
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Multiple updates- prunings, transplants and blooms

Back in February I posted a dilemma as to whether I should prune my rose bush/ Clematis/ Passion Flower combination that is growing on the swing set. In this post I lamented about the birds having a place to perch and hide near the feeders. I was made aware of the Gulf Fritillary butterflies needing the Passiflora incarnata. Well, I trimmed down all the Passiflora but didn't Round up the cut ends. I will probably be sorry later in the season. I have nowhere else to put the vine that wouldn't get into the waterways.
So after many rose thorns and lots of tug-of-war struggles with the vines I went from this---

to this-

I didn't stop there- I have a Carolina Jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens. I first put it on the side of the house, behind the elephant ears, Colocasia ssp. that grow very happily. The vine wanted more sunlight. As you can see, it moved around the corner of the house to reach for more light. Since it was going into the gutter, I needed to move it.

After looking around the yard, I found a great place for it to grow as large as it wants.

So now I will have more seasonal color on the wooden swing set.

Additional updates-- I bought seeds and some bulbs at the Maymont Home and Garden Show.. The lettuces are growing and the hyacinths and tulips are finally blooming. Here is the container I did of the tulips, hyacinth, crocus, and a Veronica repens. The tulip is Tulip "New Design" and is variegated and the hyacinth is Hyacinth "Chestnut Flower". Both flower colors are pinkish and quite sweet.

Last but not least is the lettuce crop-- Red Romaine and Red Sails. I have them in windowbox planters. For convience sake they are on the deck, also away from the bunnies as I have them perched on an upside down planter. I will thin them some more-- hard to do sometimes as I am happy for such germination.


  1. I do hope the thorns did not get you too badly. I say pull the passionflower once you find some seedlings elsewhere, which I am sure you will. That way you won't have to worry about it anymore. I think that jessimine will be most happy on the swingset, but I have to ask-no one uses the swingset?

  2. Hi Tina,
    Yes I think I will continue to pull the passionflower. It is certainly persistant! I hope the jessimine is happy there on the swingset. I was lucky to have moved it right before a good soaking rain. The answer to the question is no, no one uses the swingset anymore. My two lovelies are graduating this May, one from undergrad and the other from grad school.

  3. Hi Janet, great idea with the jessamine. Ours wants to eat the gutters too, I have to constantly cut it away. Your bulbs look wonderful and the lettuce delicious! I would have a hard time thinning to too.

  4. thanks Frances, after seeing a Carolina on a friend's post and seeing the size of the trunk, I knew I needed to move mine while it was still of a size that was managable. I can't wait for the lettuce to be ready to eat.

  5. Janet,
    That hyacinth is beautiful never seen one like that. Your pruning should encourage more growth, so don't worry.

  6. Good idea to give that CJ some more space to spread her wings. I love your new Hyacinth & Tulips, very pretty. It's hard for me to thin the lettuce too. ;)

  7. Stay safe today, you have a lot of bad storms in the area. They passed our way early morning and dropped some glorious rain. I love this rain every other day scenario. So much better than last year.

    Your bulbs are pretty and looks like you got happy vines. I don't think the honeysuckle I just bought is very aggressive. I don't mind trimming daily if I have to. I want the blooms.

  8. Your lettuce looks GREAT! I find it hard to thin, too. At least you can eat lettuce thinnings!

  9. I'd be hanging a porch swing on that swing set and have myself a nice lemonade while sitting in the garden! :-)


  10. Randy- thanks, I really like the hyacinth..neat being a double. I know the pruning is a good thing. Those roses really got large.
    Racquel- I am hoping the Gelsemium sempervirens will bloom this year, I did see a few buds!
    Anna- The weather was certainly wild today! Word on the local news that a twister was spotted in the area. Except for the mud, I appreciate the rain.
    Ginger- True eating the thinnings makes it easier to thin.
    Cameron- That would have been a good I have too many plants under it.


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