
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lots Blooming On Garden Blogger Bloom Day for March

I think I have uploaded the most photos for one posting in a looooonnnngggg time.  Today is the 15th and that means Garden Blogger Bloom Day.  Carol hosts this every month --be sure to go over to her blog, MayDreamsGardens and say hi.
I want  to start my walk with a great sighting from the other night.  We had a Luna Moth flutter down and land on the driveway, I offered a stick for her to walk on and carried her to a nearby bush to keep her safe.

And now on with the garden!! These are in order from the front door, around the house and back to the front.   I will just caption the photos,  and you can walk through at your own pace.  

Osteospermum, from last year, getting ready to open in
a container on the front porch

Loropetalum 'Daruma' 

Phlox stolonifera

Pansies, love them!

Sweet little violas, with Acorus (Sweet Flag) in the background

This white double Daffodil is under the Fringe Tree, white and white

Magnolia x 'Jane' still blooming

Tiny daffodils, Narcissus 'Erlicheer' very fragrant

A pass-along peony from Virginia

Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' finally got a chance to smell this one, very nice

Hyacinth 'Pink Pearl' still blooming

New Magnolia!!  Thought second 'Jane' was dead, but she wasn't.  Now I need to
figure out a place to plant Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star'

Hostas emerging!  Think this might be early

Edgeworthia losing its blooms.

I have asparagus!!  Thanks Lola  :-)

Native honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'

Hellebore are still blooming

Fothergilla gardenii 'Mt. Airy' starting to get buds

Amaryllis emerging

Pieris japonica 'Cavatine' just starting to open

Lots of daffodils from the assortment package

Another gift from Lola, Flowering Almond  Prunus glandulosa rosea plena

Osmanthus fragrans, Tea Olive, still blooming since last fall

Muscari 'Sky Blue' with Loropetalum 'Ever Red' behind it

A close-up of Loropetalum 'Ever Red', just love this one.  

Happy Bloom Day to all, hope your garden is full with blooms galore!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. aloha,

    wow your moth photograph is dazzling and the garden looks great, i'm diggin the double narcissus - beautiful


    1. Noel, thanks! I was pretty happy with it. She held very still for me to take the picture. These double daffs have been fragrant!

  2. When I saw the moth in my little "blog preview" window, I thought it was from the cover of a book! It is beautiful. The loropetalum sure is pretty, too. I may need to investigate that one, maybe after the flowering almond. :-)

    1. On My Soapbox, book cover eh? Nice. Loropetalum and flowering almonds are great to have!

  3. Saw Loropetalum and Flowering Almond today at the Big Box Store...was tempted but didn't bite. Wish I had, now!! Gorgeous;-)

  4. You really do have quite a bit in bloom. I love the image of the moth, so stunning a capture. I never saw a Luna Moth before, they are very beautiful. I like Pieris but they push them up here and they are not very hardy in our area. Bad soil conditions for them. Erlicheer was in my garden then disappeared, not sure why either. Edgeworthia is a plant I wish to have, yet, you have a few I would like, lol.

    1. Donna, Yes we do. It is so nice. The Luna moth is the one on the commercial for sleeping medicine. I like this little pieris, supposed to be about 4 feet max, maybe you could put it in a container and bring it in the garage or basement?
      Wonder why your Erlicheer disappeared.

  5. In a short period of time you (or you two) have been very busy in the garden. I am envious of your time and space. Ever Red is my new favorite Loropetalum, and I am almost tempted to replace a perfectly good Pizazz with it. Happy GBBD!

    1. Les, Yes we have been busy. Retirement will allow for that. Our space is great. I know you, you will find a place for Ever Red!

  6. You do have a lot of blooms! I really like that small, fragrant Narcissus 'Erlicheer'.

    Do the deer eat your loropetalum? I had to move one of mine inside the fence and Richard had to cut down the one outside because the deer split it and broke it so badly that it needs a "reboot" to grow properly again. And they do eat it here.

    1. Freda, It is such a sweet little bundle of blooms. So far the deer only ate the roses and loropetalum along the shore line last fall. Since that occurred, we have had no big deer issues. It is about time for me to spray liquid fence or something similar.

  7. What a great capture of your luna moth! They are stunning creatures. We have so many of the same plants I felt as if we could have been walking in my garden together. I just ordered a star magnolia and it is being delivered today. Can't wait to get it in the ground this weekend. I just love their blooms! Really like your white on white (iris and fringe tree). And, your hyacinth are much farther along than mine. Happy GBBD!

    1. Karin, thanks! They are stunning indeed. We have similar climates though I think you are a bit warmer. Same taste in plant material. Hoping the Fringe tree blooms while the daffodils are blooming.

  8. Hi Janet, That Luna Moth is exquisite! Its delicate wings are the most beautiful shade of green. I have never see Loropetalum before and immediately looked it up to see if it is hardy here. Drats! It's not. The shrub's flower reminds me a little of witchhazel, but I like their vivid pink color better. Love the white daffodils and narcissus. Can't wait to buy some pansies, always a favourite. Have a great weekend, Janet!

    1. Jennifer, I thought you would like the moth! Sorry to hear that Loropetalum isn't hardy for your area. It is a Chinese Witch Hazel.

  9. love your pansies... mine are in bloom right now, too..... very cute.

    1. Dirty Girl Gardening, thanks, I love pansies too. very cute.

  10. HI Janet. The Luna moths are just so fantastic looking. I love your Loropetalum 'Ever Red'. Just beautiful.Also love the purple Pansies.Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Lona, Ever Red is a nice Loropetalum, great flower and great foliage.

  11. Janet what a colorful walk about your garden...of course I love the moth...what an incredible gift to find it in your garden!

    1. Donna, glad you came along. Yes, the moth is a super sighting and great photo op!

  12. I so would love to see a luna moth!

    1. Jess, I have only seen one twice, once this week and once in Virginia. The one in Virginia was really battered and torn. Seeing this one was a treat to see how pretty it is.

  13. The Luna Moth is one gorgeous creature. Erlicheer was on my want list anyway and now I want it more.

    1. Sweetbay, I brought in some of the Erlicheer and they are filling the room with their wonderful fragrance.

  14. Lovely Luna Moth! I haven't seen any here yet this year, but the butterflies are out flitting around.
    All your blooms are just fantastic!
    Really beautiful post for GBBD!
    Happy Gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Lea, We have had lots of butterflies too, this Luna moth is kind of a novel sighting (at least for me). Have a great week.

  15. Wow Janet you are surely the Queen!

  16. Janet, gorgeous blooms! I'm late to the party, finally resting my weary self after a crazy day in the garden...and what a nice treat before bed to look at all of your stunning photos! I just saw hosta emerging in our gardens today--I swear they weren't there yesterday! And asparagus--I'm so excited! I feared that the one spear would be all that we had (new bed), but today I counted a dozen! Your viburnum is exploding with blooms. What a lovely time of year, isn't it? Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Julie, thanks. I imagine this time of year you are very busy. Yes, I saw your asparagus! Pretty exciting. This is a beautiful time of year.

  17. Love that luna moth!

    Hearing Doug Tallamy this evening talking about Bringing Nature Home underscored the importance of planting as many natives as we can, along with our other horticultural plants in the landscape. It's a message that we, as gardeners, can embrace as making a difference!

    Look forward to seeing you at the Asheville Fling in May!

    1. Lisa, thanks! I sure am trying to do my part on planting natives. See you in Asheville, unless you are doing the hike on Saturday.

  18. Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Thanks!
    Blooming Teas


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