? ha!

  7. What beautiful gardens Janet. I love that waterfalls and plantings. So lovely. It looks like the Fling was wonderful this year.

    1. Lona, These were wonderful gardens. I love the water feature in the White Gate Inn.

  8. Congrats to you and your daughter! Just saw the pics on FB, looks like it was a fantastic time and everyone looks so happy. Is this the daughter teaching up here in NJ? One of these year's, I'll make it to the "Fling", always looks like an awesome time.

    1. John, thanks!! She is in fact the NJ resident! We had a lovely time. You would really enjoy the Fling...maybe one of these days.....

  9. it's funny how the group shot of us was carolina on the left and texas on the right! i didn't notice at the time. i love this post! lots of great memories. thanks for the links and the compliments...i really enjoyed the time with you at the botanical gardens at unca and all the other ones, too. i hope we can meet again in san francisco...and in the carolinas before that!

    1. oh, and thanks for breaking my routine and keeping me up past 9. haha, nightlife...i had forgotten what that is!

    2. Daricia, I thought the grouping in the picture was funny too. We had a lot of good experiences together in Asheville. I too hope we can do San Fran! Glad you stayed up past 9 PM!! hahah

  10. Ah, the night life is one thing we missed out on by not staying at the downtown hotel. Sigh, Oh well, there is always a chance for another trip to Asheville in the future... Congrats again on the new addition to the family! They look so happy and what a wonderful setting and beautiful day for you all....

    1. Skeeter, The busy streets in the evening were amazing!! Yes, you need to go back and check it out.
      It was a gorgeous day for the wedding!

  11. What a lovely couple and wedding...congrats to all...and thx for sharing more of the Fling...fabulous gardens!!

    1. Donna, GEV, thanks, will pass congrats on to the couple. The Fling was a lot of varied garden experience, so wonderful!

  12. Really nice post, Janet. It was nice you posted the trip around town too. Four of us went out at night, but none of us took our cameras. I enjoyed the photos of the nightlife. Also, four of us went to Nan's garden, but it was the day before you did. She was having a Garden Club meeting and was very hospitable, serving us real Southern Iced Tea.

    1. Donna, GWGT, thanks so much. We had a great time checking out the busy nightlife. So you were served some Sweet Tea? Nice!!

  13. Congrats on your daughters wedding Janet. I hope they have a long & happy life together.

    Now to that GORGEOUS water garden ~ I agree ~ it might just be the perfect pond. Wish mine looked like that although I do have pitcher plants! feeling proud about that!!!
    The fling sure looks like a good time. I hope to catch up with you all someday. Maybe Charleston??

    1. Kathleen, thanks!! Yes, it was a gorgeous water garden. My photos didn't do it justice. I hope you come to a Fling, you would love it!

  14. I have totally enjoyed these posts. We love Asheville and visit quite often (although I wouldn't want to live there). And I cannot believe how calm and sane you managed to be what with the wedding. Congratulations all around!

    1. Carolyn, thanks, am glad you have been following them. I know you know Asheville quite well. I would love to have a house in those little bungalows.
      My daughter and her husband did most all of the I really wasn't stressed. (surprisingly she wasn't either)

  15. Looks like you had a great time at the garden tour. Congrats to your daughter!

    1. Kim and Victoria, We had a great time on the Fling! thanks, will share your congrats with her.

  16. I really wish I had been at the Fling but just couldn't make it work with my schedule. It looked like such a blast. Congrats to your beautiful daughter!

    1. Tammy, wish you could have been at the Fling too. Hers was the bridal shower I went to in Manassas.

  17. I love your pictures of the goatsbeard and painted ferns and those wonderful pitcher plants!..You captured the details of those beautifully.....Lovely picture of your daughter and new son in law too....I would have really liked to have been there at the Fling.....Nan's water garden is very amazing and so soothing looking...Its been fun looking at the various pictures..

    1. Stephanie, The goatsbeard just glowed in the shady garden. The pitcher plants this trip were just amazing. Come to the next Fling!!

    2. I hear it will be in San Francisco next year!..How nice!....Im always looking for plants that will glow in my shady, woodland gardens...Im really appreciating living with shade gardens more than ever and now prefer them over total sun areas....I have the painted fern and goatsbeard but not the pitcher plant so that will be my next treasure to find and add to the garden..Thank you again for the lovely photos....Its very helpful and educational for me.

  18. Hi Janet, Congratulations to your daughter and her husband! I like the design of her dress and the table centerpiece is terrific. I must remember the idea for my son's wedding (someday). The Fling looks like such a fun and worthwhile experience. San Francisco next year, eh? Wouldn't that be nice if only I could find the funds! I love the pitcher plants in this post. They are such a nice addition to the water feature.

    1. Jennifer, thanks. Her dress was perfect for her, she just glowed in it. Her roommate did all the flowers.
      Yes, next Fling is San Fran. Would love for you to come!!

  19. That is a lovely water feature and I love the pitcher plants! I have really enjoyed reading all your posts about the fling. I am more and more disappointed I couldn't make it not only all the great places you visited but mostly not meeting all these wonderful fellow bloggers. Congrats to your daughter and her husband. They look so very happy and beautiful!

    1. Karin, it was the best water feature I have seen. We need to get together!!
      My daughter and son in law were grinning ear to ear all day!!

  20. I absolutely love that birdbath, what a fantastic piece and how great that you can view it from above and see that gorgeous colours. Sounds like you had an amazing trip.

    1. Marguerite, I love the colorful birdbath!! Yes it was a great trip.

  21. Love the birdbath and water feature in Nan's garden! And the wall painting of the chicken. Fantastic!

    Congratulations to your daughter and her new husband!

    1. Sweetbay, it was a really nice birdbath, loved the colors. Yes, the chicken is fantastic!
      thanks, will share it with her and new hubby.


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