
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We Interrupt Your Previously Scheduled Tree Posting

Yes, I realize many of you are looking for this week's tree posting.  Let's just say that a lovely day got the better of me.  We have had much needed rain for the last few days and today--THE SUN WAS SHINING!  I called one of my neighbors and we went over to Park Seed Company/Wayside Gardens.  This lovely Japanese Maple was just shimmering with its spring apricot colors. 
The Trial Gardens are getting prepped for the new year's trial plantings.  Surrounding the garden beds are some wonderful garden areas.  There is a Ornamental Grass and Its Companions garden, a Rose Garden, a Deer Resistant Garden, a Winter Interest Garden.....all sorts of great plants to enjoy. 

I  love the River Birch in the foreground and the Redbud down near the garden trial beds.  There are some mature trees through this garden and add much needed shade come June and the Festival of Flowers.  The Festival of Flowers is a month long celebration in Greenwood, SC that has many activities throughout the month.  Check out the link and see all the wonderful gardening events there are for this festival.   Today the gardens were quiet, relaxing and an enjoyable place to spend a little time.

Doesn't this yellow Magnolia look lovely?  I asked inside about the name of this one, but since there was no longer a name tag, they were unsure.  I am hoping it is Magnolia 'Elizabeth'.  (more about that later)

There were a couple different varieties of Cercis in bloom.  What a color!! I love it.    The blue sky was the perfect backdrop to this magenta bloom.

So many trees and plants budding out, love the yellow foliage on this Dawn Redwood.  With a name like 'Gold Rush' one would believe it will stay yellow.

You would not believe how large this Bleeding Hearts plant was-- I would estimate it was about 24 inches tall and equally wide.  It was impressive.

In addition to the pink of the Bleeding Hearts there was a glorious display from a Flowering Cherry.  I couldn't find the tag for this one, so it will just be labeled 'Flowering Cherry'.

I love the foliage of this Hydrangea, believe it is H. quercifolia 'Little Honey' .....the yellow echoes the yellow in the center of these Primroses.  The photo doesn't do it justice.

As we were leaving we checked out the large shade loving plants against the building.   A large (about 8- 10 feet tall) deciduious azalea was just getting ready to open... alas, no fragrance. 

Rest assured my fellow garden friends.....I did not come home empty handed!!  As Park Seed was having a special on Hemerocallis, I bought 10 of them and a few other things as well......

So the tally is-- 4 Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy', 3 H. 'Aztec Gold', 3 H. 'Sammy Russell', a Magnolia 'Elizabeth' (hoping it is like the one pictured above!!), a no-name green foliage Japanese maple, one Baptista 'Solar Flare/ Prairieblue', and one Achillea 'Red Shades'.  Most of the Daylilies were divided at least in two, the Achillea divided into four pieces, and yes.....everything is in the ground!!! 

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Great job on getting everything planted so soon. The plants will be most happy. I really like that J. maple. It looks like the 'Full Moon' maple just by looking at the picture. If so you got a great deal.

  2. Janet,
    Must be an amazing place! Never seen a bleeding even close to that size. The azalea reminds me of the native pinkster, one that would go great in your garden.

  3. Beautiful pictures Janet ... and I love your header too!

  4. Oh, you got Sammy Russell! He's one of my favs, came to my garden mislabeled and I was forever getting his ID. Sammy loves water.

  5. That looks like a fun day! I can't believe how far ahead it is there. Our J. Maples won't have leaves for at least a month. My Bleeding Hearts are normally up and blooming now, but they aren't even close now. It's good to see all of what's to come here blooming where you are.
    Great plant choices. I bought Strawberry Candy last year and can't wait to see it bloom

  6. Oh, you got some wonderful plants, but those daylilies especially are so big and lush. Good idea to divide them now, that way they won't need dividing as soon in the ground.

  7. Sure sounds like you all had a great time. And what a great haul you made.
    I just planted 3 new lilies that I had purchased last Fall. I put them in my rose garden. I think 1 was Strawberry Candy.

  8. I got a nursery visit in today too Janet, unfortunately, not near the gorgeous array of blooms here as where you are. Love that yellow magnolia ~ you must have planted one?? I think you picked the perfect retirement spot ~ lots of good greenhouses, birds, and the lake ~ what else do you need?!! :-)

    ps I took the orchid photos using my black refrigerator as a backdrop ~ isn't that funny?! It worked tho because the light in my kitchen is pretty good. I hope you get some blooms soon too. I remember when you came home with the orchids. If it helps, only one of the three orchids I bought from Carter & Holmes has bloomed for me. I bought them last Jan (2010) so I thought for sure they'd be blooming this year?? Orchids sure do take patience, don't they?

  9. Dear Queen of Seaford,
    the pictures are lovely, as always! I love the leaves of the Japanese Maple - and the Cherry Blossoms. So you enjoy real spring now - here we have still minus 5°C to 0°C - but I see the first forsythia in (almost) bloom - a good sign.

  10. OK, you are forgiven for the lack of tree post, that was a wonderful way to spend some time, and what a great haul you came back with! Pictures of new plants in situ please...

  11. Did you move there just to be closer to Wayside?

  12. Looks like a fantastic day, Janet! This is the perfect way to spend a spring day--enjoying all these gorgeous blooms and finding some great additions to your garden. Congrats on getting them all planted so quickly, too! I can't wait till the nurseries here are open--they're still in winter mode, but they should be filling up their shelves soon.

  13. What an incredible outing--the blooms, the sunshine, the garden plants you bought!

    Glad that Park Seed has a deer resistant trial garden. I could send them a nice big herd of 20 deer if they need more testers! Actually, I get along just fine with the deer -- it's the rabbits and voles driving me crazy this year.

  14. Okay...I will look for another tree post next week. But it was worth the diversion.
    Lovely blooms you captured here.

  15. One of my favourite spring tasks - plant shopping! I'm impressed that you got everything in the ground too.

  16. We dont have many Redbuds in our area so I really did enjoy the drive to and from TN with an abundance of red beauties along the interstate. We also trek onto the North GA mountain highway where they are full of redbuds. The dogwoods are peaking now and some already green with leaves. The Azaleas are opening as well.

    Congrats on your seedling in the below posting! At this rate, you will have your new yard full of blooms in no time at all girl…

  17. You got some great new additions for your garden Janet. So envious of you being so close to Wayside Gardens. ;)

  18. I'm glad you found a yellow magnolia and got it all in the ground so quickly. Do you have a plan so you know where to plant what you buy? Too often a plant catches my eye and then when I get it home I struggle to find the perfect spot.

  19. Looks like you had a wonderful visit and made some great purchases. I am impressed that you already have the daylilies and japanese maple planted!
    The weather here has finally warmed and I may even get out to putter around the garden. Everything is brown and nothing is up yet, but at least that last snow fall is almost gone. Enjoy your weekend.

  20. Now that's my kind of post! Garden roaming, picture taking and plant buying! Sounds like you had lots of fun and from the quality of the photos, were quite inspired. Me too!

  21. It's been a great magnolia and cherry year (Asian species) for sure! The cold temps in January delayed flowering, apparently, so we've had a great display in March (and now into April).

    Sounds like a great outing to Park Seed!

  22. Love the picture of the 'Gold Rush' Redwood, and the cherry blossoms look so sweet! Looks like a great place to visit!

  23. hi folks thanks for all the great comments!
    tina- Not sure that it is Full Moon, but it is a nice shape and the cut leaf is pretty.

    Randy- it was a very large Bleeding Heart. I agree, I think the azalea may be a pinxter.

    Charlotte- thanks!! header art work done by Tina.

    Nell Jean- I hope my Sammy can handle the location --it is a little drier. He is near the red crape myrtle...hoping for some nice color companions.

    Catherine- It is fun going over to Park Seed, just a short 10 minute drive. I Googled Strawberry Candy and LOVE the bloom in the photos...hope they are close to the same.

    Alison- I like spreading out the plants I buy, feel like I am getting more of a bargain!

    Lola- Yes, it was a very nice time. Strawberry Candy would be very pretty with roses!

    Kathleen- I think we are a tad bit ahead of you ;-) and yes, this is the perfect retirement spot!! Am loving every minute of it.
    like the idea of using a plain black background for your photos, funny it is your fridge. I am still kieeping my orchids alive!

    Britta- I can't believe how long it takes for spring to come to some places! Glad to know you have forsythia starting! Spring is on its way.

    Janet- thanks for forgiving me. Pictures in situ coming soon!

    Les- in a word....yes :-)

    Rose- I was so happy to get my plants in the ground, we got a nice rain and they are well watered. Living here is like being a kid in a candy store.

    Cameron- It did seem like the perfect spring day. I think that Park Seed has enough deer to trial many gardens!! voles are getting me this year already.

    Rosey- Tree posting is up.

    Marguerite- plant shopping is the anticipation of the possible...and I love it!

    Skeeter- I am surprised you don't have many Redbud --you aren't that far. I was surprised at how few azaleas we have in this area.

    Racquel- you should be! :-D

    Gene- I had seen 'Elizabeth' a couple times before and finally succumb to the desire. I am still filling this garden, we started with a blank palette.

    Jennifer- I am pretty happy with my purchases. Spring is on its way for you...hang tough.

    Grace- The garden areas at Park are really nice, easy to be inspired.

    Lisa- thanks! I am enjoying the spring blooms --love seeing how many native dogwoods are dappled through the woods.

    Sweetbay- Gold Rush just glowed!!


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