
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Awakening and Lessons Learned or Were They?

I have been absent for a little while in the blogosphere. I have been busy with the prep work for getting the house on the market. We have had inspections and realtors coming through. I have one more appraisal tomorrow and then I think it will be on the market this week. So far all the inspections have been positive. Hooray!!
This month's Gardening Gone Wild photo contest theme is 'Awakening'. As the weather has been milder this week, there is a good deal of awakening going on in the garden. This was taken in the Learning Garden on Thursday -- the light seemed to make the crocus just glow.

And to the lessons learned. This past week my mom called me in the morning to say there was a Bald Eagle on the dead tree across the creek. I was sitting down in the kitchen and where was the camera??? Yes, upstairs. And did this camera have its new lens that is a telephoto lens on the body of the camera?? Of course not. So I quickly changed lens and ran to the window in our bedroom, hoping the eagle was still perched on the tree. Was he still perched??? You guessed it! He had taken flight and this is all I got.

One would gather from this experience that I would have my camera on hand at all times. HA!! Driving to the commissary today I saw the prettiest blue wildflowers along the roadside, at a place I could have easily stopped. Where was my camera??? Right, it was home.  Will try to carry the camera with me more often.

Now that we are having the house up for sale, the rooms are staged a bit. My fast computer is upstairs on a desk in my daughter's room. The ease of jumping from one post to another isn't quite at my fingertips. I have a little netbook, which is very nice to use, but I am still trying to get the hang of the touch pad. Please bear with me as I try to visit your blogs, I have been trying to catch up a little today. With hope I will have gone by and said hello to most of you within the next few days.

I also will have Tuesday's Trees back on track.  I want to do my research and photos for these posts without rushing too much.  Again, the next tree is the American Beech.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Sounds like things are going good with putting your house on the market. I know that is a lot of work. I just noticed yesterday that suddenly things are blooming out in my yard. I'm hoping to see more things coming out in the next several days. Love, Debbie

  2. Best of luck with the sale of your house, Janet -- your darling crocus is a perfect illustration of "awakening". :)

  3. I think us bloggers will be the first to sign up for the Borg-like additions. lol How wonderful to be able to see a Bald Eagle from the window! When we lived in Chapel Hill we used to go birdwatching at Jordan Lake and would often see Bald Eagles there. They are such magnificent birds.

    btw, I often call Sorrell Trees Sourwoods too. :) I'm glad you're posting about beeches, they are such wonderful trees.

  4. I know, you turn your back on the blogs and all the sudden you have several under posts to weed through. I hope that the sale goes well and you get what you ask.

  5. Janet,
    That's a lovely crocus, and I hope a good omen for a satisfactory house sale (lots of work!0 and subsequent move.

    Enjoy your garden there as it turns into spring, and think about the garden ahead!


  6. You've got so much going on right now. I know how it is to stage a house and keep it "show ready" at a minute's notice. You'll be living in your fantastic new home before you know it!

    Take care.

  7. Lovely little crocus!
    Best luck with your house, Janet!

  8. Your mother is going to miss you living right next door to her. But good luck with the sale and keep that camera handy:)

  9. Lovely shot of your crocus Janet. Good luck with the contest! These cameras are never ready when we are, what's up with that? LOL! I have quickly snapped open are so many times. I feel your pain girl .LOL! I hope your home sells fast for you.

  10. I love your Crocus picture. Isn't it true about the camera and it not being ready for those unexpected shots, at least you got a blur of the eagle :)
    Good luck with the house stuff!

  11. hi Debbie, things are coming right along. Hoping the house goes on the market this week. And yes -- spring is finally popping out.

    Hi Nancy, thanks and thanks!

    Hi Sweet bay, very true! It was very nice to see the Bald Eagle, just wish I had a better picture of him.

    Hi Les, not reading blogs for a day or more and everything snowballs!! thanks, hoping it all goes as planned.

    Hi Lisa, I think Crocus are under appreciated. This one was just glowing. I am thinking of my new garden...all the time!

    Hi Cameron, keeping the house looking pristine with three dogs and lots of rain is enough to make me crazy.

    Hi Tatyana, thanks!

    Hi Tina, yes I know she is. Hoping she will come visit often. And yes, need to keep that camera at my side!

    Hi Lona, thanks. It is fun to enter, not sure about winning. My camera would be better if I kept it with me instead of running upstairs to get it.

    Hi Catherine, thanks. I did get a blur of the eagle...but I am calling it an impressionistic view of an eagle.

  12. That crocus shot is absolute perfection. Well done!--Randy

  13. hi Randy, thanks for visiting. I was thrilled to see this crocus glowing in the garden.

  14. Pretty little crocus indeed. I have a number of those pictures of the empty branch or the moving wings...

    You would think that with three cameras one would always be at hand with the right lens, but it just isn't so...

  15. Pretty crocus. I like the contrast of the purple against the orange background.

  16. hi John, thanks for visiting, Eagles are just not for posing for the camera are they?

    Hi thesorrygardener, thanks, I think that is what drew my eye as well.


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