
Sunday, November 22, 2009

November's GGW Photo Entry 'The End of the Line'

Many of you know of the contest over at Gardening Gone Wild. The theme this month is 'The End of the Line'. I have contemplated which photo would be my best entry. After narrowing the choices down from a bazillion to 6 then to 4 I asked a few family members. The prefered choice was the one I kept going back to --- a rotten tomato and a mushroom. Isn't compost/decay really the end of the line? I think so too.

Here is my entry for 'The End of the Line'

The runners up were- my backyard (pre-storm) on a foggy morning

A view to the end of the creek

And the last one, the Coleman Bridge. While it is a cool picture, my daughter points out it doesn't lead to the end of the line, just to Gloucester!


  1. Oh I love the tomato pic - perfect! I took a similar pic last weekend and was going to use it with the phrase "living on borrowed time" in a post. We think alike!
    Good luck!

  2. Good luck with the photo! By the way, did you make the video about the remarkable trees book?

  3. You're right Janet what goes into the compost has got to be the end of the line. But then think of the whole new life it gives with the compost itself and all the new life it nourishes. OMG how I ramble and go off onto different subjects. Great pictures you took - my husband says "give her 2 choices and she's in trouble" and he's right I wouldn't have been able to narrow it down either.

  4. Janet that is a great picture and really speaks the end of the line. Did you ever think it would be so hard to pick just one picture ;-) I like the end of the creek too.Good luck on the contest!

  5. Hi Janet, came to see what the competition was doing. ;) Great shot! and the capture of the morning fog in your back yard is so quietly calming. Good luck to you. Diana

  6. Your family members are quite astute, that looks like a winner to me as well! Good luck on the contest. I thought this month's subject a little tricky. Loved the mushrooms! :-)

  7. This is great, Janet. You've captured beautifully the lines, the purpose of the lines [fruit] and what grew the lines [compost]. And all of this, crystal clear sharp! Way to go. I'm loving everyone's interpretations, aren't you?

  8. Hi Janet, I posted for the GGW contest right after don't worry, you're not last;-) I love your shot with the last colorful fruit still hanging on;-) Do you have a FB page? I read that you realized the contest ended today on FB. We should 'connect' there! I've got one too...just started it this month and have found so many old friends there, back to elementary's just crazy!! I put my blog on it too, in the 'networked blogs' section.
    Have a happy Thanksgiving;-)

  9. I love them all but the mushrooms were my fave. Good luck, Janet!

  10. Well to some people Gloucester is...

    I like your entry. The last tomato and the threat of decay the mushrooms allude to. Have a great week!

  11. All great picture, but I love your entry picture. Good luck!

  12. Hi Sweet bay, thanks! I like the details in the mushrooms.

    Hi Ginger, great minds think alike!

    Hi Phillip, thanks. No I found the video online when I was looking for something about the Remarkable Trees of Virginia.

    Hi Linda, compost rules! thanks.

    Hi Lona, good luck to you too. I didn't think it would be so hard to choose, guess it is the interpretation of 'The End of the Line'.

    Hi Di, thanks for stopping by, good luck to you as well. Fog is really interesting to try and photograph.

    Hi Frances, I have wonderful help! It is a tricky one this time. Good luck to you as well.

    Hi Grace, thanks so much. It is VERY interesting to see the different interpretations this time. I love yours.

    Hi Jan, I am looking at the Facebook network thing. Not sure if I want to go that route with my blog. Will wait til my lovely assistants are home and can help me out.
    Good luck with your photo.

    Hi Rosey, thanks, the mushrooms seem to be a good choice.

    Hi Les, well maybe some parts...
    thanks! You have a great week too.

    Hi Catherine, thanks, looks like that is a favorite choice.

    Hi Robin, thanks! Mushrooms are great.

  13. Hi Janet,

    There is an award for you on my blog. I hope that you will accept it but I won't be offended if you don't. You may have already received it, but you have been so supportive and I wanted you to know that I really appreciate it.

  14. Such a unique photograph. The contrast in the shapes draw me in. The color contrasts are also strong. I really like it. Good luck in the contest.

  15. That is a very striking image, especially with that 'down on yer knees' point of view.
    Well done. Good prospects I would have thought.

  16. Excellent photos...This has been a fun contest, we get to see all the End interpretations. gail

  17. simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  18. Morning Noelle, thanks so much for the award. I have a hard time choosing folks to send these to. Will contemplate how to post about it. Your blog has been lots of fun to read.

    Hi Teresa, thanks so much. keeping my fingers crossed. thanks for visiting.

    Hi Joco, the down on your knees view really changes things doesn't it?

    Hi Helen, thanks!

    Hi Gail, it has been fun to see all the interpretations.

    Hi Flyingstars, thanks!

  19. Great choice Janet! I love it. Good luck.

  20. Thanks Kathleen! Will keep my fingers crossed.


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