
Monday, January 10, 2011

A Snowy Day in South Carolina

Today is a snowy day here in South Carolina.  Hoping it is gone by Thursday so we can go see Nanci Griffith at the Newberry Opera House. 
My day started by taking the dogs out ....yes, in my bathrobe and rubber garden boots.  Once I was dressed we went on a walk.  The one on the right is about to be 17 years old.   She has had an eye issue and has been had a cone on her head for three weeks.  I took it off for the walk today as it was a front loader, scooping up the snow.  The walk got to be too much for her, so we went home and dropped her off.  The other two dogs and I had some fun in the snow.

Our house from the street....see our footsteps in the snow?

No one has been down our street yet.  Wonder if we will get mail today?
Once home we went out back.  The Gardenia 'Frost Proof' is covered.

 Newton (the black dog) and Skyler (the Aussie) were having a field day romping in the snow.

 From the dock, a backyard full of snow.

 The shoreline, with ice and snow.  Snow makes everything look so different.

may you frolic like a puppy in the snow--

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. So pretty! I love how the edge of the lake looks frozen. Sounds like quite a bit of the south is getting snow today. I just looked outside to see it's snowing here. Your dog does look very happy in the snow!

  2. Janet,

    Looks more like VA than SC don't you think. Maybe one day you'll be able to walk out on the lake.

  3. It looks like a winter wonderland! Fun for some dogs! Can you believe the winter already? It's snowing here, but not much. We're supposed to fly to Hawaii tomorrow, but our first flight was already cancelled and we're scheduled on a later flight. We're ready to escape this cold!

    Enjoy your snow!

  4. Wow how beautiful! My dogs would go crazy in the snow, I'm sure. Gorgeous pics...

  5. It's so amazing to get this much snow in the Piedmont of South Carolina!

    Mocha enjoyed it, and we trooped around outside a bit, in spite of the continuing snow. Campus was closed today, and will be again tomorrow, but nice to see the snow for awhile.


  6. I am sure your old girl was glad to get home from her coneless snow trek. Amazing amount of snow for your area.

  7. Glad the dogs enjoyed playing in the snow. Hope we don't get too much of the white stuff, the last storm was a bit of a mess.

  8. The Aussie looks especially enthusiastic! You got a good amount of snow too. Here it's mostly sleet so far, I hope we don't get freezing rain.

  9. beautiful post...the snow looks lovely and everyone looks like they enjoyed the funny to read that with what my neck of the woods in NY would calls a little snow you may not get mail ...yours will melt a lot sooner than mine but it creates a peaceful feeling ...

  10. Frolicking has been happening here, too! Your snow shots are lovely Janet~My fingers are crossed for your trip to the concert~gail

  11. Just a quick update--no mail delivery yesterday, haven't ventured up the driveway to see if the paper was delivered.
    Catherine- I like how the edge of the lake looks too. This dog LOVES to roll and run in the snow.

    Randy- I doubt we will be able to walk on the lake, too much current. Hope it doesn't get that cold to find out.

    Cameron- Hope you got to fly out today. I am done with the snow now that it has an icy cap on it.

    Dirty Girl- The dogs really did have a good time in the snow-- like little kids.

    lisa- Glad classes were cancelled yesterday and today--too icy now.

    Les- She did not like walking in the snow-- too slick. Think this snow/ice will be here for a few more days. Monroe has a vet appointment on Wednesday at 3-- not sure if we will be able to get out by then.

    Racquel- so did you get much? This is a bit of a mess now, very icy on top and under.

    Sweetbay- the Aussie is a goofball. We got the sleet last night and now we have an icy cap....thick enough that the 70 pound dog isn't breaking through. Hope they don't hurt themselves.

    Donna- thanks! I am hoping mine melts very soon! We don't have snow trucks in the rural areas. No mail yesterday...imagine that!

    Gail- thanks! I am not sure about this concert. Country roads to get ice. ugh!!

  12. Lovely, it makes everything look so magical - and fun!!

  13. Everything looks so pretty covered in snow. I think you may have gotten even more than we did; I hope it hasn't caused too many problems for residents in your area.

    Looks like Newton and Skyler are enjoying the snow as much as Sophie does!

  14. Janet- it is magical at first, then it is a hassle.

    Rose- We have been house-bound for three days now....hope to get out tomorrow.
    Yes, Newton and Skyler liked the snow, but not the icy crust that formed.


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