
Monday, April 12, 2010

What a Difference a Week Makes

I know some of you think I fell in a hole, I haven't really fallen, just buried under home on the market stuff. Should be back to coasting for a while but I wanted to share a few pictures from the beginning of April and some from this past Thursday.
Here is The Learning Garden Wisteria floribunda 'Texas Purple' on April 1st (not an April Fool's Day joke).

And here it is ONE WEEK LATER!!

Many of you have seen the native Redbud, here is a Chinese Redbud from the Learning Garden. Cercis reniformis 'Oklahoma'.

Most everything in our area (to include North Carolina and South Carolina) is covered with yellow pollen from our Loblolly Pines and Oak pollen from many of the Red Oak family. It looks like White Oak flower later.
Native Aquilegia canadensis Columbine--- covered in pollen--

And Veronica 'Waterperry'

and Red Buckeye, Aesculus pavia, picture will be added to my new page (see tabs at the top)

Native fern, Osmunda regalis, Royal Fern is starting to unfurl-

and a dainty little daffodils---Narcissus - bulbocodium conspicuus--

Solomon' Seal, Polygonatum odoratum var. thunbergii 'Variegatum', just emerging-

Leucojum, Snowflake-

A variegated Azalea 'The Robe'

And last but not least, my heavily pollen covered Forget-me-not, Myosotis Sylvatica.

I have been trying to get caught up with everyone's blogs. It seems as though I am trying to hold sand.....please don't feel slighted if I have not been to visit. I will get there eventually.
As for the tree postings-- "...tomorrow is another day" Scarlet O'Hara.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Yes, tomorrow is another day. I keep telling myself that when I can never get ahead. The good thing about blogging is we do it when we have to and only then. Don't feel obligated. Get your stuff with the house done and stay out of the pollen. It is messy this year. Wonderful wisteria!

  2. Beautiful flowers!! Thanks for sharing! Debbie

  3. Well, your garden is certainly blooming! It is hard to believe the difference a week can make with your wisteria - so beautiful!

  4. Lovely blooms going on in the Learning Garden. I'll have to visit soon. Don't worry it's hard enough for me to try to get caught up with everyone. :)

  5. Janet,

    Love your Solomon' Seal we have it blooming here also a gift from a friends garden! The tiny daffodil is so cute I think I photographed a large clump of it at the Coker Arboretum.

  6. Janet,

    Selling a house is a busy time, and SO important! Take care of yourself during these busy times.

    The blooms are lovely and the color this spring is amazing. My daffodils toasted pretty quickly though. My alliums have toasted points on the leaves, too. Glad we're having more seasonable temps, but we really need rain.

  7. Hi Janet, thanks for your comment on my post about moving... we have a lot in common! I know exactly what you mean about the move now being so different from moving in Army life, when everyone came to your door to meet you...

    We are moving to Blue Jay, which is
    right next to Lake Arrowhead. Only an hour and half from here, so I'm hoping to keep a lot of my friends and social activities, while adding new ones. That was a big reason why we chose Blue Jay rather than somewhere further away.

    Hopefully you'll have time to keep your blog going; I'll make sure to check in to hear about your new garden!


  8. 'Waterperry' is lovely! I really like the little Hoop Petticoat Narcissus too.

    The pollen came and went rather suddenly here. Clouds and clouds of it and then -- clear.

  9. Scarlett's mantra has gotten me through many a stressful time, too, Janet:) Your garden seems to have burst into bloom overnight! This has been such an unusual and delightful spring--if you don't look into the garden nearly every day, you're apt to miss something. I saw the pollen on a couple other posts; this is something I've never seen or heard of before.

    Don't worry about catching up with all the blog reading, Janet; I definitely understand how busy and stressful moving can be.

  10. I've been reading about pollen making people's cars and properties messy. In fact that's nice to hear (Yeah, yeah, 'coz I'm not the one goinf through the mess :D) that Mother Earth is in glee in that part of the earth.
    Wonderful pictures. This blogland is really great - it lets you enjoy some flowers and plants that you can never grow in your garden!
    Glad I discovered your blog. Thanks to Tina!

  11. Oh that pollen was such a mess this year for us wasn’t it? I was glad when the rain came by to clean things off for us. Now I must get to the porch and clean all the stuff still covered with yellow. I am making sure no more will fall though as it is a waste of time to clean until it is gone for good...

  12. Hi Janet
    All I can say is.... Ooh la la! I can detect the scent of wisteria through the computer screen.
    Such a lush lovely time of year,
    good luck with the house stuff;-) Stressful and tedious, I'm sure.
    xo Alice

  13. I hope all the home stuff is going smoothly.
    That Wisteria is so pretty! I always wish I had the room for one. I love the variegated Azalea too, actually they are all pretty! Hope the pollen isn't as bad now, I think the rain rinsed most of ours away this Spring.

  14. I've never heard of a variegated azalea - how cool!

  15. That wisteria is STUNNING! Incredible how fast things happen, isn't it? I always wanted one too but heard they need a lot of support to climb on ~ have never really figured out where that would be...

    Seeing is believing about all that pollen ~ you sure have the proof. We haven't seen it so much here but it hasn't gotten that warm yet? Maybe we're going to get it later?
    No worries on not being around ~ I figured you were doing "house" stuff. I hope it's all going smoothly ~ maybe another gardener will buy your place?

  16. I'm loving your header photo with the delicate pink tulips and evergreen branch. You reminded me that I need to order some wisteria - I'm going to try 'Blue Moon' since it's hardy and is supposed to bloom repeatedly (though that means more seed pods, maybe I'll regret it later).

  17. Janet-
    Lovely photos of things blooming in your garden! Enjoy it as you look forward making to a new garden, too.

    The pollen HAS been quite dreadful this year, all the oaks and hickories have released their pollen within a 2-wk span. Achoo! Our counts around here have been off the charts.


  18. Wow! Amazing! It looks like all the plants are in rush to bloom. I have hydrangea and heuchera blooming!

  19. Your garden is so far ahead of us. I hope we get something near those great blooms on our wisteria this year.

  20. Greetings all. Trying to get back to business on the blog.

    Hi Tina, thanks for understanding about the off and on blogging. Crazy time.

    Hi Debbie, thanks!

    Hi Noelle, thanks, one week's time and everything exploded.

    Hi Racquel, it is hard to keep up with everyone. Hope to see you at the LG.

    Hi Randy, I really like the Solomon's Seal, nice plant. I like so many of the mini daffodils.

    Hi Cameron, It is busy and there is so much to do. I am in the countdown mode where I am trying to use up things we have in the pantry, etc.

    Hi Anne, I look forward to hearing about yours as well. It sounds lovely --have a college roommate in Ojai area...sort of close.

    Hi Sweetbay, isn't that Veronica cute? Love the Hoop Petticoats too!

    Hi Rose, I have long embraced Scarlett's mantra. Hoping to be around to visit blogs soon.

    Hi Chandramouli, thanks so much for stopping by. I have enjoyed chatting with people all over the world - blogging is certainly a window to the world!

    Hi Skeeter, this year it seemed to let go all at once. Crazy weather.

    Hi Alice, if only it was a native wisteria... :-(
    house stuff is crazy.

    Hi Catherine, the house stuff is crazy, things are going rather smoothly -- loose ends on the new house getting figured out....and this house, melancholy about leaving it some days.

    Hi Ginger, apparently there are a couple different variegated ones out there now.

    Hi Kathleen, it is pretty isn't it.
    It would be nice if another gardener bought this place. I hate to think someone would come in and tear everything out...but it would be their place.

    Hi VW, thanks, it is very similar to Kathleen's header...guess we were thinking alike.
    I don't know the variety Blue Moon, but like some of the songs....Blue Moon of Kentucky keep on rising and Once in a Very Blue Moon. :-)

    Hi Lisa, I am getting anxious to get into my new garden!! I wonder with all the hickory in our area if we will come down with new found allergies..??

    Hi Tatyana, the plants did seem to rush to catch up as they were about 10 days behind and now they are ahead of last year's season.

    Hi K & V, we certainly are not having a usual season.


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