
Friday, November 13, 2009

A Window to My World

This is the window from which I most often look.  If you notice there is a lot of water.  We have been playing with what we are calling Nor'Ida.  Take one serious nor'easter and add a healthy dose of the remains of a late season hurricane.....include over 10 inches of rain over three days and six tidal cycles.  I was going to call this posting 'Where in the Hell is Pat Robertson?'  He claimed to pray away hurricanes.  Sorry, my sense of humor is shot.  High tides got progressively higher with each cycle as the high winds would not allow the waters to recede during low tide.   Les from A Tidewater Gardener mentioned flooding in his posting on Thursday. 

Wednesday we had rain and there was some talk of some coastal flooding.  Ok, we could deal with that.   This photo is a very high tide, not uncommon with a nor'easter....higher than usual, not enough to make me crazy. 

We spent Wednesday putting things up, away from possible flood water.  Kitchen counters and tables were covered with items pulled from any low cabinet or shelf.  The garage items were moved as well.

This is what happened two hours later at high tide.  Again, not what I wanted to see, but oh well.  Coastal flooding. 

We got up very early on Thursday morning to find a lot of water in the yard.
 Note the bird bath.

Six hours later would be our low tide.  LOW tide it wasn't . 

This was before high tide, I was looking out all my windows.  Just how high would it come?  We flooded with Hurricane Isabel, something I really did not want to experience again.   Before we go any further, I know there are those who experienced much worse with many other hurricanes.  Mine is not a severe case, it is my case.  Our house got repaired and with each passing hurricane season we worried, looked out the window and watched the water.  With retirement looming, we decided to build on a newly purchased lot, as those who read this blog know. 

Thursday evening's water was to be worse that that morning's high tide.  We paced and paced.  You want to do something but there is nothing you can do to stop the water. 

It came into the garage a bit, we had some minor losses.  My nerves on the other hand.....

The high  tide this morning was higher than yesterday morning, but lower than last night.  Hooray!  The offshore winds had diminished and the water was able to recede with low tide. 

So all this being said, I haven't lost my marbles, but we do have a lot of cleanup to do.  Will try to get around to other blogs in a few days.  

For now I am going to bed and get some rest, knowing that the worst is over.  And that is my 2 cents.


  1. Oh my goodness...I am SO glad you haven't lost your marbles ;)

  2. Hi Janet~~ This is a little toooo close for comfort! Ida is one wicked mama! I'm glad she's finally easing up. I hope you can get things back to normal soon. I'm thinking of you. And hold on to them marbles!

  3. Oh man, my nerves would be shot, too. I'm glad the garage was the only part of your house that got deluged. Good luck cleaning it all up, and your poor garden . . . so sorry.

  4. With each picture I couldn't imagine it getting any worse, but it did. Sorry that you had so much water in your yard. I hope the cleanup isn't too bad.

  5. Thanks goodness the worst is over and you can relax a bit.

  6. Janet,

    I am very glad that you didn't have worse damage than you did! The good news: you won't get tidal flooding in Greenwood!


  7. Janet, we didn't have any rain with Ida, but the wind did push water into low area just as it did for you. I am so glad the damage wasn't too bad. As a survivor of many hurricanes, I know how scary it is to be waiting to see if water or wind damage will happen. Take care.

    Always Growing

  8. I've been thinking about you. It looks really really bad but I must say I am most glad it did not come into your house. Hopefully you can get the repairs done on the garage soon. Take care and rest.

  9. Wow that is awful! I can't imagine how nervous I would be seeing all that water so close to the house, or in it! I hope the damage wasn't too bad.

  10. Janet,

    Wow that is a lot of water, glad it didn't get much worse. Meg's daughter spent the storm in a tall mast schooner docked in Cape Charles, the boat banged violently against the dock for days and days. She is a bit crazy if you ask me.

  11. Oh dear! I think one of the worst thing is a feeling of helplessness... Stay safe and warm! And dry (sorry, it's a bad joke)!

  12. I am glad you are ok. You are a brave woman! Take care... and do know that we are thinking of you.

  13. Janet so glad the worst is over. You and Charlie must be awfully relieved (and tired!). Lots of love- Susie Q

  14. Holy moly Queen of Seaford -sorry for all that you went through. My parents are in NC, but didn't seem to get it as bad as you. I hope everything dries out well. It is interesting to see what happened through the progression of your shots.

  15. Oh dear! I'd be pacing, too. I hope you'll soon be high and dry, Janet. Hang in there!

  16. Is that fresh water that the wind pushed back up the river? I hope you don't have very much damage. I bet you'll be relieved to be on your new lot.

  17. Janet I am so glad you still have your marbles. I did not need any of those, but could have used a set of worry beads. And yes, just where was Pat, maybe he only does offically named storms. I hope his replacement is becoming well trained in turning hurricanes too.

  18. Yeah, that Pat Robertson - never around when you need him (and thank goodness for that!). We only had a few inches of rain down here - and the last few days I've been swamped (bad pun) so was curious to see how you and Les fared (I'll go and 'visit' him next) since you guys got the worst part of this system. I hope things are drying out for you and that it hasn't been too terrible of a mess! Hang in there.

  19. Oh, Janet, I'm glad the worst is over, but I do hope you didn't have too much damage. Our basement flooded last year during a heavy rain, and I remember how awful it was to clean up all the mess. I would have been watching this water rising just as nervously as you. Take care and get some rest!

  20. Well Janet, you certainly have not lost your sense of humor. You managed to write an entertaining post about something that must have been a trying experience.

    Your photos really showed how the weather affected your property. I hope the clean up goes well and I am glad it was not too destructive.

  21. Janet,
    I'm SO glad the water didn't get up to the house, but your pictures were dramatic. And I hope the cleanup of the garden isn't too bad. I'd been worrying about your situation as Ida moved up.

    You certainly won't have tidal flooding on Lake Greenwood!


  22. Good thing you kept you marbles. Looks like Nor'Ida left you with a new high water mark. H.

  23. Dear friends, thanks for all the wonderful comments! I know I usually comment to each of you individually, not today. I thank everyone for visiting and am trying to get back to visiting your blogs as well.
    The sun is shining today and we are continuing to dry out the garage. My garden is pretty much toast, though I will take my camera out to see if there are any blooms for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. We continue to have higher than usual tides....something I will not miss once we go to SC!
    The dogs can finally go out into their least most of it.
    Again...thanks for visiting and come back soon!

  24. That is alot of water! I feel blessed to have survived the storm with little damage. Hope you dry out soon, at least the sun is shining again. It's been so long I almost forgot what it looked like. ;)

  25. Hi Racquel and Phillip... the sun has been nice to see today, and yes quite a close call.

  26. Glad that things are settling down a bit. And, I hope that there was not too much damage. So stressful it must have been - not knowing what to expect. I'm glad you are okay!!

  27. I'm so glad you didn't lose you marbles or your sense of humor. I'm sure that was a frightening experience for you!

  28. Thanks Liisa and Robin, Now that most of the cleanup is done I feel lots better.

  29. Oh my goodness Janet. How did I miss this post? How scary. I would not have been able to sleep or anything for worry. I'm glad you came thru with only minor damage. Hope you're done with storms of this caliber for a long time.

  30. hi Kathleen, it is over, that is the good thing. We have some duct work to replace and some insulation. We made out far better than some. We are truly counting our blessings.

  31. Sorry I'm just reading this post at this late date...I knew you'd gotten water, I just hadn't seen the photos of it in your yard! Wow, it really was everywhere...too close for comfort, but luckily it's over. I hope your new house isn't quite as close to the water, but, since it's on a lake I'm sure you won't need to worry about 'tides'--especially 'high tide'. I hope the clean up has been done by now and your work is being taken care of inside. Sorry for all the headaches you've had to endure!

  32. morning Jan, its ok to read something after is has been up a while. We are in the cleanup mode now, had some insulation removed and replaced yesterday. The backyard is so soupy...what a mess.
    Looking forward to enjoying water without worrying about it!


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