
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Semi Wordless Wednesday -- Bear with me or because I am nothing if not persistent

Here is Mr. Bear from last night.

And have to quote Sharp-shootin' Susie here- "I was out on my deck sweet talking to that bear, maybe 30 feet away from him. He couldn't have cared less about me. I was so excited I had to remember to take pictures!"

Both of these had to be lightened a bit to see the bear.


  1. Wow! I'm speechless. What a photo op that was!

  2. Janet, I had to click on your bio to double check exactly where you're located. Virginia, huh? And you've got bears roaming your woods? Kind of scary. I bet you don't do much camping in the backyard. Great pictures!

  3. Hi Nancy- Yes what a photo op indeed! Still not sure if I would have tried to talk to the bear while taking its picture1
    Grace- This is from my friend Susie in New York. While there are some black bear around the area- not in my immediate area! wow!

  4. Janet, she is a LOT braver than I would have been. Big bear!

  5. I had to back up and read the previous post cause I knew you did not have bears in Virginia--at least--don't think so in the Tidewater area. I'm afraid for your friend. What's to stop him from crashing through the door?

  6. beckie- She is a brave woman! A little crazy too. ;-)
    Anna- Nope this is my buddy Susie who lives in NY. We do have black bears in the Dismal Swamp and sometimes one will roam a little far.
    Susie says a BB gun will stop I said, she's brave and a bit crazy.

  7. Bear with you indeed! What an encounter!

  8. Tina- Truly a wild encounter!
    Victoria and Kim- Fun as long as you aren't out walking the dogs!

  9. Good grief, your friend Susie is too brave for her own good! Bears are to avoided, I was taught as a girl scout leader in PA. Stay away from them, not get closer. I do want to say from the previous post, that crapola is one of my favorite words. We like to say crapola Lola for maximum effect. :-)

  10. Good grief. I would be afraid to go outdoors after dark and would be looking over my shoulder in the daytime. Would get nothing done :)

  11. Frances- I like it! Crapola lola. Could easily be added to my lexicon at any given moment. So what area of PA? I went to Shippensburg for college.
    Lona- I would be sure to make my dogs take a quick walk and not dilly dally after dark.

  12. Yikes I would've been wordless too! Great pictures though!!!

  13. I just wanted to say Crapola lola!

  14. thanks Catherine -- I will pass on the accolades to Susie.
    Anna- well go ahead and say it loud!!

  15. I had read that bears were lively in upstate NY! We stay clear of them when visiting TN parks! Great shots tho! gail

  16. Thanks Gail, credit a steady hand on one brave soul.

  17. Wow, I can see I missed a couple of exciting posts! I read the last one and this--can't believe she has this wildlife in her yard...and possibly a coyote? It seems more like something from the Wild Wild West...not NYC!!
    At first I did think this was your own yard, but I'm glad to know it isn't!
    I like your new photo you've added to blotanical;-)

  18. Hi Jan, glad you got to see these photos of the bear! It does sound like something other than just outside of NYC!
    I am glad you like my new is from Thanksgiving.


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