
Monday, February 1, 2010

BUT.....Everyone is Doing It---

Posting pictures of their snow fall from the last few days that is. Snow is an infrequent visitor to our area. Some winters we get a dusting and every once in a while we get dumped on. Saturday we got dumped on. I would guess we got about a foot of snow.
Now remember, this is Southern Virginia. We have lived here 18 years and whatever snow boots I brought with me from Germany have long since disappeared. So I donned the closest thing I had to snow boots and took my camera and the dogs down the street.

This is Seaford Road about noon. It is a two-lane road with ditches on either side for drainage. You do not want to slide into the ditch.....some places it is about 3 feet deep.

Once back from the corner I looked around my garden and found all sorts of great photo-ops. Here is new growth ready to pop on the Clematis 'Miss Bateman'. A few spent blooms from Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'.

And who could resist the Nandina domestica berries with the red foliage and a blanket of snow?

In the former vegetable garden the Rosemary looks stunning against the snow and one lone Zinnia stem remains standing.

The snow kept falling as did the temperatures. Ice formed on the creek and the snow covered a good bit of the ice.

And of course there was more frolicing in the snow by my four legged companions.

Stay warm everyone!

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Jennifer,
    Looks just like it does here! We are snowed in the road is bad to get out our driveway. All uphill and in the shade.

  2. Southerns are amazed at snow, so the photos are so much fun!


    PS - I've tried to use the quick response links for 2 years now and they have never worked with my blog template, even though they've been turned on that long!

  3. Love what you did with the pic of Seaford Road! And of course my favorite shots are of Skyler making snow angels! :)

  4. Yeah, when we lived down there, I realized just why 'southerns' aren't keen on driving in snow--there aren't enough snowplows and highway vehicles to make the roads driveable in the first place!! If the roads were clearer, more 'southerns' might not dread driving, don't ya think?! Of course, I practically consider myself a 'southern' because I lived there so long...Gee, if you get any when you move to SC, imagine the craziness then!

  5. I'm glad you have the snow and not me! But sorry for the poor road conditions. We lived in Michigan for a summer, and people said winter driving wasn't ever very bad because their army of snowplows kept up with the weather just fine. Plows and brine and sand make all the difference!

  6. Looks like the snow here...about a foot or maybe a little more. Love the pictures and especially seeing the dogs playing in the snow! Debbie and Holly

  7. Beautiful snow pictures! You have more snow there than we do in Indiana. In fact, in hasn't snowed much here at all this year, it's just freezing cold!

    Your new house is beautiful! It will be fun watching your new gardens grow! I bet you will have an amazing number of birds and wild life there with the mature trees and the water.

  8. I got out again yesterday camera in tow for some shots in sunnier weather. I managed to make the trek to work this morning and took more snow pics as well. I guess I am trying to stock up, not knowing when it will happen again.

  9. I admit it Janet I was so excited about the snow...I felt like a little kid waking up to see if school was cancelled! Love your photos and the companions look happy to be out and having a snow day! gail

  10. Of course everybody's doing it! It's snow!!

  11. Isn't it fun? Love those boots. I had to pull mine out from Germany too. Unfortunately they barely fit-we won't go there. The dogs must really love the snow!

  12. My cousin live in Virginia Beach and he got snow, too. You've got more than we do! Pretty pics, Janet!

  13. I know what you mean about a snow event being rare in the south. I remember when I lived in both Virginia and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland ~ if we got more than an 1" or so, everything would shut down. At least it doesn't last long there ~ I think I could enjoy it a lot more if I knew it wasn't going to be around all winter. Your pictures are really nice.

  14. I bet it was fun, especially since it's so rare. Everything always looks so pretty with snow on it. I'm guessing next winter I might get to post snow pictures since we never got any this year.

  15. Oh my goodness....I love how you captured the sparkles from the sun on the snow. The snow-laden hydrangeas are so beautiful....

  16. Looks lovely.

    Always Growing

  17. just like rains coming in with varying severity; drizzle will wet us, rainfall will drench us, heavy downpour will flood and sweep us.... But snow being white is sweet and nice... hmmm. ~bangchik

  18. Snow sure is photogenic, isn't it?
    Very pretty. And dogs always seem to appreciate it more than humans. :-)

  19. Hi Janet, Jennifer? Your title got my curiosity piqued! That is a load of snow. We even got six inches, a ten year record breaker. And it is still out there on the north facing slope even though the temps have been warm enough to melt it elsewhere. It is raining now, at least the ground hog will not see his shadow. I am ready for this winter to say goodbye. I don't know how the northerners can take it.

  20. Good morning Randy, I think it is so tough to get out on rural roads in the winter. If it isn't the snow, it is ice.

    Cameron, we do have fun with the snow don't we? Cameras were clicking all through the South.
    I wonder why the quick responses don't work for you??

    K- I did like that one of Seaford Road. Skyler is still trying to make snow angels but there is an icy crust now.

    Jan- We did have a snowplow come through on Sunday afternoon---the second time since we have lived here that there was a plow on our street.

    Phillip- It was fun.

    VW- It is funny, once you get out of our little 'town' up to the main streets the roads were clear.

    Debbie- thanks!

    Robin- I find it amazing we have more snow than you.
    Glad you like the new house, I am really looking forward to seeing what kind of wildlife we get.

    Les- It was hard not to take pictures! As for when or whether it will happen again--the circus isn't even here yet!!

    Gail- Snow is exciting, but when it gets dirty and icy it is no fun.

    Sweetbay- Agreed!

    Tina- I am pretty happy with those boots-- especially the waterproof part! The dogs are having a good time romping and playing.

    Kylee- thanks! Yes, VA Beach is covered as well.

    Kathleen- this snow has lasted longer than usual but rain today is supposed to wash it away.

    Catherine- I appreciate an occasional snow, now it can go away.

    Noelle- thanks! I was happy with my snow pics. I like how the blue shades in the shadows show up.

    Jan- thanks.

    Bangchik- snow is sweet and nice the first day..........after that -blah!

    Victoria- it sure is photogenic! Dogs appreciate a lot that we take for granted.

  21. Hi Frances, hahaha, yes I have been called a couple different names in the comment area. Oh well. We are supposed to get that rain later today...sounds liek we will have a muddy mess by the end of the day. When is spring???

  22. Janet,
    You got more snow than us in January! That is freaking me out. We will catch up in March, perhaps. Have fun!

  23. We donated our heavy coats and boots to Good Will once returning from Germany! Glad you made it safely back home before the storm hit. Driving in the snow can be such a tricky thing. Your house on the lake is coming along nicely. The dogs are having so much fun in the snow as if little children. Wait, they are little children aren’t they? I have seen so many fun videos with my friends dogs in the snow but the one of your fur baby making a snow angel has to be the best of all….

  24. Hi Janet -- I've added your snowy post to the First Snowfall page. Thanks for participating! Love the shot of those boots! :)

  25. Spring through Fall I feel like removing the nandinas. Not sure why but they seem overrated. THEN, in the height of winter, I realize why they're so wonderful. I'll in the process of rooting and moving pieces to add more to the landscape!
    Now only if I could properly prune them!

  26. Boy, crazy winter! I agree with your comment just a bit ago - I am sick of the soggy ground and mud (three dogs in an Airstream...during a rainy winter? Ugh.). I'll probably be happy that we got all of this rain once spring strikes - we've had some dry years, so that's the upside I suppose. Are you guys getting this next big storm? My Father in C'ville might get 20-30 inches (that's just pure craziness). Hang in there.

  27. Beautiful! I absolutely never get tired of the vision of snow. People say it gets old when you live somewhere that gets snow all the time, but when you're somewhere that isn't guaranteed a stretch of white days, it's somewhat magical. So fun to see the dogs playing in it. Hooray for snow days.

  28. Hi Rosey, You can have your snow back if you like...I know a few kids in DC that would be more than happy to ship it off to you!

    Hi Skeeter, I am glad we made it back too! Our last few trips down to SC we go on rt. 85 and come home rt 95 to miss the weather.

    Hi Nancy, glad you like the boots! I am getting tired of having to wear them!

    Hi Colleen, I am really getting to like Nandinas --especially some of the newer cultivars like Sienna Sunrise or Harbor Dwarf. I am adding some to my new landscape. There are some that are sterile which is good to keep them from being invasive.

    Hi Pam, I know, it is very crazy. You have me beat with dealing with muddy dogs in the Airstream. We have had a couple of snow storms that have given us about 10 inches, 6 inches and another 4-6 inches. or something like that. I got tired of keeping track.

    Hi Megan, the snow is pretty until it gets that slushy messy dirty look about it. Driving in it is a bit of a challenge too. The dogs still enjoy it.


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