
Monday, March 29, 2010

Hooray for Jane and a Trip South!!

march visit 2010 002I know that I owe everyone a posting about Red Maples for the Tuesday's Trees series, it will come. It has been an incredibly busy time. I think most everything is in a 'ready' state for the house to be on the market. Saying that, I will note that today is a very rainy day and I do have three dogs.

march visit 2010 007We ran down to South Carolina over the weekend to see the house and are getting more excited about the move. Here are a couple pictures of the progress. The stacked stone came out very well!

And for those who want to see the view....... we have lots of windows ---all overlooking the lake.
march visit 2010 014
Here is one that was uploaded to Picasa...apparently now working. (go figure)

This is another view of the gardens (above the stacked stone) and the sod area.

When we got home I was pleased to see that more of the garden had popped open in the matter of a couple days. My Magnolia x 'Jane' is in full splendor.
end of March 013
Having fun with the photos....I took a nice photo of Jane with the Spirea 'Goldflame' behind it. A really nice photo in its own right.

end of March 012 co

Then with a little color saturation I ended up with an electric bloom!
end of March 012 color saturation

I have had trouble with my online Picasa album today. Hoping the gremlins will go away so I can post the tree article tomorrow. Anyone else having issues?

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Beautiful pix!
    I uploaded from FlickR to Blogger without a problem today. Friends who tried uploading through Picasa or through Blogger itself (which uses Picasa...) had problems. It's not just you! :)

  2. Your new house is beautiful, Janet, and what a view! Looks like you're ready to move in soon.

    I don't know about Picasa, because I don't use that program, but I do know for a few hours this afternoon Blogger was acting up and not all photos were showing up on posts. So you might try again now.

  3. Janet the stone work looks so pretty. What a view you are going to have.Jane's blooms are beautiful. Hopefully my Jane will be blooming soon now.

  4. Janet,
    Your going to love that house on the lake how lucky you are. Jane is a beautiful lady! I'm typing from our porch with an intense spring peeper concert going on! Hope that lake will treat you to some frog concerts too.

  5. Janet,
    Glad things are going well with your new house! And I'll echo Randy's comments about the spring peepers -- they were LOUD as I left work this afternoon.

    I had quite a lot of trouble with both Picasa and Blogger today, too -- I was trying to download photos to use in some signs I'm working on.

    But by late afternoon, things seemed OK again.


  6. Your new home looks so lovely and peaceful!

  7. Your house is absolutely beautiful!! The views are great! I know you will love it there!!! Love, Debbie and Hollydog

  8. I had to get the shades out to look at that picture of Jane you tweaked.

    The stone work on the front entrance is very nice, and how exciting that you have a nearly blank slate to garden in.

  9. When it's finished you are going to have one very nice home! I like the stonework on it. Are you planning to dig and bring your plants with you or are you going to start fresh?

  10. Your new home looks amazing! The stone, the views... all wonderful!

    I didn't blog today. too much of a hassle with picasa and blogger issues. Have heard of others having problems, too.

  11. Janet the house is looking great! Thanks for giving me the identity of the Magnolia X Jane... I've been wondering what they were called.

  12. Wow! Your SC place looks great - no wonder you are excited - what a wonderful view!

    I meant to respond to a comment you left at my place, about how long I was gonna be in Virginia, but I've been horrible about reading blogs and responding to my own comments (too busy, something that you probably are these days too). Anyway, I'm back south - where spring, thank God, is in full force.

  13. oooh, your house is looking so beautiful Janet. I would be excited to move too. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
    'Jane' is gorgeous. I planted a small one last year ~ I'm hoping it looks like a miniature version of yours soon. I like the different versions of photos.
    It's good to "see" you around ~ I missed you!

  14. Bad issues with Google yesterday though it seems to be all better today. Your house is beautiful! Can I move in?:) I knew when I saw the title of your post it was Jane the magnolia. They are really pretty this year. Welcome back!

  15. Blogger was working on the issue yesterday. If you go to the Help Forum you can usually find out about widespread problems and the timeframe for fixing it.

    Your new house and yard looks wonderful. I love the stacked stonework.

  16. You are going to a lovely new home and yard with awesome views, Janet! How exciting this is for you! I like the stacked stone, as well. Your magnolia is beautiful;-) Hope Picasa will work for you - I haven't had any issues w/it.
    Will you be free in the upcoming weeks/months to visit someplace? We should plan something. I can walk now...just have to be careful not to turn wrong. I even went to DC yesterday without the brace on. Let me know if and when you would like to do something!

  17. Blogger issues for me yesterday as well. Thank goodness it was repaired by evening or I would not have had a posting up for today. Oh well, there are worse things in life then not getting a posting up!

    Your house is coming along nicely and I love the stacked stone on the house as well as the wall. I have a plan in my head for a stacked stone wall around our driveway instead of the ugly railroad ties. The stacked stone gives such a natural look I think. The magnolias are dropping their petals here but were so pretty all over town…

  18. Hi K. thanks, I have read more of the problem with Picasa and Google. With hope all is good now.

    Hi Rose, thanks we are pretty excited about how the house and garden are shaping up. So glad that the bugs are fixed!~

    Hi Lona, thanks, the stones were hard to visualize in the supply store, am very happy with the end product.
    I am thrilled with 'Jane' she has been a great performer.

    Hi Randy, I hope to hear lots of peepers and all sorts of other critters. I saw a number of woodpeckers, a few were Downy Woodpeckers, not sure of the others as the trees were hiding a good view.

    Hi Lisa, thanks, they are going well. I look forward to the frogs.

    Hi Ginger, thanks!

    Hi Debbie, We are very tickled with the views.

    Hi Les, the word psychedelic comes to mind. I really am excited about shade gardening...a new experience for me.

    Hi Dave, thanks so much. We like the stonework, looking forward to the front once it is painted.
    I am taking a few plants with me...have some hydrangeas that have rooted a few new sprigs and a few named Daffodils and a few of the ferns I have will come along. I have lots of space for oodles of plants. Need to do some of your propagation techniques.

    Hi Cameron, thanks so much! I needed to take advantage of the time I had set aside, luckily I was able to get the pictures up.

    Hi Lauren, thanks, you will have to come down and won't be far and you said you have family in Greenwood. There are a few Magnolias that are blooming now, Magnolia soulangiana is a mainstay in the south. A deciduous Magnolia with stunning pink blooms in the spring. I drool at so many of the Magnolias this time of year.

    Hi Pam, thanks!! I wondered when you were heading back though I also know you were occupied with your dad.
    It is amazing how much just driving a few hours south and you see the change of season.

    Hi Kathleen, hi thanks! Iam glad you missed me, I missed being around to visit everyone. Hope your Jane is as stunning as mine has been so far.

    Hi Tina, yes, Google was a mess!! Sure you can move in! ;-) yes, it is that time of year for Jane the magnolia!

    Hi Sweetbay, I did go to the Help Forum and read more about it. I was just sure it was my computer 'eating' my place said there was a worm in some of the web sites. A cooler head prevailed and I didn't do anything too frantic.

    Hi Jan, thanks a bunch! Seems Picasa has been healed.
    I think a visit would be grand! Let's plan something. I am glad to know your knee is better. I was wondering when I saw your trip into DC for the Cherry Blossoms.

    Hi Skeeter, I am glad you got your pictures up, they were grand indeed!!! Thanks, we are very pleased with the house progress ---and ready to move in. :-) You will be just a short drive away, we will have to get together.

  19. May I approach the throne, your Highness? Question: To what esteemed moniker shall we refer to you upon your move to South Carolina?

    Your new digs look fabulous! I've been a little obsessed with stonework lately and I must say that the work done on your house is excellent.

    Jane is fit for a queen. I bet she's as fragrant as she is regal.

    No problems with Picasa...I hope all is well soon.

  20. Your house is beautiful, I love the walls! What a great view you'll have. I hope your current home sells quickly and you are ready to move soon!

  21. hellloooooooooooo Grace, My new moniker is still an undecided one. My husband is trying to offer some ideas... some of the towns around us are Due West (The Queen of Due West) or Honea Path (The Queen of Honea Path) neither will be the answer. I told Cameron I would be The Queenofseaford Currently Residing at the Lake. But that is a little long. Maybe I will entertain suggestions.
    Glad you like the stonework, we are really happy with how it came out.

    Hi Catherine, it is a great view isn't it? We are ready, but my husband has a few more months of work still.


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