
Monday, November 29, 2010

Odds and Ends, Bits and Pieces, This and That

I am trying to sort out blogging now that we are settled into our new house and planting season is winding down.  This winter will find my husband and me in the front yard on nice days, trying to tame the front woods.  I have been doing my best to make plant identifications before we 'hack' our way through the area.

 One of the first plants I was drawn to in the woods is this pretty little purple flower.  After much research I found the name in a Wildflowers of South Carolina book.  The mystery flower is  Centrosema virginianum 'Climbing Butterfly-pea'.  My sister had the correct genus, but had guessed molle species. Oh so close! 
This native is a three leafed vine that grows in the woodlands and open uplands. I will leave this little beauty in our woods.

I mentioned before that I had discovered a few small Euonymus americanus along the edge of the woods.  Pays to look closely at what is growing in the tree line.

A few of you noticed that I had a Dog Fennel in the photo at the top of my blog.  Eupatorium capillifolium grows along the edge of the street -- as it ages in the fall some of the stems turn red (imagine that !). 

This photo is taken from the front yard, looking toward the street.   We planted a few Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' and an Osmanthus fragrans.  (more O. fragrans along the side yard).  You can see there is a lot of undergrowth that needs to be taken care of. 
 Along the street there is a wide swath of miscellaneous grasses/weeds/who knows what.  At the crest of the hill you can see our closest neighbor's mailbox.  (it's right next to the white post)
 View of the house through the wooded front area.   I like having the house semi-hidden by the woods.

 From the left side of the driveway looking to the house, lots of under- growth here as well.  Can you see the house?

 While  I was taking pictures for the red foliage posting I had the company of two of the dogs.  They are supposed to stay in their yard or follow me.   Well, Newton went bunny hunting (or lizard hunting or whatever).  His head popped up through the grasses. 

 I wanted to share a picture of the Camellia sasanqua 'Mine No Yuki' that is blooming like crazy out back now.  So glad I have one of these beauties in my garden.

We had a frost the other night that really made the morning grasses sparkle.   

 Along the side bar of the blog is a poll.  I am curious if you who comment on my postings read my replies.  I am happy to continue, I am trying to make a point of visiting your blog (if you are a blogger).   Appreciate any feedback. 
words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. What fun to find some new and fascinating plants. I am not going to be on the lookout for seedling hearts a burstin. I tried so hard to germinate seeds (even with cold stratification) it did not work for me:( But now I will look for those seedlings-thanks!

  2. It looks like a great place to do some gardening!

  3. Oh Janet, thanks for giving us the big picture of the front! I adore the dog fennel and envy the size of that clump. What beauty abounds in your new space, the proverbial blank slate, with mature trees included. Do you know the name of the plant in the 8th photo? The one with the house barely visible in the middle right edge? That's not the dog fennel is it? I see it along roadsides here and so admire it. Good luck and happy gardening. May you find more treasures come spring. :-)
    ps, about the comments, when time permits, I like to return to see an answer but have been lax on that lately. Of course I want you to visit me as well!

  4. I love your 'Climbing Butterfly-pea', what a great name, and such a delicate flower. Glad you are leaving it! Wonderful to get a better sense of your wider surroundings, and to have the house half hidden by trees is rather magical. You've ended up in what looks like a lovely place to live and garden.

  5. I love the privacy those trees give your house from the road. Thanks for taking the time to show us some of the treasures in your garden. I did your survey. It really doesn't matter to me if you answer my questions here or stopy by my blog. :)

  6. Janet,

    Lovely camellia! My Pink Butterfly the blooms got frosted, but many buds remain.

    Watch that dog fennel it can get out of control.

  7. Hi! I'm also in SC so it is nice to see so many familiar plants! I think I have a climbing butterfly pea post sitting around in my saved "drafts" folder. I love dog fennel! But one year a single specimen came up in my mother's vegetable garden and we left it there... and it reseeded. I have to admit that wasn't the best idea.

    I wish I was living as far outside the city as you are -- the photo of your street looks so peaceful!

  8. Oh also -- I try to keep up with replies to my comments on people's blogs but I don't seem to be very technically savvy at figuring out comment feeds. So, I would say I'm hit and miss at reading them.

  9. Your Dog Fennel IS cool! Never heard about it before!

  10. janet, What a lovely find~Centrosema virginianum~Now that's a plant I would welcome here. I am glad you are settling in and creating your garden. gail

  11. Goodness ~ to someone who has been in the arid west (for far too long now) it certainly looks verdant and thick around your house! I'd almost forgotten what that many trees and underbrush looked like. Maybe that says I've fully acclimated to plains and sagebrush!??
    You have a lot to keep you busy in the coming months. I love your first discovery. Very pretty ~ I would keep it too!
    As far as your poll, if I ask a question, I usually return to read the answer. If I leave just a comment, I don't usually have time to come back. I gave up responses on my blog a while back ~ like you said, something has to give. Now if someone asks me a question, I answer it on their blog. (or if they aren't a blogger, I will answer on mine).

  12. What fun to find butterfly pea and other native plants in your landscape! I always enjoy Hearts a'Bustin (Euonymus) or Strawberry Bush -- what a cool plant.

    I heard a remarkable story about dog fennel (an old field inhabitant for us), used in England at Great Dixter, and admired by a SE gardener, who didn't recognize it.

    So many of our natives go to Europe and come back to us as cultivars, perhaps we should pay attention in our woods!


  13. Hi Janet, I used to have an Osmanthus fragrans. It has such a wonderful scent. Love that Sasanqua Camellia. Great shots!

  14. Good of you to take a wait and see attitude on what pops up in the woods. I am envious of your space, not just the yard, but also not having neighbors piled on top of you. We like the people next door to us, but they insist on burning a fire pit on weekends, and it is close to our house near the AC, kitchen and dryer vents. So the whole house smells of wood smoke, and not in a good way.

  15. I didn't realize how far back your house sat from the road--what a lovely and cozy retreat! How nice to find some native surprises already in your woodland; you were smart not to just clear everything out without checking things out first.

    Incidentally, if you noticed my visiting here for a long time, my computer froze up while I was trying to leave a comment--so frustrating!

  16. hi Tina, it has been lots of fun finding all the 'goodies' all around me.

    hi Phillip, it IS a great place to garden.

    hi Frances, glad to give you the whole picture of the area. The Dog Fennel is pretty cool, but I will let it be wild, not going to bring it into the cultivated area of the yard.

    hi Janet, I was tickled to find the Butterfly-pea this summer. It just appeared in the woodline. It is a lovely place indeed.

    hi Racquel, I am amazed now that the leaves are down how much more of the house you can see from the road. You know I will stop by your blog! :-)

    hi Randy, thanks! I am so glad to have a few Camellias now, didn't in VA. I will leave the Dog Fennel out at the road....just kind of cool to look at.

    hi Eliza, thanks for coming by. We have many similar plants I imaginge. I have heard Dog Fennel is hard to control, so I will admire it from the roadside.

    AoF- you want the Booby prize? hahahahaha

    hi Tatyana, it is pretty cool!

    hi Gail, it was fun to finally find the name of the pretty little purple flower.

    hi Kathleen, we are certainly in the woods aren't we? thanks for the feedback on my poll.

    hi Lisa, I have been having fun exploring the woods and seeing what I can identify. funny story about the Dog Fennel.

    hi Grace, thanks for the assistance.

    hi Les, it is certainly been fun seeing what I have in the 'yard'. sorry to hear about the neighbor's fire pit. I suspect one day we will have neighbors....maybe.

    hi Rose, it is a cozy retreat. I have found many native surprises. Pretty cool.

  17. How neat that you have Butterfly Pea! Such a beautiful flower.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but deer love Hearts a Burstin.

    Your house is in a lovely semi-secluded spot. We have Dog Fennel here too lining the woods and I love the look of it in the fall.

    Sigh... Mine No Yuki looks wonderful. :)

  18. hi Sweetbay--Oh Deer! Well, I hope the deer leave that alone.....dream on, right? You are the one who confirmed the Dog Fennel identification. Super happy with my C. Mine No Yuki!


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