
Sunday, November 15, 2009

How 'Bout These Babies? November GBBD

Have you ever taken some photos that you just sit back and admire? Did I do this? While moving things back to where they belong after our storm I was surprised to see how many blooms had opened on my Thanksgiving/Christmas Cactus. I will have to do some more research to figure out which this one is. In the meanwhile..... I am sorry, I couldn't decide which to post so here are four of the shots.

As for my garden, while I feel like it is toast, there are still some blooms-- it is just sooooooooo soggy. My August Beauty Gardenia and the Adonis Blue Buddleia have been uprooted by the wind. Will have to see what I can do after the ground dries a bit more.

As for the rest of the garden, here is a sample of what is still blooming in spite of the storm.

Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) , Spiderwort (Tradescantia), Green ConeFlower (Rudbeckia laciniata)

Viburnum dilatatum 'Michael Dodge', Callicarpa americana Beautyberry, Forget-me-Not,Cynoglossum amabile
And last but not least--- the sun shining behind the Hydrangea paniculata.

Don't forget to go to Carol's webpage to see other Garden Bloggers' Blooms.


  1. I liked the second cactus bloom best; best representation.

    Lots of blossoms at your place. Happy Bloom Day.

  2. Janet - sorry you're so soggy. I hope there isn't too much damage. I love the blooms on your Thanksgiving Cactus -- I would have taken all those photos, too! I'm going to send your Moy Grande seeds next week. Maybe they can cheer you up!

  3. Lovely cactus blooms and I really like the hydrangea bloom too!

  4. I give thanks for the blooms on your Christmas Cactus! Ethereal.

  5. That is some beautiful Christmas cactus! Glad you still have some blooms and blossoms! I agree with Daffodil Planter...the cactus is etherial...

  6. Janet those are gorgeous shots of the cactus.

    Your cactus is almost certainly a Thanksgiving cactus -- the way to tell is that Christmas cactus segments are smooth and Thanksgiving cactus segments have hooks. Thanksgiving cactus bloom earlier too. Christmas cactus aren't really available commercially anymore either, which is a shame. Your cactus looks like it could be 'Thor Britt'.

    Here is a nice overview of the difference between the holiday cactus:

  7. You should be proud of those Christmas cactus pictures. They're great. Every so often I get a picture and wonder how it turned out so well.
    I'm glad you still have so much in bloom after all that water. Hope your two uprooted ones will be okay.

  8. Janet

    New Thanksgiving catus for me never seen that one. We have red and pink ones blooming right now too.

    Tradescantia I have recently grown very found of them, after going to a garden sale in Hillsborough, the garden there was full of all kinds, yet they only had two kinds for sale.

  9. I am happy that you too were able to find some blooms left in your garden. I personally like the second Holiday Cactus shot. They all look made of silk.

  10. I know what you mean about great photos. My husband is the photographer in our family. The other day, I was looking at some photos that I took, and he asked incredulously, "Did you take that?" I was both proud and irritated at the same time ;0)

    Your Christmas Cactus flowers - are just so beautiful.

  11. Hi Nell, thanks so much. The second one eh? It is a good one. Happy Bloom Day to you too.

    Hi Diana, we are soo very soggy. We have stuff that floated into the back of the yard and I don't want to walk back there yet.
    I look forward to getting the seeds! thanks!

    Hi Phillip, I am thrilled with this has been a great bloomer this year.

    Hi Robin, thanks! Nice thing about the PeeGee Hydrangea...blooms on new wood.

    Hi DP, wow! thanks. It is really something isn't it?

    Hi Lauren, I really like this Cactus. I am glad we still have blooms too.

    Hi Sweetbay, thanks so much for the info. I looked at the website and clipped it to my hard drive. Someone posted about the Christmas vs Thanksgiving cactus just recently...I can't remember who?!?!? Your info is most appreciated.

    Hi Catherine, Isn't it fun when you get a great photo? Time to pat ourselves on the back.
    I hope those two uprooted shrubs will be ok.

    Hi Randy, I have one that is red from my mom, this one is from my mother in law. The red one is just a small bud still.
    My Tradescantia virginiana has reseeded all over! I have/had Sweet Kate too, but she disappeared over the season. Hope for a reappearance next spring.

    Hi Les, I am glad too. It was good to be outside today in the sun! You are the second one to vote for the second shot. I love the blush of pink in the blossom.

    Hi Noelle, Great subject and good lighting and luck of the draw!! thanks so much.

  12. Oh, Janet, those cactus blooms are the bomb! I'm glad you posted them all ~ they each have something to share. My favorite is the last one tho. It's great you still have some blooms in the garden too.
    Hope you dry out soon.

  13. Hi Janet~~ For mid-November, not too shabby! I like how you captured the silkiness of the cactus blossom and that the background is black. Very well done. All the photos are well done, in fact.

  14. Hi Janet, I am glad you are okay after that torrential drenching. Amazing to have any flowers that could withstand that onslaught. So sorry for your uproots, hopefully they will recover once you can get them planted. The cactus shots are miraculous! You done good, kid! :-)

  15. Bummer on the uprooting. On the bright side that Christmas cactus is most lovely. I hope things dry out soon.

  16. That last picture is the most welcome of all! Hope your garden soon dries out so that you can get out there again, Janet. What a gorgeous Christmas cactus! I've never seen a white one so beautiful. Wishing you lots of sunshine.

  17. The cactus pictures are very cool - like a beautiful alien spaceship or something!

    Re: what you wrote on my blog - do your four-o-clocks NOT have an odor?? Maybe it's a color thing? The yellow ones smell great. Not as strong as moonflower, but sort of like a mix between that and honeysuckle... I'm moving mine to the bac of a bed next year, too. They are huge!!

  18. STill looking good, even with all that moisture. Your Ch. cacti is a great color. Thanks

  19. What gorgeous shots of your cactus blooms.It is amazing how sometimes you can catch the right angle and just the right light on an image that it just has you in awe. I snap pictures like crazy and sometimes get lucky at the least expected time and get a great shot.
    The hydrangea shot is a beauty too.

  20. Those Christmas cactus are ethereal and lovely! Best wishes for your garden to dry out. I hope your losses will be light so you won't have too many blank spots come spring.

  21. hi Kathleen, thanks, I am kind of partial to the last picture as well. We do have blooms and a lot of mud. Seaford is very swampy.

    Hi Grace, it is hard to believe it is midNovember! Not using the flash made the background black, kind of cool eh?

    Hi Frances, the furnace guy comes tomorrow, then we will know how we made out. I was planning on getting the shrubs replanted tomorrow. They didn't come out of the ground completely, just leaning at about a 45 degree angle and roots exposed.

    Hi Tina, It is a bummer for the Gardenia especially, was really doing well. Rain is in the forecast later this week. ?!!!!?

    Hi Rose, I was thrilled to see the sun! Thanks so much.

    Hi Ginger, I am glad you like my alien spaceship! ;-) Will have to check on the 4o'clocks.

    Hi Rosey, it looks good from a distance or really close. There is a lot of debris around still. Glad you like the cactus.

    Hi Lona, Thanks for the visit. Photography is magic sometimes!

    Hi VW, Not bad for a point and shoot on automatic! Appreciate the wishes to dry out. We need a lot of sunshine.


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