
Friday, November 20, 2009

November in the Learning Garden

Yesterday in the Learning Garden there was a lot of cleanup from the storm. Lots of leaves and limbs were down. After most of the raking was done for the day I walked around with my camera. Unfortunately I had some batteries that were on their last bit of power. Before the camera died I was able to get some nice pictures.

Here is the Camellia that Racquel spoke of. Turns out someone moved a sign and we thought it was Camellia japonica 'Mrs. Charles Cobb', which, if I thought about it I would have realized, too early for a japonica. It is an unnamed C. sasanqua at this point. As the bloom matures it turns pink. Both of these pictures are from the same shrub.

Another unknown pink Camellia that is in bloom now.

This ruffled double bloomed beauty is Camellia sasanqua 'Jean May'

A grouping of some White Oaks in our picnic area have a lovely array of lichen on them.

Amsonia hubrichtii

And for an autumn color portrait........

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Beautiful photos Janet! You have to love a flower that is a lovely white and then matures to sweet pink~~I have one camellia in the garden, a japanica. Isn't the amsonia a wonderful plant~~I keep adding more to the garden! have a great weekend, too! gail

  2. Gosh I so love double camellias! Simply wonderful. And that hubrecti you sure can't beat it. I wish we had a learning garden here. It sounds so nice and a good way to bring folks together.

  3. Piet Oudolf, guru of gardening, uses that Amsonia effectively and often. Saw it in the Lurie Garden in September. Fabulous texture and color...
    I want! ...No place for it :((

  4. I don't remember if I already told you...I stopped by the learning garden a month or two ago. It's very nice. Also, it's good that it's right next to the police station so they can help you get into your car if you happen to lock your keys in I did.

  5. Hello Janet,

    I absolutely love flowers that change color as they age. It is kind of like you get two different flowers for the price of one :)

  6. Wow, it's just gorgeous there! I love the Camellias!

  7. If you ever learn the name of that changling Camellia, I would love to know it.

  8. The Camellia sansaqua photos are great -- they seem to be flowering well this year and the buds on the C. japonicas are promising for winter. And that Amsonia --fabulous! Most of the ones here are looking much rattier now -- a wonderful plant, to be sure.


  9. Janet, your autumn portrait is so pretty! Camelias are gorgeous! And the color of that grass is so yellow, it almost hurts my eyes to look at it!

  10. Super-Gorgeous! I love those flowers..the color is so beautiful. Wonderful post! You have a beautiful blog..

  11. Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. House cleaning and company....

    Hi Gail, thanks, I love the photo of the white bloom. I am more and more enthralled with the amsonia, love the fall color! Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

    Hi Tina, I am a fan of double blooms...more punch, but that other Camellia is pretty nice too! The LG is a great place to share and learn from each other as well as the public.

    Hi Alice, oh, come on now....I am sure there could be a place for some amsonia... ;-)

    Hi Phillip, wish I can known you were coming down, could have given you the 10¢ tour! Can't believe you locked yourself out of your car! way to go. Still have a few plants sitting in my soggy driveway for you.

    Hi Noelle, very true, two for the price of one

    Hi Catherine, thanks, I am becoming more and more of a fan of Camellias. (sort of like roses and is prettier than the next!)

    Hi Les, geez..I was hoping you might know the name of said Camellia. Thought perhaps it came from you?!? Will have to dig further.

    Hi Sweet Bay, thanks so much!

    Hi Lisa, thanks, I look forward to all the Camellias throughout the season. Can't go wrong with Amsonia. Mine at home got battered by the storm last week.

    Hi Tatyana, glad you liked the portrait. I love how that maple stands out. (my camera batteries were gone when I got to the Amsonia, so I used my camera phone.)

    Hi Kiki, thanks for stopping by. Glad you like the photos. Please come back again.

  12. Glad the storm is gone! We've far enough out of the woods that we didn't have any damage.

    The camellias are so beautiful this time of year. Your photos are lovely.


  13. I do wish we could grow camellias here--these are so beautiful! Lovely autumn picture; good to see some fall color still hanging on. Hope all the storm damage clean-up is done so you can enjoy the beginning of the holiday season!

  14. Morning Cameron, I am glad this storm is over!! Lived here for years without storm issues. I think Camellias are wonderful.

    Hi Rose, sorry you can't grow Camellias, they aer such a treat this time of year. Storm cleanup goes on. The backyard might be dry enough to venture to the back to get branches that fell.

  15. Hi Janet, even with dying batteries, the camellias look amazing! The white is to die for, pristine and exquisite in its simplicity. The Amsonias are being added as fast as I can afford them. I have heard they both seed and run, so fingers are crossed for that mass effect like the one shown in your superb image. If I didn't have room for them, I would make room! HA :-)

  16. Hi Frances, thanks! Sure wish I knew which variety this Camellia was, maybe one day! There are a few varieties of Amsonia but my favorites are the Threadleaf.

  17. Oh, what a gorgeous array of camellias. Is this the "normal" time for blooming in your area Janet? I always thought they were early spring bloomers? I could be confused tho since I can't grow them here.

  18. Hi Kathleen, it is normal for the Camellia sasanquas to bloom in the late fall to winter. (I think of the sasanquas...bloom September or later and japonicas..bloom January)


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