
Monday, September 19, 2011

Picture Perfect

A little while ago Cameron spoke about how she used her photos to decorate her home.  I like the idea of using my photos...I like my photos.  We don't have many walls in our house...there are lots of glass walls.  I did want to find a spot in the house to hang my work..... and our powder room needed something on the walls.  We happened upon a deal for a pair of frames with mats included.  Hooray!!!  I had already ordered my prints from Shutterfly and was very happy with how well they came out.   I had a pair of Magnolia very fresh and one that was aged and brown.  A perfect pair for the powder room. 
Color isn't very true in this photo.  Wall color is kind of a light tan.
 A better view of the color is in the photo below. 

I had others printed as well...and placed them in our bathroom. 
Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Red buckeye, Aesculus pavia
 I have a print of a Van Gogh of the Starry Night series, that needs to find a home. 
There are a few others I hung in the other bathrooms.  I know, doesn't sound glamorous -- but look at it this way--- anyone who goes in there has a nice photo to look at. 

Do you  have some photos that you would like to see as artwork in your home?  The cost is pretty minimal to have a 8 x10 print.  I used Shutterfly, like I said, but there are lots of places to get prints done.  We love our photos online, now we enjoy them at home as well.

I have been shopping -- searching the discount racks.  Yes, I brought home a few new plants.
Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'

Coreopsis 'Limerock Dream'

Don't you just love all the color variation?

Phlox paniculata 'Laura'

Also bought some pansies and a few mums.  Just seemed like a good idea.  While planting and weeding I got some more photos of some of the wildflowers growing along the edges of my property. 
 Wild flower Identification is not my strong suit, I do not know for sure what this white flower is.

Blue Lobelia
I like this time of year as I can spend a lot more time in the garden without getting overheated.  Getting reacquainted with my flowers....  :-)  I think they missed me.

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Bravo!!! Great idea, lovely prints! What could be better than your own pictures on the walls!
    Love coreopsis of this color. Wonderful!

  2. Your flowers are so pretty-such great colors this time of the year.

  3. I have a lot of my photos displayed throughout our home...yours look great! It is a lovely time of the year to get back in the garden...I need to go plant shopping soon.

  4. Gorgeous new flowers...many of my favorites..of course the photos are beautiful. An idea I have been kicking around and now I may seriously explore more..thx

  5. I've often thought of having some prints made of some of my photos, especially of the butterflies. Yours look lovely in the bathroom--maybe I'll finally get busy this winter and try this!

    Love the coreopsis. I'm trying to avoid buying too many plants this fall, but then again, if there's a good sale...

  6. Great job with the photos. So nice to have pictures of your own beautiful garden on the walls.

  7. Hi Janet!
    Your pics look beautiful framed. I started doing this a couple years ago. I had gone searching for some prints to hang and everything I looked at, I kept thinking "I had photos that looked just as good!" I print them out myself tho (unless I want something larger than an 8 X 10) which makes it even easier.
    You could totally plant shop for me too. I love the coreopsis coloring. I haven't seen that one either. Now you'll have me hunting for the portulaca and it!!!
    Glad you're enjoying the garden.

  8. Those prints look great! Love the Coreopsis with all of those colors.

  9. They look very professional!
    I will have to try this idea sometime.
    Glad you liked kidhistory. I just knew someone could appreciate that bizarre humor.

  10. Looks like you fond some beautiful additions to your garden. I really love the colors of the Limerock Dream coreopsis. Laura smells so divine. The veronica is a lovely blue too. Your pictures look wonderful on the walls. What a great idea.

  11. Janet,
    The butterfly is a Red-banded Hairstreak. Nice photo the one with the blue flowers a wall hanger for sure.

  12. I think its a great idea to use your photos to decorate your home Janet. And once you have the frames, so easy to change the look if you get a whim. I love that coreopsis - there again, I also really like the veronica and the phlox... Nothing quite beats the joy of new plants to place! Enjoy reacquainting yourself with your garden now that the heat is gone.

  13. What a great idea! Your beloved beauties inside the house for years of enjoyment!

    I have been peeking at garden centers as well but not finding the great bargains as of yet. Hopefully, McCorkles will come through for me this weekend...

  14. Nice decorations, I like very much.
    Great colors for this time of yr.
    Haven't been able to shop for Fall plants yet. Hopefully soon.

  15. An inspiration to get our photos printed out and framed!

    We've wanted to get that going for ages (even though we don't have too much space to fill).


  16. Hi Janet, Hanging photographs is a nice way to bring the garden indoors. The matted and framed prints look great in the bathroom and powder room.
    Your bargain hunting resulted in a nice assortment of new plants. I like the multi-colored coreopsis especially.

  17. Your photos look great on your walls! Thanks for the mention.

    I've had my head down for 30 days writing a novel! I think I'm ready for the final proofing now and then Richard is going to read it and give me his comments. My son Chris used to be an editor at UNC, so he'll edit for me.

  18. Hey Janet
    I had to be the bearer of bad news about your 'Limerock Dream' coreopsis but it's not s true perennial.I've been working on a newspaper column about the breeding explosion of recent coreopsis introduction. Five species have been used to create most of them including two annuals. There has been such a rush to market that some truly annuals are out there. And the Limerock series is one of the worst for winter kill. So enjoy your pix but don' t expect their return. They may prove me wrong.

  19. Beautiful plants Janet and you may have inspired me to have a few of my macros enlarged
    Thanks, gail

  20. hi folks, thanks for all your comments!
    Tatyana, I love this coreopsis! Hope it comes back!

    tina, thanks!

    Darla, You should have pics displayed in your house, you have some lovely ones. It is a great time to shop.

    Donna, I hope you have decided to print some of your photos and have them hung in your house.

    Rose, You should print some of your photos. Mine make me smile whenever I walk into the rooms they are hung.

    Marguerite, It is nice to have them hung.

    Kathleen, thank you! You have some wonderful photos that you can choose from! I think it would be hard to choose! I hope to find that portulaca again next year.

    Sweetbay, thanks! I am happy the Coreopsis is blooming again. Great plant!

    Rosey, thanks, I like them. Yes, I think kidhistory is pretty funny.

    Lona, I have added some great plants indeed. Laura does smell sweet. You have some wonderful photos you could put in your home.

    Randy, thanks! I will have to print out the blue flowered photo.

    Janet, It is a good idea to switch out the photos...keep things fresh. Hoping my new plants are happy.

    Skeeter, Really enjoy bringing the blooms into the house. I thought about going to McCorkles, but Layman's was closer.

    Lola, thanks! Fall plants are out all over the place now....good ones to choose from.

    Lisa, we don't have many walls, so hanging the photos in the bathrooms was a good choice for us.

    Jennifer, You have some incredible photos....I hope you display many in your home.

    Cameron, thanks for the inspiration! I know you have been busy....keep writing!

    Patrick, I hope your news is zone specific for Kansas. We are in zone 7b and am crossing my fingers it comes back. It did rebloom this I am enjoying it now.

    Gail, I am glad to have inspired you. Your macros are super, you will have to share which ones you choose to print and display.


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