
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Great Combination, If I Do Say So

As the cold weather moves in I wanted to bring in a few of the last roses on my 'Janet' rose.  These roses are such beauties, changing colors as it opens and matures.  

  The stems are small and slender and really not strong enough to hold the flower heads up in a vase. 
 The solution was to put them in a small bowl shaped vase.

The combination that suits me ----to accompany the roses---Deep, dark, delicious chocolate from Belgium.  Leonidas chocolate....freshly flown in, made with no preservative, pure deliciousness. 

I love getting a box from my sweetie.

And I love having roses to bring in and enjoy....................................

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Those are really beautiful roses! I love how they look in the bowl. I really need to get out and cut some of the last roses here.
    The chocolate sounds delicious!

  2. It doesn't get much better than chocolate and roses!

  3. beautiful way to display those. i hope they smell as pretty as they look. enjoy the chocolates!

  4. Well Janet you are looking beautiful. (you and the rose)
    It has a lovely bloom and I really like them in the bowl. Great idea. Enjoy them.

  5. Hi Janet, Great idea! I hadn't thought to float my roses in a bowl. 'Janet' is looking beautiful despite the lateness of the season.

  6. Supposedly the english roses are supposed to develop stronger stems after several years of growth. Mine are all pretty young so I can't say if that happens. Surely pruning affects stem strength. But even if Janet is never meant to hold her head up on her own (the rose, not you!), you've managed to display the blossoms beautifully!

  7. This is the perfect way to enjoy your roses--they look lovely in the glass bowl. Roses and chocolate--it doesn't get any better than that!

  8. Chocolate and roses, are you celebrating something special? Or just the typical day of two people recently retired and living by a beautiful lake?

  9. What a lovely way to display rose blooms Janet, I shall have to steal that - and find a suitable vase, I broke my fish bowl vase, which I greatly regret as I loved filling it with daffodils.

  10. The blooms are beautiful! Wonderful arrangement.

    I noticed that the box is had already eaten all the chocolate, right? :-)

  11. Beauty and deliciousness! I LOVE chocolate, esp. Belgian chocolate. Lucky you!

  12. I'm drooling. I think I could eat the roses too!

  13. Roses and Chocolate...definitely a good combination :-)

  14. A perfectly delicious combination! gail

  15. Great combination indeed! Love the way you put the Rose's in the bowl together. I have been known to put a single bloom floating on the water in such a vase but never a grouping. What a wonderful idea...

  16. These are absolutely gorgeous. What a great idea. Reminds me of what I did for my brother's wedding for reminds me of what I did for the reception tables.I took agapanthus blooms with a very short stems and submerged them with weights in a fishbowl. They looked like sea anemones and they were a big hit.

  17. Thanks everyone for the comments. Roses and chocolate are just a great treat, no special occasion.
    VW, I will keep an eye on the second year growth. Patrick, sounds lovely!

  18. What a great idea to put roses in such bowl! And who can resist chocolates?

  19. Lovely.

    And with good chocolate?


  20. SO pretty Janet. I would save them too. I like to float a rose bud in a small bowl during the summer months. Perfect for sniffing!
    Hope you've had a good fall ~ I haven't been doing much blogging lately (hence the lack of visits.) Hope I can get going again.


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