
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is in South Carolina!

Doesn't this piece of land look like it needs a little pizzazz?  This is our 1/2 acre across the street that has our drainage field for the septic.  I will leave most of it alone for that reason.  I still wanted to add some color.  So.....

Out comes the rototiller..

Charlie tilled a curved pathway along the front edge, near the road.  He did a number of passes to make the soil workable.  We left the grasses and other dead material, incorporating it into the soil.  

I recently bought 100+ daffodil bulbs and scattered them along the curved, tilled area.
I planted an early variety, a mid-season, and a later blooming daffodil.  I planted Narcissus 'Glen Cova', N. 'Osiris', N. 'Cheerfulness'.

I held out about 10 or so bulbs to plant on our side of the street near the road between the two newly planted pecan trees.

These are all just barely showing their foliage up through the ground....but give it another couple weeks.  I will have quite a show!

Now, in other parts of the garden many of my spring bloomers are putting on a show.  Here is the Pieris japonica 'Cavatine'.

This bloom is very similar to the Pieris but it is one of the native Vaccinium along the shore line. 

One of the bulbs I brought with me from Virginia and planted last fall is N. 'Cum Laude'.  I love the peachy color. 

'Cum Laude' is planted near of my 'Jane' magnolias.  A great combination that bloom at the same time.

This is one of the two seedling Red Buckeyes, Aesculus pavia, I brought with me.  They both made it through the winter and are putting forth leaves!!!  Right now they both are only about 8 inches tall.  I have faith they will continue to grow and thrive.

Another Virginia transplant was a pot full of N. 'Tete-a-tete'.  These little ones are so sweet. 

There are a mixture of Hyacinths planted, all starting to show their buds.  I planted these really late, hope I get a nice showing.

I try to repeat colors in my landscape.  Planted next to the Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' it a Narcissus 'Tahiti' that has a reddish orange/ yellow color combination.  As you can see 'Tahiti' isn't open yet....but it is getting there!

The Coral Bark Maple is opening nicely.

Aren't these colors wonderful??

And finally, more daffodils planted in between the Deutzia have come up and will be blooming soon.  Theses are N. 'Gold Medal'.  Looking forward to seeing these new (to me) varieties. 

Happy Spring to one and all.  What's blooming in your neighborhood?

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Dear Janet,
    what a big piece of land you have, such a wide area and a chance to bring it to bloom. I can imagine your plants in big - and I see a sea of daffodils! (Do you have hemerocallis too? They spread so nicely) Spring is coming at last.

  2. I really like your idea to put a curved strip of daffodils in your field. They will certainly catch the eye and make for a cheery spot.

  3. Janet,

    That Cum Laude' is really something! I recall you got some anemone blanda and was holding it to plant it. The ones I planted in November are blooming. The December ones just popped up yesterday.

  4. Lovely!

    And don't forget the old southern favorite, Leucojum -- it was planted in our first garden, and it's now in flower in Clemson.

    Spring is definitely here!


  5. Those Blueberry flowers are lovely ~ ours are still tight red buds.

    The daffodil "wave" is going to look great!

  6. Janet -- isn't it wonderful to be starting with a blank canvas? I love the river of daffodils idea! It will be stunning.

  7. I saw the header photo and was like that looks familiar. I couldn't remember if I had made you one. Cool! It looks great up there and makes the title of your blog stand out-close enough anyhow.

    The daffodil swathe is awesome. I so love daffodils. That's about all I've been doing. Well, that and dividing and building a stupid privacy fence. Almost done-7 months after I started and I just can't seem to finish it. One day. The buckeyes should grow fast. I think that drain field would be a great wildflower meadow.

  8. Britta, thanks, it is a nice sized piece of land. I am looking forward to my sea of daffodils. I do have hemerocallis along the side of the property, a shared plant from my daughters college roommate.

    Marguerite, thanks! I am looking forward to having them all bloom.

    Randy, thanks, I will be putting mine in soon...maybe today or tomorrow. I asked again about when to put them in and she said late March early April. We have had such warm temps lately....

    Lisa, oh that would be a great addition to the bulbs I have in now! Come fall....

    Sweetbay, I love the pink/red buds! It was fun to see some open already.

    Cameron, It is nice to have a blank canvas! I will share the river of daffs when they open.

    Tina, haha, I thought that would catch your eye! I like how it looks as a header. Your fence work is a long haul, know you will be glad it is done.
    I agree-- the drain field would be a great wildflower meadow....I have scattered a bunch of wildflower seeds already. Fingers are crossed.

  9. How exciting Janet, things are really starting to create a stir in your garden. Can't wait to see your river of bulbs. Your Magnolia is impressively early - I almost have the first blooms on my M. stellata.

  10. That curving bed is going to be such a fantastic showing. I am loving the Daffodil with the peachy blooms Janet. So pretty. Spring is certainly arriving at your home with all of these blooms bursting forward.

  11. Yes, the coral bark maple IS wonderful! I planted 'Tete-a-tete' last fall and am excited to see it blooming, but probably not for a few weeks or a month yet. How fun to look forward to your daffodil sweep across the roa.

  12. Hi Janet,

    Your Daffodil bed looks ripe for some wildflower seed.

    I like 'Cavatine' it seems much smaller than most of the Pieris. You are way ahead of us.

  13. Yep I just love this time of the year, everything is new again! :)

  14. Your spring is ahead of ours. I love your blossoms. We've got daffs and crocus here. Fruit trees are thinking about blooming. Nice post!

  15. Yes, you are ahead of me. I am just starting to see the grass turn a little green at the base.
    Your daffodils are pretty! I like that sign on your header. Very classy!

  16. It definitely looks like spring in your area, Janet! I love the 'Cum Laude'; I may not be a big fan of orange, but I love anything peachy or apricot. How nice of Charlie to till up a path for you--it's going to look beautiful when all the daffodils bloom.

  17. Janet, I can't wait to see the river of daffodils too! Jane is a cross between Stellata and liliflora. She is one of the Little Girl series of magnolias. Quite a nice tree.

    Lona, I really like Cum Laude as well, the delicate peach color is great.

    VW, Coral bark maples are super! I will post the river of daffodils when they start blooming.

    Chris, My daffodil bed DOES have some wildflower seeds scattered in it! I put the seeds out on Saturday -- we shall see. I like Cavatine for this reason as well. I had hoped for one of the colorful Pieris, one that has red foliage as it emerges, but, I do like this compact size. Wonder why I felt I needed compact though?? I have an acre to fill.

    Racquel, Certainly new here. Happy Spring.

    Grace, Our spring is here for sure! Our last average killing frost is April 1st. Heard it was time to get the hummingbird feeders out.

    Rosey, We are getting some green in the grass as well, still thrilled about the blooms though. Another sweet blogger made my sign that is in my header. I like how it looks at the top of my page.

    Rose, I heard your area is still having ugly weather! Yuck!
    I am not big on orange either, but this delicate peach is wonderful. Charlie is good about tilling and also digging holes for me.

  18. What a great idea for the bare field! Nothing cheers the face as the daffys in spring time! Your hard work will be worth it as it will put smiles on the faces of every passerby! Our daffys have about fizzled out now as we had such early warms temps this spring. I am loving the warmth and digging in the soil as often as I can, sniffle nose and all. I agree that a reseeding wildflower field would be awesome… I think it wonderful how you took so many things from Va with you. When the times comes for us to move, it will be a pick and choose as I cannot take it all...

  19. Janet, it is so refreshing to see such beautiful flowers this time of the year. And that N. 'Cum Laude' is quite outstanding! I may need to look that one up.

    We have narcissus, crocus and hellebore blooming and maples just beginning to open.. Spring is here.

  20. Skeeter, I like having the bare field to plant 'wild' things. I couldn't bring much from Virginia, but I did try to bring some plants.

    Di, thanks so much. Cum Laude is always a great one, each year I am glad I have it.

  21. I think I like the foliage on the Buckeye more than I like the flowers. Glad to see much of what you have planted has taken off and thriving. I will skip the comments on the White Pine as they are bad news here, but I love seeing them further west.

  22. Les, yes ---I was thrilled with the Buckeye leaves, photo and in the garden. They flower at a young age, so I am hoping maybe next year....


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