
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tra- la la la It's Spring!!

Today after walking the dogs I strolled around the garden, front and back.  Spring is happening so fast it seems you could find hourly changes!
Bright daffodils blooming screams springtime!  These are Narcissus 'Gold Metal' just opening up along the side of the house.   This is a nice bold yellow bloom.

As I ventured out back one of the Dogwoods we planted is starting to open.  Seems like overnight the bracts have started to open.

This Dicentra was just planted about 4 weeks ago and it is ready to bloom.  Very satifying!

Maybe I should have saved this photo for my exciting 'closer' photo.  It is exciting to me, this is one of the Hellebore planted last summer.  I had 5 Hellebore installed by the landscaper and I moved them into a bit more shade. (We thought the first area was going to be shadier, but it turned out there was a lot of afternoon sun)  None of them had bloomed this winter and I was getting concerned.  Well, this morning I found a bud that will soon open.  Gardening teaches you patience, sometimes over and over again if you are like me.

The Dogwood in the front yard is one that Mother Nature provided.  I wanted any and all dogwoods saved, this one is beside the driveway.

The native Carolina Jessamine, Gelsemium sempervirens, is starting to open in the woods in the front yard. 

The Coralbark Maple is putting forth great color.

Even the weeds are pretty.

This is the container by my front door, it has these pink Hyacinths, 'Jan Bos' and pink Snapdragons and an ivy called 'Pink 'n' Very Curly'.  Hoping the snaps rebloom while the Hyacinth is still blooming. 

Last, but not least, the Red Buckeye's progress..... think last spring this was a seed.....

Happy Spring to all--- enjoy!

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Ooooh!!! My favorite is that "weed"!!! Great detail on the photo, too!
    The Coralbark Maple is really pretty!

  2. Happy Spring to you too! You do have pretty weeds. Love the flowers on that coralbark maple too.

  3. Janet,

    Looks like things are happening there for sure. I know what you mean I walked the yard this morning, this evening a batch of new daffodils were open, never noticed them in the morning. Did you plant the Red Buckeye from seed? I want one, it blooms and bring in our hummers you know.

  4. The buckeye is doing well and spring is beautiful in SC! Hourly changes for sure, it is amazing to me.

  5. Janet,

    The Chuck-wills-widow have mostly replaced the Whippoorwill in our area. Next time it calls listen very carefully. The call would be either: whip poor will or chuck wills widow it is very subtle call difference.

  6. Hooray for spring! I almost couldn't contain my enthusiasm today. My kids just couldn't understand it...the anticipation just about kills me.
    Your hyacinth is a pretty color, I love hot pink!

  7. We also seem to be experiencing spring-all-at-once here as well. I half expect to walk out the front door this morning to see Azaleas blooming.

  8. Spring has arrived in your garden for sure Janet! :) Glad to hear that your Hellebores are settling in and going to bloom soon. That is some major growth on the Red Buckeye. I think that is the tree my hubby was admiring at the Learning Garden last year. Hmmm...

  9. Oh, sweet dogwood photos! Mine have a couple of months before they'll bloom, but I'm happy to have crocuses and hellebores blooming and new leaves on delphiniums, peonies, columbine, bleeding hearts.

  10. At last a gardeners dream come true when new blooms arrive. Even the weed flowers are beautiful Janet. LOL! Your pictures of the dogwood blooms are wonderful. Happy Spring!

  11. Wow, just look at that buckeye! At this rate it won't be long before you have a full-grown tree. Great to see all the dogwoods budding out and your dicentra as well. You are much farther along with spring than we are, of course, but I'm happy to report I have two daffodil blooms today! We've had really warm temps for a few days, but the cooler temps are on their way by mid-week, so my bulbs may need that blanket of leaves again that I removed last week.

  12. Very nice. I like.
    Planted more veggies today. Warm weather, all is doing fine.

  13. You have me seriously thinking about moving to SC. LOL What a lot of life you have going there. We're still sitting in puddles from all of the rain. Even on a nice day I don't want to go outside because I'd have to swim around the yard. Love that Hyacinth. I'll bet is smells heavenly too.

  14. Happy Spring Janet, you have some lovely looking plants coming in to their own, exciting! Your Dicentra is ahead of mine.

  15. You're way ahead of us and looking great!

  16. Your early spring flowers are so pretty that I am deeply jealous! Snow is forecast for overnight. Gosh, I hope the weatherman has got it wrong!!
    P.S. I especially like the pink hyacinth-such a beautiful deep shade of pink.

  17. KZK- I like my little weed too! I LOVE my Coralbark!

    Alison- thanks, Happy Spring to you too.

    Randy- Spring is coming like a downhill roller coaster! We saw so many hummers on the Red Buckeye in VA. Think mine is from a seed planted by a squirrel.

    Tina- Totally amazing!

    Randy- I listened to both on the web and am pretty certain it is a Whippoorwill. Singing every night!

    Rosey- Kids will understand someday! The hyacinth is 'Jan Bos' variety. Super hot pink!!

    Les- I imagine the azaleass will be popping soon.

    Racquel- I know!! Sure is great! I think the Buckeye IS the tree your husband was looking at!

    VW- I am so amazed at the dogwoods --each day they are whiter and whiter.

    Lona- Glad you like my weeds!!

    Rose- I believe there were beginnings of blooms on one of these Buckeyes! We are going to have 60 degree highs day after tomorrow. brrr.

    Lola- Glad you like it. I planted a few tomato seeds a few days ago. I love the warmer days!

    Linda- Come on down!! we would love to have you. Yes, the hyacinth is super fragrant.

    Kim and Victoria- thanks! I bet you are still having snow issues.

    Jennifer- I really like this hyacinth too-- 'Jan Bos' is the variety. Dark pink!! Hope you don't have the snow.


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