
Friday, November 12, 2010

The View and The Semi-Sunny/ Shady Garden

The Sunday Sunset post was taken in my side yard. Thanks for asking Rose! This is the view from our side dining room window.  I love this!  The red foliage is a dogwood.  Can't wait to see the spring blooms on this baby.

Along the pathway, to the left side of the backyard is the shadier part of the garden.  You saw some of it already with the 'Fern Gully' post.   We had two dogwoods planted in this area by our landscaper.  Will be adding some other spring blooming trees in December when my order from Abbeville Cooperative Extension tree sale comes in. 

I had lots of ideas of what I wanted to put in this shadier area.  Love having fall color, spring color, fragrant blooms, and so on.......
Fothergilla gardenii 'Mount Airy' has some nice fall color-- looking forward to the honey scented spring  blooms.

Also bought five Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee'.  Its leaves are turning dark burgundy with fuzzy white 'hairs' on the top of the leaf. 

When I found the hydrangeas I also found three very nicely shaped Pieris.  This is a smaller variety- Pieris japonica var. Yakushimanum 'Cavatine'.

This little beauty is the bloom of the Serrisa foetida 'Flore Pleno'  I brought one with me and bought a second at Park Seed.  This is a tiny shrub, gets 2 feet max., is evergreen and blooms off and on all season long.  Love it!

The following picture was an attempt at planning.  Using the Paint program I played around with placement of some the plants already purchased.  I had a variegated Iris from Virginia, the Pieris,  and a few Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'.
So, after arranging and rearranging my garden went from the blank palette to this-
And with labels, this is what has been planted so far.  I have plans for some mountain laurel tucked up near the dogwoods and witch-hazel.  My spacing looks so sparce now, but I have allowed for mature sizes for my plants.  I don't want to have to excessively prune or move something because it is over taken the guy next to him. 
Additionally there is an umbrella looking arbor that needs to be put together for the Jessamine.  Think we will wait until spring to put it out.
So, the list in this garden is as follows-

Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine'

Lonicera sempervirens 'John Clayton'

Fothergilla gardenii 'Mt. Airy'

Agastache 'Acapoco Dark Red'


Solidago 'Fireworks'

Iris ensata 'Variegata'

Pieris var. Yakushimanum 'Cavatine'

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' & 'Endless Summer'

Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee'

Serrisa foetida 'Flore Pleno'

Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' & 'Southern Gentleman'

Agastache 'Acapulco Dark Red'

Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice'

Hamamelis x intermedia 'Feuerzauber'


Gelsemium sempervirens

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet, your woodland garden promises to be wonderful! I am curious - when you dig holes for your plants, do you need to deal with the big trees' roots? This is my biggest problem when I plant under our big trees.

  2. It's going to look wonderful! You have included some of my favorite perennials and shrubs. Love Itea, oakleaf hydrangea, hellebores, camellia, and Agastache. I put all of those in my garden this past year too.

  3. I love your view, too :)

    Everything is looking wonderful- making a new garden is always so full of excitement- and yours is full of choice things already - now! I like your picks.

  4. Love that view from your dining room. Smart of you to allow for mature growth. I think it will look great as it fills in over the next few years. :)

  5. Beautiful view from your dining room! Your planting plan sounds beautiful. I think I am in love with 'Pee Wee', and that Pieris looks delightful. Exciting times! Looking forward to seeing it fill out in Spring. And am impressed that you manage to space plants sensibly - a trick I really should learn...

  6. The window looks like a piece of changing artwork on the walls. I hope you don't ever put a "window treatment" on it.

  7. What a beautiful view from your dining room window, Janet! Thanks for showing this--I love the wooded area already, but with all the plants you've added, it's really going to be beautiful. I planted a fothergilla 'Blue Shadow' and one 'Henry's Garnet' this fall, too. They colored up a little, but I'm looking forward to seeing them do better next year.

    What paint program did you use? I can't draw a straight line, but using some computer software sounds doable and really would be a help in planning new plantings.

  8. Janet - looks like a wonderful plan with lots of great plants. And I love the space with those majestic, tall trees. It's such a different look than central Texas. I absolutely love the fall color and your wonderful view out the window by the table.

  9. I'm sure you'll love your new additions -- Fothergilla is a favorite of mine.

    It's such fun to create a new garden space.


  10. Yum. Great plant list! You're going to love Camellia 'Mine No Yuki' if you haven't grown it and love it already. There is a hedge of it in front of the old Johnston County Ag Extension Building. It was labelled because so many people had asked about it. Beautiful *and* fragrant!

    Wonderful view from the picture window in your dining room.

  11. What a beautiful view you have Janet ~ I bet it's just as nice every season.

    I like the program you're playing with too. It looks like you've mastered it by that last photo. I need something like it to map out my existing garden!!

  12. Hi Tatyana, we ran into some roots, and since it is a woodland garden...with lots of room, we just shifted the plant over to where a hole could be dug.

    Hi Alison, thanks! I am very happy with these choices. Much of this plant material I did use in Virginia as the shadier part of the yard also was the area where the salt water flooded.

    Hi Ilona, thanks, I am loving my view too. It is lots of fun to get a new garden going.

    Hi Racquel, I am trying to be smart about my for some filling in!

    Hi Janet, thanks, I love the view too. I am also looking forward to seeing the spring growth and blooms!

    Hi Les, no curtains or shades for us! It is like a piece of changing artwork.

    Hi Rose, my pleasure. I had thought about 'Blue Shadow' and then I found these 'Mt. Airy' plants and decided to use them. I hope yours is as Blue as they say.

    I used Microsoft Paint, the one that comes on the computer. It was kind of fun to try it out with the planning.

    Hi Diana, I remember central Texas, not many big trees to be sure! I have enjoyed this fall color right outside my window a lot!

    Hi Lisa, I am trying to add more native plants-- though there are some non-natives that are in the garden as well.

    Hi Sweetbay, haha thanks! My C. 'Mine No Yuki' just started blooming. Love that it is fragrant!!!

    HI Kathleen, So far summer and fall views have been wonderful. Think the winter will give us more opportunity to see wildlife. Spring, well, those dogwoods are outstanding!
    Paint is getting easier to use...just have to be patient.

  13. janet, i get so excited when i see all your plants and the things youre doing in your garden that i dont know what to say! wow, its beautiful! i am going to be taking notes since we are essentially starting over with our garden now, too. fothergilla and witch hazel are favorites of mine, too, and deer seem to prefer other things.

  14. These all views and the shades are very nice. As they looking from the room and they are giving very nice view.


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