
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When You Look Really Closely......

You will know why you don't have any parsley---

The gentle fragrance of the Peony can be enjoyed

You will see the hydrangea become blue

One can hope the birds will leave a few Elderberries for me to enjoy

The Dwarf Iris is starting to bloom as the Amsonia fades

The Red Cordyline that you thought was toast, isn't--

Weigela florida 'French Lace' is putting on a show

The fragrance on the breeze is coming from the evil honeysuckle

You wonder how the little white rose bush can be doing so well with that big hole right next to it.............who lives there???

Jane continues to bloom --she is a trooper.

Japanese Asters, Kalimeris pinnatifida are starting to bloom and will continue until first frost.

Pink Grootendorst Rosa rugosa has the sweetest little blooms

But most importantly, if you sit very still, maybe no one will see you.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet,

    Now that was a fun post. Very enjoyable and what a cute little guy at the end. Everything looks fabulous, even the caterpillars. :)

  2. Dear Janet, again so beautiful pictures! In Hamburg we are waiting for warmth (still slight nightfrost!), it rains and gets green, but one doesn't even want to dig oneself warm... Why is it called "evil honeysuckle"? Does it not smell good - or is it strangling other plants? You can read about murderous tree-chopping men in my newest blog, "Trees - again..."

  3. Everything is blooming so beautifully! Love the little guy holding still at the end!!!

  4. Hi Janet. Look at all of those caterpillars on your parsley.Is losing the parsley the price of beautiful butterflies ;-)
    Look at your lovely hydrangea blooms. Mine are just forming bloom heads.
    Elderberry blooms are so pretty. So big and feathery.
    I bet your Weigela is so beautiful. I know Honeysuckle is so invasive but oh, the fragrance.And rose. Girl you have so much going on in your gardens.LOL!

  5. If it makes you feel any better, some day those will become beautiful swallowtail butterflies. Love the peony shot. Our are covered in buds due to pop any day now.

  6. Fabulous photos- you always do such a fine job capturing lovely things and curiosities :)

    the toad is epic.

  7. This was a fun post indeed Janet. I've so jealous, my Hydrangeas aren't quite that far along yet... :)

  8. Beautiful looking flowers!! I love the little guy at the end...he blends right in...I almost missed him!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  9. Oh Janet ~ so much going on here. It's wonderful and I'm jealous. I haven't even seen a toad yet this year ~ if I were them I'd stay in hibernation too with the weather we've been having. Seeing yours makes me want them to come out tho!
    I bought 'Jane' because of her repeat blooming. I thought that was a wonderful benefit. Mine doesn't have any leaves yet (that tells you something all by itself, doesn't it?)
    Love those caterpillars. Hope we have more butterflies this summer. Enjoy your beautiful garden Janet ~ it all looks fabulous.

  10. When evil comes, it will smell like honeysuckle.

  11. Ha, ha, Janet, yes, toads have a way of hiding themselves and then startling you when they jump out:) I've even had them jump out of pots when I went to clean them out and repot some flowers.

    You have caterpillars already! Looks like you'll have lots of lovely butterflies this summer.

  12. Sweet on the swallowtail cats! I'd gladly give up parsley for those little lovelies.

  13. Janet,
    Is the picture of your parsley a recent picture? I'm curious because I have never got any butterfly caterpillars until late August or September. Do you have them now? Love all of your pictures.

  14. Fun, and great reasons to 'look closely':-) We had a toad like that sitting on our front porch, in the corner. It almost jumped into the house a couple of times! Lovely roses, and wow--swallowtail babies already! I have my parsely growing but nothing is eating it yet...although I have seen a couple of swallowtails. I've got my milkweed all planted to and can't wait 'til it grows nice and tall and the monarchs make an appearance (at least my fingers are crossed that they will!)....

  15. Greetings all, sorry for not responding quickly, busy time. Britta the honeysuckle is invasive and a non-native. Kat, the picture of the cats on the parsley were this year...a couple weeks ago now. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments.

  16. I love the garden shots, but that frog at the end has stolen my heart. Frogs in the garden - very lucky.


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