Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Ospreys, some Seagulls and One Big Chicken- Wordless Wednesday


  1. Hey Janet, great photos! Love the one of the 'chicken'...LOL!

  2. Too funny! Great photos.

  3. LOL! I once had a cat that would sneak into the bathtub when anyone was taking a shower. He could open doors. He would scare me to death when the shower curtain started to move aside! He got at the far end, just out of the spray.


  4. LOL! You got me with the "chicken."

  5. The red marker reads [ 2 S ] .... Then there are two birds up there ... how nice.

    ~ bangchik

  6. ha. My dog does that when it thunders!

  7. Hi all- The osprey and the gulls are from our ferry ride on Sunday, forgot to add them to the post, so used them here. The last one, Skyler in the tub, was last evening. We had a big thunderstorm go through the area and he is VERY afraid of storms. Sometimes he goes into the bathroom and makes a nest with the bathroom rug, and sometimes he jumps in the tub. If it gets really bad he tries to dig under the rubber mat on the bottom of the tub. The other two dogs are unaffected by storms...guess he makes up for it --overtime!

  8. Great photos of the ospreys, the seagulls, and best, the 'chicken'. I have one too!

  9. Awwwww!

    The ospreys are really cool.

  10. The one of the cat is too funny. lol ;) My cat likes to hide behind the bathroom door & pounce you when you walk by.

  11. Racquel, that is Skyler, my goofy Australian Shepherd!
    Our cat used to like to pounce from hiding places.

  12. They always say you should go to the bathroom and get in the tub in case of a bad storm. Must have been listening.

    You will always live on the water huh? I don't blame you as it is fun, beautiful, and relaxing.

  13. Our Loretta goes to our windowless bathroom, pants, quivers and creates a puddle of drool to lie in.

  14. Evening Les, I long ago gave up trying to calm him down or get him out of the bathroom. If he is happy there, then he stays there until the storms pass. I I often wonder how he would have faired in Hurricane Isabel. (he was born in November afterwards)

  15. Hi Janet, what a sight are the eagles! Up close and personal too. And your dog in the tub is too cute, poor thing. Our cats are afraid of thunder too, and will slink off to their hidey holes before we have even begun to hear it. Thunder and the vacumn cleaner do it every time. Lucky for them I rarely use the latter, too busy in the garden. HA :-)

  16. Oops, I meant Ospreys! Need a nap, too much gardening in the heat. :-)


  17. HI Frances, I know about working in the heat...just came in myself, about to go back out for a few more minutes. Osprey are Sea Eagles, so either is a very broad sense.
    Skyler is afraid of thunder, vacuums (me too- seldomn in use! ) the Swiffer (I mean the cloth on a pole one), loves a ball, afraid of a frisbee, can't use a tennis racket to 'toss' the ball, etc. etc. -- You wonder if something happened when he was really young or in another life or if he is just wacko.


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