
Friday, May 1, 2009

Getting Ready for Our Plant Sale

Yesterday and today I am in the Learning Garden getting ready for our sale this weekend. We get a lot of donations from folks in the community, so the selection is always varied. In past years I obsessed about whether we had enough plants. Every year, it works out. So I am not getting too worked up this I getting wiser as I get older?!?!
After things were set up yesterday I walked around the garden with the camera. The Rhododendrons are starting to pop like popcorn. Each one is a new favorite as I walk through the Rhododendron section........

From the Rhodie section I went past our trellises that have lots of blooms.

The Chionanthus virginicus is in bloom for the sale...always a bonus!

And one of the Amsonia...

The various Aquilegia are also showing off-

Azaleas are also putting on a great show at this time... Beautiful settings...full of color.

One of my favorite azaleas is Rhododendron 'White Rosebud' ('Kehr's White rosebud')

I finished my walk through the Shade Garden... love the combination of foliage contrasts. Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' Spider wort and Polygontum odoratum 'Variegatum' Solomon's Seal.



  1. Very pretty! Good luck with the sale.

  2. Hi Janet, happy Mayday to you as well! The gardens look wonderful, all those vines blooming at once must be a fantastic show. That first rhodie is marvelous! Good luck with your sale. :-)

  3. I really love that rosebud rhodie. So pretty! Anything that is not a rose, but looks like one is good to me! good luck on the sale.

  4. The rhodies are great!!! You have a lot of good plants to sale....wish I could join in on the fun! Goodluck and have a great weekend

  5. K & V-- thanks! It is always nice to have people come into the garden, love showing it off.
    Frances- Happy May Day! The garden really puts on a show this time of year. The first Rhodie is 'New Ensign' one of my favorites...til I see the next. ;-)
    Tina- Isn't that rosebud gorgeous?
    DirtPrincess- We do have lots for sale, looking for a great turnout from the comminuty. You have a great weekend as well.

  6. Absolutely beautiful; I do love rhododendrons. Such delicately pretty, but hardy, blooms. Happy May Day to you, as well.

  7. Janet what gorgeous blooms. I love Rhoddy's and that white rosebud one is just gorgeous. Wow!

  8. I hope you make lots of coin for the garden. If you are still in the area for next year's sale, let me know if you need anything else to sell. I can usually come up with a couple of donations.

  9. Nancy, thanks. I am really enjoying these Rhodies this spring. We have a new person who has revitalized the Rhodie section...with great success.
    Lona, Isn't that white rosebud great?
    Phillip- Thanks!
    Les, thanks, I hope we do well also. Be careful what you offer :-D I will still be here through July. Wonderful offer. thanks.

  10. What a beautiful display just in time for the plant sale! I'll see you tomorrow. :)

  11. Hey Janet,

    Beautiful stuff!! Where is the sale?

  12. Racquel- Looking forward to it.
    Alan- sent you an email. Be fun if you could make it.

  13. Beautiful. I would come home with everything!

  14. Janet, your gardens are lovley! The second rhodie is gorgeous! As are they all of course. :) Good luck with your plant sale-wish I could come. Have fun meeting Racquel.

  15. Janet...Just gorgeous rhodies and Chionanthus! I could sit on the wooden bench for hours looking at the flowers and day dreaming...I probably would be pulling weeds if I saw any to tell the truth! Good luck with the sale. gail

  16. Ginger, thanks, it was hard not to buy stuff! We had lots of nice plants.
    Beckie, thanks, I did some checking, the first Rhodie is 'Blue Ensign' and the second one is 'Solidarity', can't find the name of the third one.
    It was really fun meeting Racquel. I was really tickled she and her husband came to the Learning Garden.
    Gail, I am a big fan of the Chionanthus. It really puts on a great show in the spring. We are a compulsive lot when it comes to seeing weeds aren't we! ;-)
    The sale went very well! Thanks for all the well wishes from each and every one of you!

  17. A lovely selection of plants and an excellent post,



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