
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good Karma, Good Luck, Good Mojo....or What?

This past couple weeks have been pretty incredible.  You may have noticed a few give-aways on some blogs lately.  It appears as though I have the magic touch.
The first one I won was from John's blog An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener  where I won a $100 gift certificate to Santa Rosa Gardens.  What a treat!!  I like Santa Rosa Gardens, use them quite often.  I already had a wishlist going on their website, so filling the order didn't take too long.  I now have to wait for my plants to be delivered.  Will share a posting when they arrive.

The ladies at Garden Rant had  'Worms --a love affair',....Amy Stewart's book, The Earth Moved, On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms and a stacking worm bin were being offered.  Yes, out of almost 200 people, I was chosen!!  Today my Worm Factory arrived from Nature's Footprint.  This is a serious worm bin!
I was excited to open it and get my worms shifted over to their new home.   Upon opening the box I found a booklet and a CD with information about setting up your bin.

I will have to take some time to get the new bin set up.  This is great, my bin is full and they need to move to a new container.  This one has a spout at the bottom to harvest the liquids.

This is the single level bin, you add more levels (which are included in the box) as the worms eat up what they have in the lower levels.  After more levels are added, you harvest the castings from the lowest tier.  I will work on setting this up tomorrow.  I am not sure all my worms will fit.  Think I may be a two bin home for a while.

I started feeling pretty good about all these winnings.  I had a bit of a dry spell and this was a flood of great winnings.   We had a concert in Newberry, SC at the Opera House and I wanted to check the availability of an extra ticket for our next concert, Nanci Griffith.  Our youngest is coming home for Spring Break and since Charlie and I had tickets for the show, I was hoping we could get another one for her.  Our tickets are front row, center and I wasn't going to give up THOSE  tickets.  Well, my Mojo must still be working!  I was able to buy one ticket, RIGHT NEXT TO OUR SEATS for her!!  Sweet!   The next morning I went and bought a lottery ticket for the Mega Millions know the one, the BIG ONE.  Well, yes, I won......$3.  I spent $5.  haahahaaa oh well.  Figured I had already reached the trifecta  plants, bin and book, and a great ticket.

Imagine my surprise when I get a message from Julie at Growing Days, you guessed it!  I won Julie's blog give away.  What a great bunch of goodies from her!  Since we live close by and use the same local farmer market, we arranged for me to pick up my plants, seeds, book (the other is on order), and tub this afternoon.  What great looking plants!!!  I was able to get tomatoes and a pepper and a Snail plant, Vigna caracalla.  We will be watching the sun for the next few days to see where the best spot will be for these beauties to get 6 -8 hours of sunlight.

 And here is the tub full of seeds and one of the great books!
I promise to stay away from the next few contests, giving all of you a chance to win.

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I have just spent a grueling day doing taxes and, tonight, came across your blog. Got quite a laugh reading about your lottery winnings and the ways the universe has deemed you worthy of so many prizes! I look forward to meeting you in Asheville in May.

    1. Thanks DJ, I look forward to meeting you and all the other bloggers in May too!

  2. Congratulations on all your winnings! That worm bin is pretty cool, and I've seen pictures of the snail vine flowers, they look very unusual. I love Santa Rosa too, I buy from them all the time, even here in Washington. Thanks for taking a break from entering giveaways, give us all a chance to get our own mojo working. LOL

  3. SCORE!!! You must be doing something right. Nice prizes here.

  4. Congratulations on all of your wins Janet. That is just fantastic.All such wonderful prizes too. I get plants from Santa Rose and love their plants. I have a wish list there too. I am glad you will be able to get some plants from your wish list. Have a nice Easter weekend.

  5. Janet that is quite a bounty in garden goodies...enjoy!!

  6. All of the above! It's just like Christmas. Congrats on all your wins and enjoy! Let us know how the worm bin goes. That would be so fun!

  7. Congrats! You have been on a roll!

  8. You do have some great luck. Maybe you needed to by one of those mega million tickets.

    1. Donna, I did get a mega million ticket...won $3, oh well.

  9. Hi Janet, Happy Easter! Your really on a roll with the winnings, although too bad about the lottery. That would have been a heck of a lot of icing to top the cake. LOL! Still, you have some great loot here. I have always been interested in those worm bins and so will look forward to your progress reports.
    P.S. The mysterious road side trees were not so mysterious on close inspection. When I got out of the car and waded into the brush I saw there were common pussy willows whose flower(?)buds had fully opened. In the late day sun they looked so beautiful, even if they were actually fairly common.
    I have a couple of books on reserve at the local library on Ontario wildflowers. I'm looking forward to picking them up and venturing into the wilds this summer to photograph as many as I can.
    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

    1. Jennifer, icing on the cake for sure!!!! I do have a lot of great gifts here. The books are super, the worm bin is amazing, and the plants ---wow!

      Glad you made your tree id!

  10. I laughed wondering what the delivery person might have though delivering the box marked "Worm Factory."

    1. Ray, I will ask him next time he brings something what he thought about the Worm Factory.

  11. Wow, what a string of good luck you have had, Janet! I would have rushed right out and bought a lottery ticket, too. Too bad your luck didn't hold for that:) But you certainly received some other useful gifts--the worm factory is pretty cool.

  12. My goodness what fantastic luck you're having!! Enjoy it while it lasts. That worm factory is huge. What a great win that was. Like Swimray I'm giggling at the thought of the postal service seeing the sign on that box.

    1. Marguerite, The Worm Factory has four trays .... so it will be quite tall when all layers are added. Yes, my UPS guy did tell me he had delivered something fun when I saw him as I came back from walking the dogs.

  13. WOW!! You are lucky! It's been a long time since I won anything. I have two worm bins that I turned into a tall multi-layered worm bin that I keep in my basement. I keep a lidded ceramic jug with a filter in the kitchen for all my scraps. My worms keep me well supplied with compost. :o) The next time there's a give away, I'm entering! You've inspired me. :o) Thanks for the info on the water celery.

    1. Tammy, Yes very lucky!! I have a large plastic bin as a worm bin...this tower will be really upscale.
      I like the water celery, just keep it contained.

  14. Goodness, I'm impressed -- what an excellent collection of winnings and good fortune! Love that worm factory -- I'll look forward to hearing how it works.


    1. Lisa, Love the worm factory too! Will post about it as it grows. Going to OKC and will miss the SCBG plant sale, :-( -- see you in May.

  15. Only a Gardener could become happy about winning worms! LOL, Lucky you lately. We did not even win $3.00 on the Mega Millions. Sigh. oh well, next time.... Happy Winning!

  16. Is it a joke? Come on, Janet, they just love your blog!
    Start buying lottery tickets!!! Congratulations!

    1. Tatyana, no joke! I think the lottery tickets should have paid out bigger than $3!

  17. Ha ha! Great job!! Congrats on your winnings!

  18. Wow! Not only did you win a lot of stuff, you won a lot of REALLY GREAT stuff! I love the worm bins.

    1. NCMountainwoman, I agree!! Great stuff!! I love the new worm bin.

  19. Wow, you've been on a roll girl! Congrats. Wonderful winnings ~ I hope the luck continues too. :-)
    I'm thinking about my five must haves...


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