
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Colorful Container Combos- Wordless Wednesday

April 18, 2009

April 29, 2009

April 23, 2008

April 25, 2007

May 12, 2006


  1. Love your combos! You'll have to enter the Fine Gardening Mag container garden contest!


  2. Oh, so beautiful! It is fun to see how all the plants turn from little things to such beauties!

  3. Thanks Cameron, you are very kind. I have looked at Fine Gardening for inspiration on containers. Like when they have a challenge of an herb, an annual, a perennial, a shrub, etc. all in one!
    Tatyana- It is amazing how much the containers grew in one week. I was amazed.

  4. pretty! love the one with the pinky hues!

  5. Great looking container combos Janet! I love that first one withe the burgundy Coleus & variegated Hosta.

  6. Hi Susie-- I am not surprised that you like that one, I did too. Need to repot the Cordyline 'Red Sister' and cut it to reroot it as well.
    Thanks Racquel- The one at the top (rather the two at the top) are this year's combo. I am looking forward to seeing how it matures.

  7. Janet, what beautiful container combinations. I love the lime greens and burgundy combinations.

  8. Janet...Excellent container combinations...I am terrible at this and need all the ideas I can get! Thank you! gail

  9. Hi Lona, thanks! I like each for different reasons /colors.
    Gail, I have fun with containers. Think I have improved over the years.

  10. I must be seeing things! Is the second picture the same container as the first picture just 11 days later?? I LOVE the colors and textures! You have an eye for combining those things!

  11. Ginger,
    It is amazing isn't it? I went back and double checked the digital date imprint...April 18, then April 29! I like using lots of color and foliage interest.

  12. Oh so pretty! I especially like the first one with the profusion zinnias and the wispy grass.

  13. Janet,
    Got to be the best container gardens I've seen in some time! You certainly make them into art. Thanks for sharing these.

  14. Beckie- thanks so much.
    Randy- WOW thanks! you are most kind.

  15. Wow--you really did container gardening proud! I love them all.

  16. Very very pretty! Love the hosta in the container with the heucheras. I think sometimes it is best to grow hostas this way-no voles! Have a good night Janet.

  17. Janet, I was here earlier today and 'drooled' over your container's and forgot to leave a message! I've had them in my mind all day...because I have a bunch of containers I want to plant but am stumped as to how to go about it! You're a master gardener, so you have some background knowledge...I have NONE! I love the choices you've made, and each year it's just a little different. All of them are so pretty though.

    I also want to ask you to visit my blog and go down to the bottom, so you can pick up a friendship award from me. It is the first one I ever got so it's special to me...the one in (Spanish, I think) means something special re: friendships. SO, please copy and paste it-I would really love you to have it!


  18. Anna- Thanks so much. I tickle myself when I get them together.
    Tina- You are right, the voles drive me crazy. I know these hostas will not be eaten.
    Jan- What a nice honor, thank you so much for this award.
    I am not sure that being a Master Gardener is why I have this kind of containers. There are some things to think about when putting a container together... one school of thought is- thrill, fill, spill. I also try to remember to do something tall, and try to find something that is not relying on just bloom color for the punch of color. Fine Gardening has container contests and I have looked at a number of them to see what appeals to me. The pink container was fun to put together-- got the Ti plant, then looked for plants that had similar colors in it. In the containers I try to stay to just a few colors.
    wow- I didn't want to sound preach-y. Just have fun with it!

  19. I really enjoyed the beauty in the containers. I hate to call them "pots" because we used to have a pot, pot, in our bedroom during world war two.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on the Blue Herons.

  20. Hi Abe, thanks, I hear you--not pots but container! :D
    I have a few posts on Great Blue Herons...though none of my photos are as nice as yours.

  21. They really are good and you should enter them in the Fine Gardening contest.

    I came over to flush your toilet while you are showering so the water runs cold. Since it wasn't right to change my blog on you while you were posting then I figured why not pull one more trick.

  22. Anna, you are pretty funny! A bit of a late night prankster. Thanks again for the comment about my containers. The ones this year just keep getting better and better.

  23. Hi Janet, I love them all, but that first mix of colors is so unique and mysterious, it has to be my fave! :-)

  24. Thanks Frances, I will have to take some photos later in the season to show how it has matured.


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