
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Light, Seaford Style

This month the Gardening Gone Wild photo theme is "Winter Light". I know I have shared this photo before, but after sorting through my recent photos, this seemed to best depict winter light.

I was so glad this weekend gave us a couple warmer days. Today I spent a bit of time outside transplanting a Gardenia bush. One of the storms we had earlier this year uprooted this poor bush.  It now has a new home in the garden.

We have been busy painting, readying our house to be put on the market. I have been trying to visit all blogs I usually read, but time has been limited. If I haven't commented on your blog lately-- rest assured I will get back to you soon!

I hope we continue to have warmer days, but since this is still February, chances are slim.
Please head over to the Gardening Gone Wild sight to see some of the other entries.
Stay warm.....spring is just around the corner, I'm sure of it.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Such a pretty picture!
    Getting a house ready to sell is a lot of work! When will your new home be ready to move into?

  2. Whether or not you win, this one is Christmas Card worthy.

    Today was my first day back at work after having a flu-like crud. The fact that the temps were so nice and it was sunny made it less of an ordeal.

    Good luck with all your preparations. Is the house on the market yet?

  3. Janet,
    I know what you are saying! Spent the entire weekend painting sheds and well house at Meg's house so we can list it in the next few weeks. Peas should have been planted...

  4. Gorgeous photo, Janet! What kind of shrub is this? The birds must love it with so many berries on it. Good luck with the house--I know how much work it is to get a house ready to put on the market. I'm sure you'll be glad to have it all done.

  5. Gosh I'm glad I am not the judge of this contest, because I love each and every one of the photos I've seen so far. Such talented people taking part, and yours is very wonderful. Best of luck to you, Janet!

  6. I like how the light graduates from light to dark. Good luck with the contest. Have fun painting. A chore I truly hate but it is so necessary and worth it when it is done.

  7. Oh Janet what a gorgeous picture girl! I love the light and shadows on the snow and berries. Beautiful! Good luck on the contest.

  8. Beautiful photo! Good luck with your home.

  9. Janet, As Les said, it is Christmas card worthy:) Just think, you won't have to worry about too much winter once you have moved to your new location;-)

  10. Your picture is beautiful...I love the contrast of the white snow, the light and the red berries. I do hope warm weather will come and stay :^)

  11. I can't blame you all for being winter weary. Yes it's only February but spring can't come soon enough. Good luck on the photo.

  12. That is a very beautiful picture!! I love it! The snow and ice totally knocked over a few of my bushes. I hope spring is around the corner. It's been a bit warmer here the last few days's still February! Debbie

  13. That is a lovely photo and certainly fits the theme.

  14. That is a beautiful shot.

    This past weekend was a wonderful change, wasn't it?

  15. I agree with Les...That's a perfect holly, jolly Christmas scene!....Good luck in the contest...It's fun to participate...gail

  16. GORGEOUS photo Janet. It's a winner to me. Good luck!!!

  17. Dont wear your self out too much with getting the house ready to sell. I can say that because it is not my house to prepare. :). Na, really don’t worry about the blog or commenting, it will be here when you have the time. Your picture is Blue Ribbon quality to me so Good Luck with that one. We sure did enjoy the nice weekend with our 70 degree temp!

  18. Just realized I hadn't been back to this posting...
    Catherine, thanks. Yes, it will take a bit of work to get the house ready, we have been in this house for almost 18 years, three times longer than any other place I have lived. (and I have the 'junk' to prove it!)

    Les- thanks, may remember that next Christmas...this year's cards are still sitting on the hutch in the dining room, oops.
    Glad to see you are back among the living. I am knocking on wood that I have steered clear of the 'crud' this year.
    The house goes on the market late March or early April I think.

    Randy, a coat of paint really dresses things up.

    Rose, thanks --it is a Nandina domestica. The birds do eat the berries. I will be glad when we are all done and moved in...this is the part I really dislike.

    Jodi, I know what you mean, I saw some really great entries, yours included.

    Tina, thanks, and we are done painting, except for the tiny masterbath. Truly a one person job.

    Lona, thanks, berries and snow are sure great together.

    Dawn, thanks so much!

    Jan, thanks! I think SC has had a fair amount of snow this year as well.

    Noelle, thanks, I liked the snow against the berries. I hope warm weather comes soon too!

    Grace, I know it is only February, but this has been a snowy winter. thanks!

    Debbie, thanks so much. sorry about the bushes with the snow and ice, hope they survive.

    K & V, thanks! now if the judges think so.

    Sweetbay, thanks! yes, this past weekend was great!

    Gail, haha thanks, seems Les is on target! it is fun to participate.

    Kathleen, thanks!

    Skeeter, you are funny! Really the house is in pretty good shape, we just hadn't painted the bedrooms for a long time. I am ready for more weekends like this past one!

    Bonnie, thanks. and thanks for visiting.

  19. A beautiful choice Janet! Gorgeous light and subject!! Good Luck on the photo contest and with your house! My what a lot of work... you must be very busy. Are you moving far away? Sorry if you have already written about this but i am so forgetful and not quite right yet. Carol

  20. thanks Carol, we are heading to SC in July. :-)


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